The conversation revolves around Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has served at the National Institutes of Health for over 50 years, and is preparing to transition into a new phase of life without retiring. Dr. Jennifer Ashton provides insights into Fauci's vitality and longevity secrets as she explores his daily routine, which includes healthy living, maintaining a sense of purpose, and staying physically active. Fauci credits his energy to his active career, family life, and perhaps genetics, as his father lived into his 90s. Despite his busy schedule, his wife, Dr. Christine Grady, has been a crucial support system, helping him maintain balance during the COVID-19 pandemic. Fauci, who remains fit and alert, enjoys hobbies such as reading and sports, and he is eagerly anticipating becoming a grandfather. Though stepping away from his NIH role, Fauci plans to stay engaged with other pursuits, emphasizing that he is not moving into retirement but into a new chapter. The segment closes with remarks from the hosts about Fauci's iconic status in the medical community and appreciation for his contribution to public health.