Comprehensive Guide to SurveyMonkey: Features, Setup, and Tips
Join Andy from for an in-depth overview of SurveyMonkey. Learn how to create, customize, and analyze surveys using both free and paid features.
SurveyMonkey Overview in 6 minutes
Added on 09/07/2024
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Speaker 1: Hi everyone and this is Andy with and in this video we're going to do a quick overview of SurveyMonkey. This is one of the most popular survey apps out there that will create surveys automatically for you. All right let's get started. So here we are in the dashboard and the account I'm using is an individual basic account which is limited but it can do a lot. Unfortunately SurveyMonkey doesn't let you try out the other versions of the app if you don't sign up with your credit card. However we will go over the advanced features that are not included in the basic accounts anyways. Like I said this is the dashboard and in the center you can see all the surveys I already have and some insights below. On the top left is the navigation menu and on the right you can find more options as well as the help center and your profile settings. Now we're going to create a survey and then I'm going to show you one of the surveys I already have created. So let's click on the create button and on this new page you have several options to create a survey. You can start a survey from scratch, copy a past survey, start from a template, or you can choose the build it for me action that will create a survey automatically based on some questions. So for this survey we're going to choose build it for me. Let's click on that option and now we have to answer some questions so the app is going to create a survey for us. This survey is going to be for my customers and we're going to ask for feedback on our customer support. Now we're going to enter the name of my company and click submit. At this point we can upload a logo to customize the survey but this is a paid feature so we're going to skip this step. The survey has been created but here on the right we have some messages that come from the genius assistant. This assistant can help you build your surveys in an easier way. For now we're going to close these messages and here we have our survey. So if we scroll down we can see all the questions that were included. The questions look good so we're going to leave it as is, meaning that we are ready to launch the survey. But it looks like a paid feature was included in this survey and I'm going to deactivate it. So in the menu of the left I'm going to click here and then click on the paid feature and that's going to highlight the paid feature on the survey and then you can delete it. So now we don't have any paid features in this survey. So let's click on next and on this tab you can preview the survey as well as get a score based on the questions. In this case the app created the survey automatically for us so the score is perfect but this is helpful if we are creating a survey from scratch using our own questions. All right let's click on next again and on this page we're going to get our link to share the survey but you can also set up integrations with other apps to share the survey automatically. So to get the link let's click on this button and now you can share this link and start getting answers. On the bottom we have all the options for this survey like adding a thumbnail or a custom thank you page and more but some of these features are paid. If you're enjoying the video so far please click the like button it helps me a lot and I would really appreciate it. All right let's go back to the dashboard and I'm going to show you another survey I already have. It is this one right here employee template. This is a summary page where you can see some basic information about the survey like responses, collectors, and more. On the design survey tab you're going to be able to make changes to the survey and we have a lot of options here. Something I like is this question bank where you can find a list of questions that you can use in your surveys. For example we can click on recommended questions and then select the question we want to add and click on add question. So here's the question we just added. If you want to edit a question just click on it and then click on any edit button. We're going to cancel for now and on the left we have more editing options. So let's open the builder and if you want to manually add any questions you can use any of the options here. As you can see a lot of those options are paid. Next we have appearance and here we can change how the survey looks and also use the themes. Next we have logic. We can add logic to questions or pages so based on a previous answer we can decide what to do next. For example we can hide a question or hide some question options or we can show a page based on a previous answer. We can also do randomization, select a quota, and use custom variables. Next we have the options where we can change some basic things about the survey and finally we have the survey format where we can choose from three options. One question at a time, classic meaning all the questions in one page, or a conversation like a chat. At any point you can use this button to preview and test the survey and if there are other users using SurveyMonkey you can share the survey with them so they can give you feedback about the survey. Let's close this and I already collected some answers for this survey so we're going to click on analyze results. In this page you can see the answers you got with some graphics as well. You can also see insights and data trends and individual responses. On the left we have options like filtering answers, save views, exports that are a paid feature, sharing data, share the survey, and insights. The final tab is percent results and here you can create a dashboard which is a paid feature that can show specific information about your survey and this is how it would look like. There are a few more things I want to show you so let's go back to the dashboard and on the very right we have this menu where we can find the integrations and plugins. This is the app directory and SurveyMonkey has a lot of different integrations available. For example you can integrate SurveyMonkey with MailChimp and distribute your surveys with this email automation tool. Okay let's close this tab and open the pricing and let's go to the individual plan and the version I'm using is the free version which is not listed here but the version I would go for is the Advantage Annual that comes a lot of good features like a lot of customization, you can also export your data, you can use logic, and you can even do A-B testing. All right I hope you guys enjoyed the video and let me know in the comments down below if you have any questions. Next week I will be posting a video comparing SurveyMonkey with SurveySparrow and Zoho Survey so stay tuned. Thanks for watching.

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