Speaker 1: Hello friends, welcome to your channel HSC study guide. Today we are going to talk about risk assessment. We will talk about what is risk assessment? Then we will talk about the main objective of risk assessment. Then we will talk about the 5 steps of risk assessment. Then we will talk about what is risk matrix? Then we will talk about how we can prepare risk assessment. Then let's start. Let's know what is risk assessment? Risk assessment means that you have to consider a work and do a careful examination. And you have to see if there is any danger in doing that work or if there is any loss due to it. And we do it so that we can know what precautions we have to take to avoid that loss or that danger. If we talk in simple language, risk assessment means that an activity is considered first and then it is identified what are the hazards in that activity. And then the risk due to that hazard is evaluated. After evaluating, we can control that risk and eliminate it in an acceptable level. Now let's talk about the main objective of risk assessment. Its main objective is to prevent accidents or ill health. Now let's talk about the 5 steps of risk assessment. The first step is that you have to identify the hazards in the activity that you have considered. Then we have to identify what are the hazards that can harm these people and how can it happen. Then we have to evaluate the risk and decide what precautions we have to take for it. Then we have to record the significant findings and implement it. And finally, we have to review it and update it where it is needed. So these are the 5 steps of risk assessment. To understand it in detail, it is very important to understand it in detail. So let's know it in detail. So the first step was to consider an activity and identify the hazards in that activity. So that is our first step. So now how can we identify this hazard? So we can inspect the workplace. We can talk to the workforce. Non-inspection techniques i.e. JSA techniques can be applied here. Then we can examine the documents. Then we can identify the hazards with the combined techniques. Now these combined techniques mean that the results obtained due to the audits are in the combined techniques. Then we can identify the hazards from the accident records. And then we can identify the hazards from the near-miss reports. Now let's talk about the second step. So the second step was to identify the hazards. So what are the people who can be harmed and how can it happen? So here you have to consider the employee that he can be harmed. But apart from them, you have to consider the young persons, trainees, visitors, new or expectant mothers, cleaners, contractors, members of the public or the people who share your workplace. So you have to consider them too. So now let's know about the third step. You have to evaluate the risks here and also take precautions for it. So in this, you have to identify the hazards that can cause harm or harm. And with the help of this, you can determine how much you have to reduce the risk level or not. Even when you take all the precautions, there are still some risks there. So for that, you have to decide that whatever is the significant hazard, the remaining risk is high, medium or low. You have to decide this there. And to decide this, you can use the risk level. So risk level means probability by severity. So what is the risk level, what is the risk matrix, what is the probability and what is the severity? We are going to talk about this later. Then there was the fourth step. We have to keep a record of the significant findings that we have found and then we have to implement it. So in the risk assessment record, the number of people affected should be recorded. You should have a record of the adequacy of the existing control. And you should also have a record of any necessary further precautions. And this risk assessment should be available for everyone who is involved there. So that whatever the requirements are, it can be implemented. And then the last step is that you have to review it and update it where it is needed. So when do you have to review this risk assessment? So whenever there is an accident or an incident, or if there are changes in the materials, or changes in the legislation, or if there is a compensation for the claims, or if there are changes in the processes, or changes in the premises, or if there are changes in the work pattern, or if there are changes in the enforcement actions, or if you have to review the policy. So if any of these happen, then you have to review this risk assessment and update it. So before knowing the risk matrix, you should know about the risk. What is risk? So risk means probability by severity. In some places it is called probability and severity. So in some places it is called likelihood by consequences. So here we are going to talk about what is the probability of risk and what is its severity. So probability means how much is the probability of an accident. It is called probability. And severity means it is a result of accident. Means whatever result is due to an accident is called severity. Means it is its consequences. In front of you, there is a risk matrix in which three colors are shown. First is green, second is yellow, and third is red. Now these three have different meanings. So green color represents low risk. Means the risk is acceptable. And yellow color represents medium risk. Means the risk is tolerable for some work activity. And third is red color means high risk. Means this risk is totally unacceptable. And it is very important to take immediate action on this. Now let's know what is the risk matrix and how is its rating given. So first of all you have to know what is risk? Severity by probability. So now how will you find out what is the severity and what is its probability? So for that this risk matrix will help you. So let's consider an activity through which you will know what is its probability and what is its severity. Let's consider that a group of persons are working as a mason at a height. Now these four masons are working at a height of 10 meters and they are using scaffolding. And some other team is working as a mason but at a height of 3 meters. Now see that the four people are working at a height of 10 meters. And here they are working at a height of 3 meters. Now the risk level in these two is more or less. Like the one who is working at a height of 10 meters is in more risk. And the one who is working at a height of 3 meters is in less risk. So from this we will know that the severity rate of the first team working at a height of 10 meters will be high. Because when they will fall down from above, they can get a lot of injury. And maybe there is a fatal accident. But if the team working at a height of 3 meters falls down, then it is possible that they will not get hurt. Or it is also possible that the injury they are getting is in a small amount. So let's first see that the severity and probability of the team working at a height of 10 meters. So when the severity rate of that team falls down, it can cause a fatal accident. So its ratio will be 5. That is, its severity will be 5. And now let's see the probability. Now what is its chance? Now see what is the chance? That is, we have to consider that there is no midrail or toprail at a height of 10 meters. And he is wearing a harness but has not anchored anywhere. So the probability there increases when he falls down. So the probability will be 5. That is, 5 into 5 will be 25. So 25 is in red. That is, its risk level is red. That is, it is high. Now let's consider team B. Now team B is working at a height of 3 meters. That is, whatever impact will be there after it falls down, that impact can be reduced. That is, it can not get hurt. Or if it has an injury, it can be reduced. So its ratio we can give here 2. That is, its severity will be 2. Now we have to see its probability. That is, what is the chance of it falling down? Now see when it is working at a height of 3 meters. So let's say there is a midrail or toprail. And he has not anchored his full body harness. But still, if his body balance deteriorates, then he will collide with the railing. So its probability will be less. So its probability we write here 2. That is, 2 into 2 will be 4. That is, 4 means green. So its risk level is low. Now let's see how to make a risk assessment and what is its format. So keep in mind that whenever you want to make a risk assessment. So first of all you have to consider the activity. So here we will write activity first. Then after considering the activity, we have to find out its hazard. So here we will write hazard. Then after finding out this hazard, we have to find out what is the risk in it. So here we will write risk. Then after that, we have to write the existing control for the activity we have taken. Then after that comes the probability rating, which we had seen before. Then comes the severity rating. And then the impact level of these two, as we had seen before. It became low, it became medium, it became high. We have to write this level in it. That is, after that comes your impact level. Then after that comes additional control measures. What we had seen before that was existing control measures. That is, which controls you are using before starting any work. It is called existing control measures. And additional control measures means which control measures you use while working. It comes in additional control measures. Then after that comes residual impact. That is, what we had seen before that the impact level comes high, medium, low. After giving additional control measures, we have to convert it into a low category. Then comes our residual impact. Now this residual impact depends on additional control measures. When we consider additional control measures, then its risk level will decrease. When it decreases, it will come under residual impact. And in the last comes action by. Action by means who is responsible for that activity. Who is responsible for it, its name will come in it. Like an engineer, a supervisor, a manager. Then it will come under action by. Now let's consider an activity and according to that we fill up this diamond. Unloading from vehicle and stacking of reinforcement bar. That is, suppose there is reinforcement steel on a trailer. And you have to unload that reinforcement steel and stack it properly. So we considered that activity first. Now let's see what hazard can come in this activity. Now see that trailer. So if a vehicle keeps moving around it. So what will happen is that the vehicle movement will be rushed. So rush vehicle movement will be your hazard. Second will come when you reverse this vehicle. So that will also be a hazard. So reversing of the vehicle will be a hazard. Then after that it will come that the reinforcement steel bar. Suppose there are sharp edges in it. And if you are unloading it. So that sharp edge is also a hazard. So that means unloading of sharp edge rebars is also a hazard. Then after that it will come that suppose you have done unloading. But did not stack it properly. That means improper stacking. So that is also a hazard. Now see that first consider the activity. Then hazard and after hazard whatever possible outcomes will come. That means a man is working upstairs and he fell down. So he got injured. So his injury will come in the possible outcome. So let's see what is the risk in this. So the first hazard we saw. Rush vehicle movement. Now suppose there is a lot of rush. So what will happen in it that any workman can get injured. That means injury to workman. This will be his risk. That means it will be his possible outcome. Then we saw the second hazard. Reversing of vehicle. So what will be its possible outcomes? Run over on workman. That means while reversing the vehicle. If the driver does not take care of it. So the workman who is working there. He can put the car on it. So one of its possible outcomes can come. Then we saw the third hazard. Unloading of sharp edge rebars. So what will be its possible outcomes? That cut injury can happen. That sharp edge can cause cut injury. Then after that we saw the hazard. Improper stacking. That means if the stacking is not proper. So what will be its possible outcomes? Trip or fall injury can happen. Now let's see what are its existing control measures. So what do we have to do first? So what do we have to do? All the operators or all the drivers. They should have proper license. And they should have proper experience. Of driving a car. Second existing control is that. All the vehicles. Its reverse horn and tail lights. They should be in good condition. Then it will come in third. A sufficient number of skilled workmen. We have to deploy it for work. And you have to provide them properly. Like safety helmet. Safety shoes. Handles. All these have to be given to those workers. So that they can work safely. Then after that what do we have to do? All the rebars. We have to stack it size wise. And after stacking it size wise. We have to post signage there. Now assume that the rebars are in bundle. So you have to pack it properly in the bundle. So that because of that you can handle it easily. Now let's see what will be its probability rating? Now see this rush vehicle moment. This is our hazard. That is, if a lot of vehicles get rushed. Then the workman can get injured because of this. So the impact of this injury will be more. So the rating we write here is 4. Then we have to give the severity rating. Now assume that this vehicle is rushing. Because of which if it hits a workman. So the injury will be more because of that. That is, its severity rating will be more. That is, we consider 5 here. Now multiply 5 by 4. So what will be its result? 20. Now if we see this 20 in the risk matrix. Then it will come high. That is, H. So here we will write H. Similarly, let's see our second hazard. Where it is reversing the vehicle. What will happen in that hazard? When it is taking reverse, then its rating will be more. So we consider 4 here. And its severity rating will also come more. So we consider 5. Now 5 multiplied by 4 will be 20. This means that its impact level will be high. Now let's see how we will give the rating of the third hazard. Now this hazard is unloading of sharp edge rebars. So its probability can be less than the high level. So here we will consider 3. Also see that its severity. How much impact can it have? It can have a cut injury. It cannot have much impact. It means that there can be no death accident. Its probability is less. So here we will give the rating of 3. So 3 multiplied by 3 is 9. This means that its impact level will be medium. Now let's see how we will give the rating of our fourth hazard. Now that is improper stacking. Now what will happen after improper stacking? The possible outcomes are trip or fall injury. This can happen. It means that there can be no fatal accident or major accident. So its probability will be less. So it will come 3. And its severity rating will also be less. So we also write 3. That is, 3 multiplied by 3 is 9. And this will come in the medium. Now let's see what additional control measures we can give. Now in its additional control, we can do this. Wherever there is a vehicle movement. What can we do there? We can put a speed limit signboard. And in that speed limit, we will write 20 km per hour. What will happen with that? The vehicle will know that the workers in this area keep working. That's why the speed limit here is 20 km. And we have to follow it. And along with that, we will also put warning signages there. Then what can we do in additional control measures? When the vehicle reverses, what can we do at that time? The separate bankers can provide each vehicle. Whenever the vehicle has to be reversed. So the bankers are with the flag. The red flag and green flag will be with it. So because of that, it will indicate the vehicle. So that the vehicle can be positioned safely. Then what additional measures can we do? Whatever rebars have to be unloaded. Which has sharp edges. For that, we can use machineries. In that, we will not deploy the workforce. Now, if the material is being taken down from the trailer by machineries. Then the workforce will be reduced. So we can reduce its risk level. Then what additional control measures can we do? Whichever stacking yard is there. Where the reinforcement steel bar is being unloaded. Unauthorized persons cannot be allowed there. And for that, we will restrict that area. For unauthorized persons. Now, the additional control measures that we have suggested. Because of this, the impact level will be reduced. That is, the impact level of the high category will be reduced. That is, it will be low. That's why we will write L here. Now, the action bar comes at the end. In the action bar, we will write which person is responsible for this activity. That is, the site engineer or the site in-charge will come. So friends, this is how the risk assessment is made. We have considered an activity here. And according to that, the risk assessment was prepared. So friends, I hope you got to know about risk assessment through this video. In this, we learned what is risk assessment? What is the main objective of risk assessment? What are the five steps of risk assessment? What is the risk matrix? And how can we prepare risk assessment? So that's all for today. See you in the next video with a new topic. Till then, take care. Bye Bye.
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