Speaker 1: What up guys, Jordan Steen, Serial Entrepreneur here for another episode for you YouTube followers. And in this episode, we're going to talk about strategies that you need to be aware of to increase customer attention. This is how you get customers to keep coming back and back and back and back and paying you that money. And it's important because again, if you're trying to keep customers for the long term, instead of going out and consistently finding new business, which is way harder than keeping current customers you already have, then you're going to want to pay attention to these eight strategies that we put together for you. So here we go. Let's do it. All right, guys, so I hope you enjoyed that intro. Like I said, we're going to talk about some strategies to increase customer retention. All right. So the first strategy we're going to talk about, and you guys are actually going to maybe I'll bet you I would be willing to bet that there's going to be some comments down below about this first strategy because of the fact that unfortunately, I was not able to get all of the Serial Entrepreneur brand names. But the first one is be easy to find, be easy to find. The reason why you want to be easy to find is because when someone goes from one platform to another, they should be able to find whatever business that is that you're trying to promote to promote on any channel that they're looking on, whether it's Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, your website, like any other platform that you can possibly think of. I'm sure I'm missing some like Tumblr. I don't know. You guys get what I'm trying to say. Basically you just want to be easy to find. Now here's the thing. Like I said, with my channel, we don't even have all of the same branding yet. We're working on acquiring those names. Sometimes you have to buy them out. Sometimes you can't just, you know, get on there and claim the name because it's already taken. So if that does happen, look, you're just going to want to get something as close as possible to your original title. Like for example, with mine, it's Serial Entrepreneur. So at Instagram, we did Serial underscore Entrepreneur. At Twitter, we did Serial on Trip because you actually can't even do Entrepreneur because Twitter's dumb and they don't let you do more than like six characters for a name. So, but you guys get what I'm saying. You have to make it easy for them to find you because again, if you're, if it's difficult, then that adds that kind of negative brand connotation to your brand, right? When you make it painful for someone to find your brand online, then they're not going to go searching for you. They're not going to spend extra time searching for you unless they just absolutely need it, which if it's a new customer or if it's a new viewer, then you're just going to have a hard time getting that person to your other channels. And again, it's because of the fact that you're not the same and consistent across all of your platforms. So first thing, really just be easy to find. Don't make it difficult for people to find you because if you're trying to sell you or if you're trying to sell your brand or your product or service, you want it to be easy. Okay. Plain and simple. So now strategy number two is pretty straightforward as well. Number two is going to be create a list of brand influencers or ambassadors. So brand influencers or ambassadors. All right. And basically what this does, you guys might've noticed that I've got stuff that I've done with Billie Jean. I've got, uh, like last week I did an interview with Jeremy Adams, who is a co-founder with Maxwell Finn at Unicorn IQ or Unicorn. I believe they said nation. I can't remember. They just changed their name or their branding. They're working on getting into Unicorn nation, stuff like that. But anyways, you guys get what I'm trying to say. I'm working with other influencers. I've done videos with Mark himself, Mark Gajeta. He's a guy who does, you know, digital marketing as well. He runs an agency. Um, and I'm working on building more partnerships, more basically content collaborations with other influencers because of the fact that again, the more exposure you're able to get, the more authority you can add to your brand by working with other people in the industry that you are working in or that your product or services involved in the more credibility again, that it adds to your brand, which means more authority, more trust, which means again, more that you're likely to get that customer or that viewer to start purchasing from you and trusting that you are what you say you are. You're an expert at what you say you're an expert at, which means again, they're going to come back if they need more info, more help, more products or services like what you offer. I'm telling you, that's like the key. One of the keys at least to getting those people to come back again and again. Oh, and just one quick thing. If you haven't seen that video yet, you should definitely check it out. Billie Jean, one of the gurus of marketing actually did a review on my digital marketing course. We'll leave a link for it up here, I believe, or it might be up there. It's one of these two quarters. You'll see a card pop up. If you want to see that video that Billie Jean did about my course where he actually did a review, he went through my entire course and did a review. You can just click that really quick and go check out and see what he said. The third thing that we're going to talk about or the third strategy to making sure that you get better attention with your customers is to set up alerts and listening tools. What this does, for example, Google Alerts allows you to get alerts on specific content. If you follow real estate, digital marketing, social media marketing, e-commerce, whatever it is, if you're a lawyer, whatever, if you follow a specific industry or want updates or news in a specific industry about specific topics, go check out Google Alerts. It'll send you alerts and email every single day on the top content that's being released right now. That way, you're always on top of most current trends. The other thing is listening tools. For example, with Hootsuite or Sprout Social, we actually use Hootsuite, and if you want a free 30-day trial, I believe that Hootsuite still offers that free 30-day trial, but you better hurry because they do take it away occasionally. We'll leave a link below for that Hootsuite 30-day trial, but they offer a listening tool. For example, with Twitter, you can set up your Twitter feed and set up listening tools for a specific keyword. If someone types in, like for me, we do social media marketing. When people include social media marketing inside their tweets, then we're able to track that person and say, hey, okay, cool. We're going to respond to that person and see if we're able to provide some valuable information to them. You're always responding to people that are interested in your product or service or niche as soon as they're writing something about it. That's the most proactive way that you can get on top of getting new followers and getting new people towards your business. If you're letting other, because trust me, the competitors are doing this, the competitors are getting those people who are writing stuff about those topics and they're responding to them. Why? Because it gets their name in front of those people and, again, brings more people back to your content, your business, your products and services. Number three, super important. All right, guys, so the fourth little trick, and this one's actually a really unique one that you definitely need to do. A lot of people don't do this. They think, oh, well, I set it up and it's automated now, so I don't really have to take care of it. Don't rely on automated posts only. The reason why is because people can tell when it's a post that you've scheduled, right? They start to lose that attachment to your brand or to your business when you only post like automatically posted type stuff. You guys have actually probably seen my channel where we do this on Facebook and definitely YouTube, stuff like that, where you schedule stuff manually. The reason why is because they can tell that you did it right then, and it's just much more personable. It feels more like it's that person rather than a computer posting that thing. The reason why that's important is because people don't like to engage with computers or technology. They like to engage with other people. By posting some of your posts manually, it brings back people and says, okay, he's still a real person or she's still a real person. It's not just a computer posting everything, so it makes them feel like they're able to approach you. Whereas, if it's just a computer, a computer isn't really approachable, it's a computer. If you leave it to where only computers do it, you're not going to get as great of engagement, but if you do some of the posts sometimes and you get engaged and you get involved and post just random stuff that you're doing some of the time, you're going to have a lot better engagement on your page. Number five is to develop platform-specific content. What I mean by that is you shouldn't post the exact same thing that you're posting on Facebook to Instagram. Instagram, your caption should be a lot shorter, more emojis should be used, Twitter, even shorter than that. You only have so many characters that you're limited to, YouTube, completely different from all of those, Snapchat, you have the whole swipe up feature and you have the text that goes on top of the actual image or video. It's completely different, so you should cater your content to each platform. That's why when we create content, especially with Serial Entrepreneur, we create a separate post for each one and then I have my copywriter and my designer create different formatting and copy sets for each type of platform. Let's throw in email to the mix, completely different from all of those. Again, the reason why we do this is because each platform is different. People engage differently on each platform, so you shouldn't expect them to vibe as well as they do with your Facebook content if you're posting that Facebook content on Instagram. Does that make sense? Just create platform specific content. Make sure that the copy, the images, the video, whatever you're using is specific to that platform. Oh, and before we get on to number six, seven, and eight, I got to tell you guys, you have to do this. There's a subscribe button right below. You're definitely going to want to click that because we do all kinds of updates. We're one of the fastest growing channels on YouTube. Just trust me, when it comes to digital marketing, creating a personal brand, e-commerce, whatever it is you're trying to sell. If you're trying to sell it online, this is the best channel with the best content for you guys. We create it just for you. We do it out of the kindness of our hearts. This doesn't really make us any money. YouTube, we might make 200 to 300 bucks a month. It's not a lot. Just do me a favor, hit that subscribe button and follow all of this content. We do it for you guys. Then, next to that subscribe button, after you hit that, hit that notification bell so that way you can get all the updates on when we release this content, but let's get back to it. Number six. This is actually probably, in my opinion, the most important thing to building customer retention and keeping people engaged and really loving your brand is engage in real time. What I mean by this is when people leave you comments or when they write you messages, you should be pretty quick to respond. You guys have actually probably noticed if you've ever sent me a message or left me a comment, I'm usually pretty quick about responding. The reason why is because, number one, it is exhausting, I'll tell you that, but it's worth it because I know that if I do it, then you guys come back again and again. I do it usually pretty much within the first 24 hours that you guys leave a comment or write a message or post. If I've done this for you, if you're watching right now and I've responded to one of your comments or messages, leave a comment below saying yes and let me know that I've done that for you. If I haven't, leave a comment below saying no and tell me that I haven't and I'll make sure to figure out where you left me a comment and try and get a response to you as quickly as possible. But guys, this is the most important thing because if they're going to ask you a question, they want to hear an answer. They're not asking the question so you just throw a like on it. That's what I see so many times happen is people just like it and they don't respond to the question. It's like, well, they asked you something, you should respond, which I understand for people like maybe Tai Lopez or Gary V. These guys have millions and millions of followers and probably thousands if not tens of thousands reaching out to them on a day to day basis. So here's kind of my plan as I try to reach that level of success or that level of visibility with a bunch of different people. My goal is going to be to hire people who are just as good at what I do or maybe not as good but pretty close to as good at what I do to respond to you guys's questions on my behalf. And I'll make sure, you know, I'm going to personally vet these people and make sure that they're qualified. And the reason why is because I realized how important it is to have someone sitting there and responding to these questions and concerns you guys have. That's one thing I feel like Tai Lopez does a terrible job at. He never gets back to people and even some of these people with smaller followers who have only like 10,000, 20,000 followers. They're not responding to these people. I realize my channel is only at 5,000 subscribers, you know, that's only a quarter. But even if we were to quadruple what I'm doing now or getting now, I could easily still respond to all of those things that people are having. Now I wouldn't say that it wouldn't take a bunch of time out of my day, I'm not saying that it wouldn't be difficult, but I can make sure that it happened. And if I couldn't, again, my goal is to make sure that I hire someone when I reach that point that's going to be able to answer those questions for you guys because I realize how important it is for you guys to get the help right when you need it, not 25 days later. And if I haven't responded to you guys, you know, ever before, I truly am sorry. It's not on purpose. It's not intentional. I'm only one person and I only have so much time in a day. But again, leave me a comment below. And if you have something that I have missed before, leave that comment and let me know so that way I can get back to you. All right, so number seven and another pretty easy one to do. It's related more to number five, where we talk about content specific to each platform. But basically, guys, you just have to understand that tone is different for each social media platform or email marketing or your website. The tone is going to be completely different how you engage with those people and how you speak to them, the type of conversation you have, or even just the simple language or verbiage that you use on each platform might be a little different. Like for example, with Instagram, it's a little more casual. Email might be a little more professional. Facebook is going to be that casual but can still have that professional feel as well. So it just depends on what platform you're working on but just keep that in mind as you move forward that you shouldn't try and speak the exact same way on each platform. Like I mentioned, like for example, Instagram has more emojis where Facebook doesn't. Does that make sense? So tone is super important for you guys to keep in mind. Okay, guys, so for the eighth and final tip of strategies for retention is just to create a customer onboarding process. Now all this is, is for example, a set of Facebook ads or an email automation or something like that that walks a new customer through the process of working with your business or with your product or service. So for example, with my school, we send them an email automation that tells them, hey, if you need to find information about our mentorship course, you can check that out here. If you want to see stuff about consultations with Jordan, you can check that out here. If you haven't liked us on our Facebook, Instagram, blah, blah, blah pages here. If you need or if you have questions about the course, send us a message here. But basically all it does is it lets that person know where they need to go if they have more questions after purchasing your product. So again, this is going to build an amazing amount of trust and a better relationship with that customer. So that way, again, when they, when they purchase that product and they feel uncomfortable with something, they get to come back to you and say, hey, this is all I need help with. And then you walk them through that process again, building that relationship and building that trust. You can do this with Facebook ads, Instagram ads, email automations. You can do it with a YouTube video, you can do it all kinds of different ways, but I recommend having some sort of onboarding process for your clients or for your brand, for your business, whatever it may be. So that way these people feel again, more in tune with what you're doing. And again, it's going to bring them back every single time they want to get a new product or a new service from you. So guys, that's it for the eight strategies. It's really not that complicated, but you should definitely be aware of how they all work and you definitely need to implement them into your marketing processes. So that way you, again, just really build that trust and build that relationships. That way people learn to love your product or service. It's all about getting those raving fans because the more raving fans you're able to get for your business or for your product or service, the less actual money you need to spend on ads to get new customers, which again, increases your ROI and lowers that cost of acquisition or cost per acquisition for any new customers that you're trying to bring on. And they pretty much do the talking for you. There isn't really much more to it than that. So if you guys want more videos like this, all you got to do is click that subscribe button, click the notification bell next to it, and you'll get all the videos that we release. Outside of that, check out our channel and just scroll through the videos or our playlist because we have tons of playlists on there about digital marketing, internet marketing, running a business, entrepreneurship, all kinds of stuff there that you can get tons of free content and value from. And then there will be some links in the description where you can sign up for some of our funnels or whatever you want to call them or refer to them as. But we send out tons and tons more valuable content via our email automations and that content right there, I mean, we get tons of compliments on a regular basis saying, Hey, this was great. I didn't even know this. So if you guys are looking for tons and tons more free content, seriously, just click one of those links below, get involved outside of that, guys, I'm going to head out of here. I hope everything in this video was good for you. If it was, just throw a like on this video and let other people know how great it was. But until next time, guys, Serial Entrepreneur out. Later. Ready to start living the six-figure, work wherever, be your own boss lifestyle? Well, at Serial Entrepreneur Academy, we'll teach you how to use a laptop and internet to start your own social media and digital marketing agency. Get started with our free Facebook ads training. Links in the description below, guys. See you in the course. Serial Entrepreneur out. Serial Entrepreneur out.
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