Boost Engagement with Top Video Caption Services: Free and Paid Options Reviewed
Discover how adding captions can enhance your videos' watch time and engagement. Explore the best free and paid video caption services to find the right fit.
Best Video Caption Services (For Social Media Videos)
Added on 10/01/2024
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Speaker 1: Did you know that 85% of videos on Facebook are watched without sound? 85%. Adding captions to your videos can increase watch time, engagement, and they can actually help you in search results as well because the closed captions become searchable. In this video, I'm going to review the best video caption services that I've used, including both free and paid options. All right, let's get into it. Hey, welcome to 5-Minute Social Media, where we help overwhelmed business owners become streamlined entrepreneurs by helping them eliminate up to 80% of the social media tasks they were wasting time on while increasing results. If that sounds like something you'd like in your business, take a second, hit subscribe, click that bell. That way you'll be notified each week when we come out with another helpful video. My name is Jerry Potter. Yes, it rhymes with the boy wizard. And in this video, I'm sharing some of the best video caption services that I've used, along with helping you decide which one is the best for you. I'm going to show you my favorite paid tool for if you need captions just all the time, or if you only need them occasionally, because those are two different tools. And I'm going to show you a great free way to generate closed captions for your videos. All right? The first tool that I like to use for people that need captions all the time, which I am in that camp, is called Searchy. So Searchy does a lot of great things. So Searchy gets its name because it's not only a place to get captions and to host your videos, like you would on Vimeo or YouTube or another video site like that, but it makes a search engine for all of your videos. So on the backend, I can search all the videos that I've made around, for example, a Facebook business page, and I can find every time that there's a title with Facebook business page, or if I mentioned it in a video. So it searches the captions. That's part of why their captions are so good. You can also have them searchable on the front end. So in our 5-Minute Social Academy, if somebody's looking for help with a Facebook business page, they can go right into the membership and get the same search results out of all the videos they have access to as a member. So with any of these videos, the first thing you're going to do is upload the video. So I hit Add Media here. Then I'm going to hit Upload, drag the video that I want. So I'm using this captions test video for all of them, and hit Upload, and off it goes. Now while we're waiting for that to upload, I want to show you something else here in Searchy, is it will also connect to lots of other services. So if you do a Facebook Live, you can automatically import it into Searchy to then get captions for it or make it searchable. Same thing if your video is on Google Drive or Dropbox, OneDrive. If it's a Zoom video, you can import your podcast automatically and add captions. Once your video is uploaded, I'm going to click on it, and the captions should have already been generated. They refer to them as transcriptions. So down here at the bottom, I'm going to click Edit Transcriptions. And as I said, the accuracy is pretty good. All right, so when you copy somebody more successful's social media strategy, but if you're uptight like I am sometimes, you might want to go through and make sure that the right words are capitalized, or if maybe occasionally it doesn't get something exactly right. In our next option, I'll show you how you can have a human do your captions. But if you are doing a ton of video and you want to have them captioned, this is a great way to do it because you pay one flat fee and you basically get all of them captioned. Once you're ready and you wanted to add it to, like so your video will already be here in Searchy with captions, but let's say you wanted to add it to your Facebook video or your YouTube video or anywhere else, come here to Download, and you can download a text file. So this would be if you wanted to take it and then maybe put it in as a blog post. A CSV file or an SRT file, and this is the captions file that most caption services will let you upload. And so when you upload it, not only is it adding the words to your video, but it actually has everything timed out so that the words show up on the screen as you're saying them. So Searchy pricing starts at $29 a month, and that gives you five hours of uploads per month, along with some other things. Now if you only need captions occasionally and you want a human to review them, I really like Rev. It is set up so that you actually pay per minute for the video. So if a video was four minutes, for example, at this rate for captions, it's $1.25 per minute here in the United States, then it would be $5 to get that four-minute video captioned. The other great thing about Rev, though, is for this $1.25 per minute, you're getting it accurately checked because it's done by a human. So they guarantee 99% accuracy by human professionals for your video. Or if you don't care about the human part, they'll do a rough draft. They say it's 80% accurate, a machine-generated transcript for $0.25 per minute. So either of those are options. This just might mean that they're not as accurate as you'd like. So just like with any of these services, it uploads and processes your video. So it shows us this captions test video, five minutes long, so it is going to be $1.25 because it's $0.25 per minute. You would just go through and check out. Now if you're having a human do your captions because they're more accurate in Rev, then it usually is done within 24 hours, although I've had it come back in as little as an hour before. But if you're using the computer-generated ones, which they say are 80% accurate, as you can see, took three minutes, and here it is. I click that. I do have the option to go in here and edit them, if I want to, just like I did in Searchy. And then once they're exactly the way that I want them to be, I can hit Download, and there's that SRT file again. You're going to hit Export, and it gives you that file that then you can upload to wherever your video is being hosted. Now for my YouTube videos, I don't want to pay to have to go through them afterwards, so I pay the rate to have a human transcribe them. That's just worth it for me. But I'll show you one other thing that I love about Rev. It doesn't have as many options as Searchy did, but it does directly connect to YouTube and Vimeo. And so I can, for my YouTube channel, and you can do the same, I can click YouTube. It's connected to my channel. It will bring up all of my videos. I can click on one, add it to the cart, and because it's the YouTube integration, they actually give a slight discount. So it's $1.10 a minute instead of $1.25 a minute. Nothing huge, but the great part is it will go through and do the captions for you. Then it will automatically, see this check mark down here? It will automatically deliver the files back to YouTube. So that's just another little time saver, which is really neat. Finally, if you want a free option to generate captions for your videos, just do it here on YouTube. I haven't found them to be quite as accurate as the other tools that I mentioned, but if you are on a shoestring budget, you've got time to go in and edit them yourselves, the YouTube option is amazing. Then you can download them to use on other platforms. So to use YouTube's caption generator, you would just upload a new video, and after it has been uploaded and YouTube has processed the video, you can go to the Edit the Video screen, click on the left here where it says Subtitles, and there are going to be some that have been automatically generated, if it's done its thing, and you can duplicate them, edit them if you want to, or if you're using them somewhere else, you can click on Options right here, the three dots, hit Download, choose that SRT file, and now you've got captions that you can use on other sites. So for example, wherever you got your captions from, whether you downloaded from Searchy or Rev or from YouTube itself, you can go here, for example, here's a video I just uploaded to Facebook, and I can come over here on the side and choose Captions, and Facebook has an auto-generated captions tool as well that you can try. You just turn that on, it'll auto-generate them, and you can edit them. But if you've got more accurate ones from somewhere else, you're just going to go Upload, you see it says Use SubRip SRT Files, you would just upload them, and then they would be added to this video so that if people don't have the sound on, they still know what you're saying in your videos. Alright, I hope you found those options helpful. I've included my links in the description of this video for each of those, and if this video was helpful, let me know by giving it a like, leave a comment, I love to read the comments. You're not only supporting me, but also my two tiny superheroes at home. And if you're looking for more help growing your business with social media, check out the video on the screen right now.

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