Comprehensive Guide to ATA Certification: Process, Exam, and Benefits
Explore ATA's certification program, exam format, evaluation criteria, and benefits. Learn how to register and prepare for the exam to become a Certified Translator.
What is ATA certification
Added on 09/28/2024
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Speaker 1: Hello, I'm David Stevenson, Chair of the Certification Committee of the American Translators Association. This video is intended to provide a broad overview of ATA's certification program, which administers exams designed to identify professional-level translation skills in specific language pairs. Other videos about specific aspects of the certification exam can be found right here on ATA's YouTube channel. If you are considering taking the exam, be sure to check them out.

Speaker 2: What is ATA certification?

Speaker 1: ATA certification is one of the translation industry's most respected and recognized credentials. Passing the certification exam is a way for experienced professional translators to demonstrate that they meet certain standards recognized within the translation profession. Individuals who are ATA certified are entitled to use the designation CT for Certified Translator. They can also use an ATA-issued seal attesting to their credential. Translators gain ATA certification by passing a translation exam in a specific language pair, and they maintain their certification by earning continuing education points. ATA offers the exam in over 30 language pairs. English is one of the languages in each pair. For example, a translator might be certified in translation from English into Spanish, French, or Chinese, or in translation from German, Russian, or Arabic into English. Note that ATA certification is granted for written translation. ATA does not offer certification for oral interpreting. It should also be emphasized that the certification exam is not intended for beginning translators.

Speaker 2: What does the exam test for?

Speaker 1: The ATA certification exam tests for professional translation skills. It is designed to determine whether a candidate is able to produce a translation that is accurate, intelligible, and appropriate for the intended purpose. The skills involved are defined by four broad criteria. Number one, does the translation demonstrate compliance with the translation instructions provided for the passage? In other words, does the translation serve the intended purpose? Number two, does the translation demonstrate full understanding of the source text? Number three, does the translation demonstrate solid familiarity with the various translation strategies? For example, is information presented appropriately for the target audience? Is syntax appropriate to the target language? Are idioms rendered so as to convey a comparable meaning in the target culture? And number four, does the translation demonstrate good writing skills in the target language? This includes adherence to established norms for grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation, among other things.

Speaker 2: What is the format of the exam?

Speaker 1: An ATA certification examination is a three-hour open book proctored exam. Candidates are required to translate two passages of roughly 250 words each. Each examination passage is chosen in such a way as to avoid highly specialized terminology challenges requiring research. There are indeed terminology challenges, but they can be met with a good general dictionary.

Speaker 2: How is the certification exam evaluated?

Speaker 1: ATA certification graders are trained to grade exams in an objective and consistent manner. Each exam is evaluated by two graders working independently. Each error is assigned between 1 and 16 points, depending on its severity and impact on the usability of the translation. If 17 or fewer error points are assessed on each of the two passages, the candidate attains ATA certification.

Speaker 2: Will passing the exam guarantee me work?

Speaker 1: Not necessarily. ATA certification is an entirely voluntary credential designed to certify a professional level of ability. Translators in the U.S. market can and do build successful careers without ATA certification. But increasingly, agencies, translation companies, and other clients attach great importance to ATA certification. They recognize and value the high standards that ATA applies in evaluating translator performance. ATA certified translators are prominently identified as such in ATA's public directory of translators, a resource used by those seeking professional translators. In addition, potential clients can use advanced search options to find ATA certified members in a given language pair.

Speaker 2: How do I register for the exam?

Speaker 1: Exam sittings are held throughout the year at various locations in the U.S. and abroad, and at the ATA annual conference each fall. The ATA website contains information about the registration process, and you will find a list of scheduled sittings there as well. Before you register for the exam, though, consider first doing a practice test at home. The practice test consists of an actual exam passage that is no longer in use. It will give you an idea of what sort of texts you will encounter in the actual exam, and it is evaluated by an exam grader applying exam criteria. The grader also provides feedback on your performance. The practice test is an excellent and highly recommended way of gauging your potential success in obtaining certification, and it is offered at only a fraction of the cost of the actual exam. If you plan to take the practice test before sitting for the exam, be sure to leave enough time for the graded practice test to be returned to you before your exam date.

Speaker 2: Where can I find more information?

Speaker 1: We hope this overview of ATA certification has been helpful. Much more information about certification, the exam, and the practice test is available on the ATA website. Contact certification at if you have any questions.

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