Comprehensive Guide to Effective Transcription Techniques
Master transcription with tips on tagging, formatting, and handling unclear speech for clear, concise, and accurate documents.
Transcription Guide Video Tutorial
Added on 01/27/2025
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Speaker 1: Hi, my name is Vinod and I am from Crescendo. I head the quality team here at Crescendo. This video would go on for approximately 45 minutes and I will be covering what all do we require from you in your files. Pretty simple, no rocket science involved here. All we would want from you is to pay attention and understand. So, let's start with tagging the speakers. Number one, normally we get a lot of interviews. There are different types of interviews we get. Some are called as direct interviews or DIs or depth interviews. These are normally two speaker interviews. There is one moderator and one respondent. There are nothing more than two people here. In such cases, the way we want you to tag the person who is asking the question or the moderator as M or the interviewer as M, then leave a line space in between here and then write down R. R is for respondent. So, M, what is your name, a line space in between and then R, my name is Ram. So, this is how it is. M is for the moderator, interviewer, the person asking the question. R is for the respondent, the person who is answering the questions. The next kind of interviews which we get are called as FGDs, focus group discussions. These are group discussions, maybe, you know, they are termed as EGD, FGD, MGD. There are different types of GDs, but the crux is these are group discussions. So, here, basically, there are, let's say, 5, 6, 7 people speaking. There are 5, 6, 7 respondents and, you know, there is one moderator or maybe two moderators. So, here, what we want you to do is tag them this way, M for the moderator, the person who is interviewing, and then R, R, R for the people who are answering the interviews. So, look at the example. M, can you please introduce yourselves? There is a line space in between, then R, my name is Ram. Line space in between, R, my name is Shyam. Line space in between, R, my name is Raghav. This is how it should be. We don't want you to decipher them as R, R1, R2, R3, because that would take a lot of your time and we really don't need those details. One last kind of interviews which we, you know, audios which we get are called as couple interviews. Here, a husband and a wife or a daughter and a mother are interviewed. At such, you know, on such audios, we would want you to decipher them accordingly. Let's say there's a husband and a wife being interviewed. Write down H for husband, W for wife. There's a mother and a daughter. Since you've already used M for the moderator, use M0 for the mother and D for the daughter. Let's say another daughter chips in. Let's say D1 for the other daughter. This is how you go. All as far as tagging the speakers was concerned. Now let's go to our point number 2, formatting. The way we want it. So please put all set by M in bold and R in normal. Look here in the example. M, what is your name? R, my name is Ram. M is bold, R is Ram. This is how we want you to format it. Let's go to the third point which is the language. Now let's read this 3.1 regional languages. You know, these are the languages which we get our audios in. Hindi, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Bengali, Oriya, Punjabi, Assamese, etc. Now, what do you do? Let's say if they are talking in Hindi or any other regional language, then you translate that in your mind and get it right. You cannot go word to word because then in English it won't make sense. So what you'll do is you will listen to it, translate it in your mind and then put it on paper so that it makes sense when you read the transcript. But you will in the bargain also not skip, delete any data, even if you find it irrelevant. Let's read ahead. In other words, when translating from any Hindi or any other regional language into English, please take care to translate the spirit of the sentence. A literal translation often loses the context in which the statement was made. For example, let's say it is a Hindi audio in which there is a conversation like Aap kaise ho? And if you go literal, if you go word to word, your transcript would be something like You are how? which is absolutely not sensible. So what we want you to do is listen to the audio, translate that in your mind, frame it correctly and then put it on paper. So you'll put Aap kaise ho? You'll put How are you? Something like that. This was as far as the language was Hindi or any other regional language. Now what happens, what should you do when your language is English? Let's say if the moderator and respondents are talking in English and if it's in the right grammar, you have to go word to word as they say. Now, see you are good with your English and that's why you know you are transcribing. So you listen to the audio if it's in English and if you sense yes, the moderator and the respondents are speaking in the right grammar, you just simply go word to word as they are saying. For example, let's look at the example. M says what is your name? R says my name is Raga when I stay in Mumbai. I'm basically from Tamil Nadu. But since my job location was Mumbai, I had to shift here. This is how it goes if they are speaking in English and the right grammar. Now the other one, point number 3.3. If they are talking in English and using the wrong grammar, then what you do is then you need to frame the sentences your way and correct it. You simply can't put it as they say because they are using the wrong grammar. A lot of times, the respondents might be unaware that they are speaking the wrong grammar, but they are very happy somebody is interviewing them. So they would want to flaunt and in the bargain, what they do is they just blabber whatever they want in English without even thinking whether that's right or wrong. So let's say if they are using the wrong grammar, what do you do? Let's look at the wrong example. The moderator says what is your name? The respondent says my name is Raga and from Tamil Nadu, but job location Mumbai so came here. And you put it as it is in your transcript. That would be a wrong thing to do. The correct thing would be the moderator says what's your name? And this guy, you frame it this way. My name is Raga when I stay in Mumbai. I'm basically from Tamil Nadu, but since my job location was Mumbai, I had to shift here. See, this is what he said. My name is Raga and from Tamil Nadu, but job location Mumbai so came here. But this is how you framed it because he was saying in the wrong grammar. This is how it should be. Now, let's go to point number four, unclear speech. These are basically, let's go to point number 4.1 inaudible. Let's say you are listening to an audio and in between, there are certain things which you can't make out, which you can't decipher what did he say. What do you do at such instances? Let's read 4.1 inaudible. If you can't make out a word, put inaudible plus the timestamp. For example, what do you do? Open up a square bracket, type down the word inaudible, then look at what duration of the audio did it happen, write down that duration, that's it. Let's say the word came at 6 minutes 46 seconds of the audio. What do you do is open up a bracket, write down inaudible, write down 0646, close the bracket. That's what we want from you. This helps when your files come to us and we start checking your files and you have not written down this timestamp. We literally have to spend that one hour or the exact duration of the audio to get to that inaudible which you have mentioned. If you would have just mentioned this duration there, we would have straightaway jumped to 6 minutes 46 seconds and checked what was it that was inaudible to you and we would have corrected it. So please, always open up a square bracket, write down the word inaudible, write down the time it happened and that's it. Now, whatever is green in this document is very, very important for you all. Whatever is highlighted in green. So what it says is, but ensure that you do not put a lot of inaudible in your file because that beats the whole purpose of transcription. Keep inaudible to the minimal. Only put inaudible plus timestamp where you feel it was something important and you could not understand the word. So let's say there's a dog barking or the respondent was like, he was asked, okay, what is your name? And he says, yeah, my name is Rago and he was just murmuring. So at such cases, what you do is you don't put inaudible. He was just murmuring, he was using fillers. We don't want you to put inaudibles there. We want inaudibles only when there's a word which is said and you feel that word is something relevant, that word is something very important to the transcript. So let's read the green highlight again. But ensure that you do not put a lot of inaudible in your file because that beats the whole purpose of transcription. Keep inaudible to the minimal. Only put inaudible plus timestamp where you feel it was something important and you could not understand the word. All right, let's go to point number 4.2, multiple speakers. See, let's read those three paragraphs. Like in a group discussion where a lot of times two speakers talk over each other. Transcribe the speech of the speaker that is significantly louder and clearer. If there is not an obvious choice or both are equally loud or clear, transcribe both. If a lot of people speak together like it happens in a group discussion and you can't make out what's said, open up a square bracket, write down multiple speakers, write down the time it happened. Let's say the word came at 5 minutes 40 seconds of the audio, you open up the square bracket, write down multiple speakers and write down 5 minutes 45 seconds. This is what you do. So let me again go through this. In a group discussion where a lot of times two speakers talk over each other. Let's say there are five people in a room and the moderator is asking a question and there are two who jump to answer. So at such times, what you do is transcribe the speech of the speaker that is significantly louder and clearer. Let's say both of them are loud and clear. What do you do then? If there is not an obvious choice or both are equally loud or clear, transcribe both. Let's move ahead. If a lot of people speak together, like it happens in a group discussion, you cannot make out what was said by whom. Then put down multiple speakers and the timestamp there. Again, something highlighted in green which is very important. Let's read it. But ensure that you do not put a lot of multiple speakers in your file because that beats the whole purpose of transcription. Keep multiple speakers to the minimal. It's bound to happen in group discussions, you know. So what you do is try and figure out. If you can't make, you know, you can decipher what they were saying. Try and figure it out. If still, you know, if you can make their answers out, if you're able to make out what they said even in bits and pieces, frame it and put it correctly. This is what you do. So, you know, they were speaking over each other, they were talking together, whatever. If you can even your bits and pieces of it and you can relate to it, you can understand what was being said, frame it and put it there. Let's say if you could not make out because it was all overlapping, please do not put multiple speakers and timestamp there. See, this is a, you know, opposite statement, I understand. So we want you to use multiple speakers to the minimal. It should not be used everywhere. See, if there are five people speaking, that is bound to happen in a group discussion. And, you know, you can't figure it out. Just leave it. Don't type multiple speakers. Leave it. You know, just wait for a while. The respondents would settle down and start answering one by one. It is then that you start transcribing. So just wait for a minute, wait for not a minute. I'm so sorry. Wait for two seconds, three seconds. They would then understand. Okay, let's settle. And then start answering one by one. The moment they, you know, all speak together, don't put a multiple speaker. Wait for some time. All right? Okay, let's go to point number 4.3, interruptions. This is a very, very important point. Now what happens in a group discussion is, or maybe normally also in a DI, what happens is, let's say, let's look at the example. You would get a clear picture. The model is asking, okay, can you now please tell me what did you like about this product? And the respondent starts answering, ah, I like the feel. It's so smooth, you know, once we shave. And at that moment, there's another respondent who jumps in and says, you know what, I like the compact design of the product. So actually, the first speaker was cut short in between. He was interrupted in between. And the other speaker started speaking. At such instances, we want you to tell that this was an interruption by putting these three small dots, three full stops there. If you wouldn't have put these three small full stops, what we would have felt is, I like the feel, it's so smooth, once we shave. Oh, there has to be something after once we shave. I think the vendor has not, you know, completed that sentence. She left something there. So we pick up the audio and we start, you know, checking it. When we get there, we understand, oh, the respondent, one was just cut short by another respondent. There's nothing which was missed here. But if you would have put those three small dots there, we would have saved our time by not doing this exercise at all because we would have understood, oh, the vendor has put three small dots. That means it was an interruption. The sentence was not completed. That's how it goes. Let's go to point number 4.4, incomplete sentences. You know, at a lot of times, you know, the respondents, speakers themselves can leave sentences incomplete. Let's look at the example. So what do you do at such times? At such times, please complete the sentence because you would know what he meant to imply. You can easily know this since you are transcribing and are completely aware of the context of the discussion. See, now when you are transcribing, you know what is happening in the audio. So even if he leaves something incomplete, you know what was he trying to imply, you know. So just complete that sentence. Let's look at the example, wrong example. The respondent says, so what do you think about this? And the respondent says, you know, I think I would use it once it comes to the, you know. And he goes, mom. And you just put those three small dots there. That's also correct. That's not wrong. But ideally what you should do is, let's look at the correct example. The model says, what do you think about this? And the respondent says, I think I would use it once it comes to the market. To the market is added by you because you could understand what he meant. So please complete sentences as long as you can, as far as you can. Let's go to point number 4.5. Again, a very, very important point for you all to understand. When someone is saying, and I prefer this one to this one, you must name what they are referring to. For example, and I prefer this, open up a bracket, write down the word aerial, close that bracket to this, open up a bracket, write down the word surf, close the bracket. You would know this because you're listening to the audio. 95% of the time you should know it. If you know it, open up a bracket and write it down there. Because it's in the bracket, we know that this was not said. This is your interpretation, your guess. Even if it's wrong, it wouldn't come on you. But if you just put down, I prefer this to this, what we have to do is we have to, again, go to that point of time and understand what was this and what was this. So as far as you can, write down in brackets what were they referring to. If you still can't understand what they were referring to, just write down this to this, we'll take care of it. Don't worry. Let's go to point number 4.6. Here you can save time. Please do not transcribe hesitations, fillers, you know, you know, I know, oh, oh, yeah? Is it? Is it? Yeah? Okay, okay, okay. Please do not transcribe such things. They are not relevant, they are not important for us. Please save time here. Let's go to point number 4.7. There is no need to translate speech that is not relevant. For example, oh, can you please switch on the AC? Oh, the fan is too slow. Oh, it's so hot here. Can you get me some tea? Oh, would you like to have some coffee or tea? Oh, the biscuits are so good. You know, you want to have a biscuit or something? Please do not transcribe such things because they are not relevant to us, they don't help us in making our reports at all. So you can save time there. But be very sure that it's something not relevant. Otherwise, you would skip relevant points also. Don't do that. Let's go to point number 4.8. Again, a very important point. If there is an action being seen, done or shown in the audio or video that is not being described by speech, put the action in brackets and describe it. For example, puts food into the oven, drops the spoon, gets into the car, inactivity, reads labels, struggles to open the pack with one hand, unpacks the shopping, puts dishes in the dishwasher, something like that. These are very important. These are not being seen, done or shown in the audio or video. But you would know because you are listening to it. So please put it there. Please describe it. You know what happens is, we are reading your transcript and they are merely discussing in the living room, the respondent and the moderator. And all of a sudden, on the next line, you are saying, Oh, your kitchen looks so nice. Oh, is there where you put your sugar? Okay, see it's boiling. See, you can see the bubbles. And then we start to feel, Oh, the, you know, vendor has missed a good chunk of data here. They are till now, we're in the living room. And now how come they went into the kitchen? If you would have just put a bracket there, stating now the moderator is asking the respondent to visit the respondent's kitchen, we would have felt, Oh, she's done the right thing. So please, if there is an action being seen, done or shown in the audio video that is not being described by speech, please put that action in brackets and describe it. Let's go to point number five. Advertisements or concepts shown. So, you know, in a lot of our files, you would see that there are some basic advertisements which are shown to the respondents. There are basic, you know, concepts which are shown to the respondents. What do you do at such places? Let's read point number 5.1. If there is an advertisement played for the respondent, please mention, open up a bracket, advertisement being played plus the context of the advertisement plus the timestamp. So, look at the wrong example. You open up a bracket, you say ad being played from 6.30 to 7.14. Makes sense. But what we want from you is, since you are, as it is going to listen to the entire ad, what we want from you is, look at the correct example. Ad of Leryl being played from 6.30 to 7.14. This is what we want from you. So, please do that. Let's go to point number 5.2. This is if they are shown a visual ad. This is what you do. If they are showing or reading a concept, what do you do at such cases? Let's read point number 5.2. But when the moderator is reading a concept, please transcribe it in your transcript. For example, the wrong one. Concept A, be present. And then you put three small dots and you say moderator or respondents are reading the concept from 9.45 to 10.16. Okay, nothing wrong with it. But what we want from you is, let's look at the correct example. Concept A, be present. The new coconut olive hair conditioner. The coconut olive gives a rich shine to the hair. Blah, blah, blah. And then you say moderator or respondents are reading the concept 9.45 to 10.16. Now, although we have written here, please transcribe it in your transcript, we don't want you to transcribe it entirely. Concepts can be of ten lines, maybe a page, maybe two pages also. We don't want you to waste your time there. But we want you to tell us what was the concept which was being referred to. So even if you write two or three lines of the concept, that would suffice. But please mention it there. Like you put here, ad of Lyril being played, we want the concept here. So two lines of the concept and then you write down moderator or respondents are reading. That would do. But please mention which concept was it. Let's go to point number six. Data to be captured. Again, now here is where I want you to be very, very attentive. 6.1, summarizing. Let's read. Please do not summarize any data. Get all what is said in your transcript. Let's look at the example, the wrong example. Moderator says, Ok, can you please tell me more about yourself? The respondent says, Yes, I am Ram and from Mumbai, working in an IT company. I like reading books, novels of J.K. Rowling. When we read your transcript, we're like, Oh, it's such a good work. You know, she's captured everything. But when we are checking it with the audio, look at the correct example. This is what we observe. Moderator says, Oh, can you please tell me more about yourself? The respondent says, Yes, my name is Ram and I live in Mumbai. I'm currently working in an IT company called Westbridge. We offer IT support to U.S. companies. So the IT company's name, Westbridge, was not there in your transcript. What does Westbridge do? Offers IT support to U.S. companies, was not mentioned in your transcript. Ok, let's go ahead. The moderator says, Great, can you please tell me about your hobbies? This guy says, Yes, I like reading novels, especially fiction. Especially fiction was missed in your transcript. Let's go ahead. Ok, so who's your favorite author? And he says, You know what? I like reading books written by J.K. Rowling, Mona Simpson and others. Mona Simpson and others was completely missed. Look at the quantum of data missed. And this is relevant data. Westbridge, IT support to companies. You know, this data tells us a lot about the respondent. You getting it? Then, fiction is his choice. This gives us cues of what the respondent likes. Mona Simpson, others, this was missed. Please do not do anything like this. This would be like playing around with your work, and which is a very bad thing to do. So, do not summarize any data. Please get all what is said in your transcript. Let's go to point number 6.2, jargon. You know, a lot of times, CEOs, CFOs, head chefs, and you know, these high guys are interviewed. You know, these guys would always use hyphen words. You know, they're industry specific words, like a CEO would use, you know, pre-assessment, super fund, and we do underwriting, and blah, blah, blah. I know you would not know these words. What do you do at such times is read. 6.2, jargon. Words that are used frequently should be added to the transcript. Google them first to confirm the spelling and definitions if possible and if necessary. For example, tele-underwriting, pre-assessment, super fund, etc. If you Google and you still can't make out, then what do you do is open up a square bracket, write down respondent using a subject matter expert word, which I was unable to understand, write down the timestamp, and that is it. We'll cover it here. But just don't leave it because you didn't understand the word. If you leave it, that would be a very wrong thing to do. All right? Let's go to point number 6.3. Again, very important. Please transcribe everything that is spoken. Please do not leave anything, even if it is repeated. For example, let's look at the wrong example. Can you please tell me a bit about yourself? And the respondent says, Yes, I'm Raghav. I'm working in an IT company. It's based out of South Bangalore. If you just read it, it makes sense. Yeah. But when we are accusing your file with the audio, look at the correct example. This is what we observe. The respondent says, Can you please tell me a bit about yourself? And this guy says, Yes, I'm Raghav. I'm working in an IT company. And this IT company where I work is based in Bangalore. In fact, it's based in South Bangalore, to be precise. We want you to do this, not this. Please do not delete or skip repeated data. Even if it is repeated ten times, please put it there if it is relevant data. So, we want this. Yes, I'm Raghav. I'm working in an IT company. This IT company where I work is based in Bangalore. In fact, it's based in South Bangalore, to be precise. This is what we want from you. Let's go to point number 6.3. Mispronounce words. Again, as I said, the respondents are very happy and they want to flaunt. They might not know that they are mispronouncing some words. It's fine. You are good with your English. You know what he meant. So, put it rightly. Do not put the wrong word there. Let's look at the wrong example. Which school did you study in? I studied in Cardinal Gracie School. It is one of the best schools in Mumbai where the best of the entrepreneurs come from. Now, since you are good with your English, you could understand what he meant. So, please don't put the wrong thing. Please correct it. Let's look at the correct example. Which school did you study in? I studied in Cardinal Gracie School. It's one of the best schools in Mumbai where the best of the entrepreneurs come from. So, put the right spelling there. As far as possible. Let's go to point number 6.4. Again, a very very important point for you all. Local words. You all see serials. We all see commercials. These ads which come on the TV. Now, let's say if it's a Saffola ad. They normally have a tagline. Something like, This is good for the heart. This is good for health. This makes my hair long and thick. This is good for hair. This is thick. This is good for heart. They come out from your transcripts. So, you should be mentioning such words. Let's look at the example. The wrong example. What is that one thing you do not like about this product? And the respondent says, I do not like, you know, the stickiness. It's so sticky that when you cook something in it, it would seem to be inedible. On the face of it, it looks very right. There's nothing wrong in it. And actually, there's nothing wrong in it. But, let's say, The respondent's answer was, You know, I don't like the stickiness. It's so sticky that when you cook something in it, it would seem to be inedible. So, what we want from you is, Let's look at the correct example. He says, What is that one thing you do not like about this product? R says, I do not like, you know, the stickiness. You, and then you put, stickiness in bracket there. This was the local word which was used. It's so sticky and he says, Put that. So, we want you to put down stickiness, which is the English version of it. But also put the local terminology which he used, which was, You know, this is what we want from you. Again, a green highlight. See, we know this is going to take some time. So, what we want from you is, Let's read the green highlight. But ensure that you do not put a lot of such words. Only words specific to the product or context of the discussion should be put. Like, if the study is about biscuits and they are using local terminology to describe the biscuit, use it. Otherwise, you know, they might speak the entire discussion in Hindi. We don't want you to put everything there. Only if they are discussing about a biscuit, if the discussion is about a biscuit and he is using, Yes, this, you know, when we dip it in milk, it becomes very soft. Use that soft and soft, both. That is what we want from you. So, ensure that you do not put a lot of such words. Only words specific to the product or context of the discussion should be put. Please remember this. Let's go to point number 6.5. Striking emotions. Again, one of the most important points. Please understand this. So, what it says is, Please also mention in brackets any striking emotions that we should know about. Who is this V? This V is Crescendo. The one who is going to make reports on your transcript. So, it says, Please also mention in brackets any striking emotions that we should know about. For example, if someone laughs loudly at a question or comment or when someone is tired or heaving a sigh, please do mention these in the brackets. Let's look at the example. The modeler says, What do you think about the color of the scar? The respondent says, I really find the color to be very aggressive, you know. It's like that cherry red which I really do not like. And he said it very very seriously. You can make out from his voice in the audio, you know, he was very serious. But if you have not written this word seriously, for example, if you did not write this word, our report to our clients would be, you know, what, please don't come out with that cherry red color. Some people find it aggressive. Better avoid it. Okay. But actually, if you would have written the word seriously, there our report would have been, Boss, please do not even think about coming out with that cherry red color. People are getting aggressive. You should just put that off. Look at the difference. They are completely opposite reports. Okay, let's go ahead. The other guy says, Oh, on the contrary, I love the color. And he laughs, you know, he was just mocking. Kind of, what is that term? He was being sarcastic there, you know, so he laughs. So if you wouldn't have put this word laughs there, this emotion laughs there, what our report to our client would have said, Oh, you know, some people like that color. You can come with it. In fact, whereas if you would have put the word laughs, our report would have been completely opposite. We would have said, please don't even think of coming out with this color. People are going to laugh at it. These are completely opposite reports. Please understand, your one word makes, you know, or breaks our report to the client. So please put it there. So what do you do is, please also mention in brackets any striking emotions that we should know about. For example, if somebody laughs loudly at a question or comment or when someone is tired or heaving a sigh, please do mention this in the bracket. Again, we know this is going to take some time. So please do not do it everywhere. No, even if it's like at five pages, in five times in a transcript, it's done with us. We want it at the right places, not everywhere. So just read the green highlight, but ensure that you do not put a lot of such words. Only emotions specific to the product or context of the discussion should be put. Like if the study is about biscuits and if you find that while discussing about the product, the emotions would play a descriptive or distinct role. Mention it. Read it carefully. If the study is about biscuits and if you find that while discussing about the product and emotions, the emotions would play a descriptive or a distinct role. Mention it. Please start doing it. Let's go to point number 6.6. Brand names. A lot of times, you know, there are certain brand names you would not know. This especially happens when it is about alcohol, when it is about cigarettes. You know, I don't know many of the alcohol brand names. I don't know many of the cigarette brand names, for instance. So what do you do at such instances? So what do you do is you Google search for brand names you might not be sure of, especially products like alcohol, cigarettes, etc. What you do is if you listen closely to the brand name and then Google for it, you are sure to get the right spelling. Right? Let's say, even after listening closely, you couldn't get the brand name. You know, just Googled it and still you couldn't get it or you are unsure of it. What do you do then is still if you can't make out, open up a square bracket, write down respondent mentioning a brand name which I was unable to understand, write down the timestamp it happened and we'll cover it. That's it. Right? Point 7. Punctuation. I'm towards the end of my video. So, the last two points. Punctuation, like please use the right punctuation marks. Please you know, the whole statement can mean opposite if a comma is missed. I hope you know this, you know. So, I request you all to please use the right punctuation marks. Capitalize each sentence. Capitalize proper nouns. You know, place commas, full stops, question marks, exclamation marks wherever needed. Let's look at the wrong example. M says, what is your name? R says, my name is Ram. Now, the right thing to do would have been M. What is your name? And there should have been a question mark there because it's a question being asked. Right? And then R says, my name is Ram. So, M of the my should be capitalized because it's the end of the sentence. R of the Ram should be capitalized because it's a proper noun and there should have been a full stop there because it's the end of the sentence. Please be liberal in using commas, full stops, exclamation marks, question marks, everything because they actually make your transcript sensible. If you don't use it and, you know, we read the entire paragraph, there are no commas, no full stops and then we are like, oh, what is the meaning of this? You getting it? Please don't do that. Please be, please use all punctuations everywhere it's required. My last point for the day is quality check. Now, before you submit your work, please run a final round of QC. QC is quality check through it. The ideal way to go about this would be to start the audio once again and go through your word file while listening to it. So, what you do is, once you finished your transcription, you save it. Again, go back, start the audio and, you know, listen to the audio and go on reading your transcript. This is called as QC. Believe me, 99% of your mistakes you would able to make out and you would able to eliminate before you send the file out to us. Please start doing this. While doing so, please check the transcript data-wise, punctuation-wise, spelling-wise, all the things. That's it. You are covered. See, what happens is, let's say you are a vendor, you are doing files and that comes to us, the quality department. We check it and, you know, we are seeing errors, we are seeing the punctuation is not right, there are spelling mistakes and you have not, you know, followed the transcription guide. So, we will go to your admin, the person who is giving you work and say, you know, this Ms. X of a vendor is not doing good work. Can you please refrain from giving files out to her? And, in the bargain, the admin would stop offering you work. On the other hand, if you just QC your file, send it out nicely, we would go and tell the admin, oh, such wonderful files this Ms. Y is giving, why don't you give her more, she is capable enough, she is doing wonderful work for us. And he would, you know, increase the quantum of work he offers you. This is what we do normally. So, please, quality check your file before it comes to us. Now, you can also download this whole transcription guide on this page itself. There is a button called Download Transcription Guide. You can download the PDF version and keep it with you. There are some frequently asked questions which, you know, we have tried to answer here. You can, you know, if you have a query, you can just check if it is answered here in these questions. If not, you can always get in touch with your project manager, that's your admin, like, you know, and ask them, this is one query which I want answered and we'll try to answer that. Right? So, that is it from my end. Let's go to one last thing. Let's go to the last paragraph which is highlighted in green. Like I said, everything in this document is, you know, highlighted in green because it is important. So, let's read that. Underlying objective of transcriptions. So, what it says is, see, the basic aim of any transcription is to understand from the transcript what actually happened in the audio. Even if we do not listen to the audio and just read your transcript, it should explain to us what actually happened in the audio. It should be so good, you know. So, even if we do not listen to the audio and we're just we should be able to visualize what happened in the audio, you know. So, what do you do? Please feel free to use any additional things which you feel can help us in achieving this objective. So, if you feel, oh, this is also a good thing, if I include this in the transcript, it would make it more sensible, please do that. We have absolutely no problems with that. It's welcome. That's it from me. Thank you so much and looking forward to do good work with you. Thank you.

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