Speaker 1: Hey friends, we are creating wonderful websites using WordPress. In this video, I am going to show you how you can easily create a website for online education or online courses. And the theme that we are going to use is well earned and it is a online education learning WordPress theme. And this theme is very new at Envato market and it has got only one sale. So it is of course a new theme and it has been developed by Gavias and they are power elite author at Envato market that is on ThemeForest.net. So the code quality is going to be super fine and well all is a complete feature packed and robust WordPress elements theme to create and sell courses online easily and it offers multiple pre-made websites like this is one, this is second, the third one and the fourth. So we have multiple options and advanced and core features. So 1, 2, 3, 4 these are the layouts that we can choose for our trending and upcoming website. And these are the core features. So theme is built with using Elementor page builder. It has event calendars and it well supports the WooCommerce and it is made on bootstrap. So these are some advanced features that you can directly use at your website and it is of course fully responsive. So let us begin overviewing this well-earned WordPress theme and we are going to create a stunning website using this theme in this video. Don't skip any part because choosing a perfect and correct WordPress theme is a crucial stage to make a successful website. So this is a very wide decision so you have to understand the theme features and functionality that you are going to use. I have this core and fresh installation of WordPress and I am using this shared hosting plan as always. And before we start, I would like to welcome all new visitors of this channel and I am really thankful to all existing visitors. They are giving so much love to this channel. Okay, so I'll show you the theme pack first of all and you can simply buy the theme through the video description link and it is again advantage that the theme is available just for $29. So video description link will help you in buying the theme and all the resources that you need for your website. So I'll show you the theme pack. In the theme pack I got this installable theme file which is just 3 MB in size. It is well optimized. The child theme is also included. Some samples are here like demo data type thing and plugins revolution slider and well earn themer is included. Licensing part is of course here. So we are going to use this well earn underscore theme for our installation purpose. Installation is going to be simple. But yes, you have to follow the exact step. With the default WordPress theme our website is looking like this. And we are going to install well earn WordPress theme for making an education online education website. So, let us start and we can simply go to the appearance section for the themes and here we can click on add new theme, upload theme and we have to choose the html theme file here. That is valen underscore theme. The theme file name may be different but yes you have to choose only the html theme file. Don't try to upload the complete folder. Click on install now and the theme will get installed within seconds. upon your host speed and the internet speed that you are using. Theme installed successfully. We can go to the theme page to check the details. Since it is a new theme, it is very first version of Valor. When you will order the theme, might be on later dates, you will certainly get an updated version as per availability and releases. But yes the installation process and the features will remain almost same. We can activate the theme here. Upon activation we have this alert that we need to install certain plugins in order to get the complete functionality. Let us begin installing the plugin and I'll show you which plugins are here. Contact form 7 as usual, Elementor is the page builder as I said. Event calendar is included, MailChimp for email subscription, Metabox and Redux is the framework that has been used with the Elementor page builder. It is a very good technical combination. Revolution slider for hero image, Tutor LMS has been used for learning management system. It is a very advanced learning management system. We learn theming for core functionality at the theme and the WooCommerce is also here to support the e-commerce activities. I am selecting all and all these plugins are required so we cannot ignore to install any of these plugins. So I have selected all these plugins, will select install, click on apply and let us see if it works it will install all the listed plugins here. It may take a while because the number of plugins are 10 and it may even fail depending upon the host configuration, I mean hosting configuration and the parameters that had been set at the hosting. But it does not mean it will not work. We can install the plugins one by one by following the install links. But I will show you the exact things what is happening here. Ok great, so all plugins, all 10 plugins have been installed successfully within a minute or so. So it is great and I am getting a good impression about this theme that installation is going super fine as of now. And since we have installed all the plugins in the latest version as provided in the theme pack and we can see all green marks, we can simply come back to the plugin installer screen and this time we have to select all again to activate all the installed plugins. So it is again going to be in a single click. And after activating all plugins, we are here at this page. And it is showing an alert that as membership is turned off, students and instructors will not be able to sign up. Please enable settings general member. So we can go to the enabling screen. Okay, so it is enabled now. So all the plugins have been successfully activated. So I am sorry for the background noises. It is coming from the hawkers on the street. It never mind. ignore those noises. But yes, we can proceed further. So, all plugins have been installed successfully and I'll show you the plugin screen. So, this is the plugin screen and you can see all has been installed. So, active is 11, all is 11. One is my plugin. So, the number of plugins that this theme is required is 10 only. Ok. Now, since we have well installed the theme and plugin, I can refresh this page to check how our website is looking now. So this is the website look and it is of course not having any layout, I mean the demo. So we have 4 target websites and we can choose any of these layouts as our upcoming website. So this is one. And I'll show you this second one. This is also good in look and feel. And this is all education website. So the craft and the presentation is according to education website need, especially online courses like this is search and the course entry and all this. So third one is really good, even the fourth. So it is totally your choice which one is good for you and you can proceed with your selected one. So what we need to do next, we have to import the demo content. So I will go to the dashboard just to take the process at next step. We need to import the demo content and since we have installed the ocommerce as well it is showing the products in live mode. So of course you can run any commerce website like if you wish to sell the service or course or even books it is well available. The feature is available I mean. Ok, so I will find the option where we can import the demo. Under theme setting, I can see there is a link, demo imported and this is going to help us in importing the demo. So this is only one option, import demo main. So I am going to click this, import demo, ok. And I believe the demo import process is begun now. But we can confirm this demo import process, whether this process is going fine. So open the media library in another tab. And if we are getting images here, it means it is going fine. It is super fast actually. So I got 35 images in just few seconds, going to refresh. Now it is 58, so it is going super fine. And we need to wait here without disturbing the process and it is going to bring the most important data, I mean the demo, layout, spaces, images and all those things that we need to create a demo website and we can proceed further for customizing those demo content and the import demo is now turned into imported and it hardly took two minutes for me in importing the demo content so this is really a wonderful experience while installing this thing and first of all I check how many images was included in the demo it is 174 in just two minutes I got all this so it is really amazing and I am equally eager to refresh this page to check our new website and I'm assuming it is going to be super fine but yes I am also opening this first time and this is a very first installation okay it is really great yes it is so we got this complete website in no time without any hassle without any trouble, the theme got installed with all set of demo content. This is the beauty of theme and the developer like PowerElite authors. So Gabyas, I am really thankful to the team who developed such a great WordPress theme and it is going to be successful I am sure and don't miss this opportunity for buying this theme. I am not promoting this theme or any other theme. You have choices. You have hundreds of choices on this channel. You can compare and I am happy to record this video because I am covering almost all great WordPress theme in education category particularly. So you have choice. But yes, this is really good. And we got this wonderful website and I am going to check other homepages as well. So that I am very confident in saying that this theme is working fine. the home 2 is loading bit slow but it depends on the hosting and the internet that we are using and it is going fast yes all good and we got the 4 home pages some courses as demo courses of course we need to update all the content but yes so all the contents are here we can simply proceed for editing our website, customizing our website and this is search and filter and course, mainly the course is the thing, so it is going very fast, start learning, the tutor LMS is here, that works very fine, as learning management system, the course content and the, okay, really great. All the features of our online course website is well available here and now it is time to take you to the dashboard again to show you what we got in this installation. So dashboard is here and first of all the tutor elements. So here we can upload courses by default multiple courses are here. You can simply edit all these course content and change it in yours and further if you want to upload the course from fresh you can do so. So it is very simple and you can edit the course. I will show you the course feed. However, it is a standard learning management system. So it is going to give you all the features, admission, setting courses, featured, expert, the layout settings, the difficulty levels, add products, the course builder, the additional data, the total course duration and all such things. Even the videos just in case if you want to use. So all the options are here. the category of course, tags, students, instructors, announcement, question and answer, quiz templates, quiz attempts and the withdrawal request, add-ons, tools and settings. So you have to configure all these. I mean in the setting you have to configure the course parameters how you want to run the course and you might be thinking you don't know how to do all these things so you have nothing to worry. Simply buy the theme through the video description link that is an affiliate link and join the iCreate program. This is a very interactive program and you can interact with a mentor that is going to help you in every manner in making your website successful and complete and even performant. So you can onboard the program for free, yes for free once you buy the theme here at themeforest.net through the affiliate link. So it is all for you and you can simply start creating your website without any fear that you don't have any technical skill. You don't even need the basic technical skills. So, you just need to know the computer operations and you can create a website. So, don't worry. Next is the well-earned template and here we can edit the header part like if you want to edit the header content, this is the header content and it works with Elementor. So, Elementor Here is a template, I mean the page builder that works like working on a word file. So you can simply change the logo, the area, the header area that you want to change. Like these are the hover. So and you can even check the response save, how it is looking on the various devices. It is very simple and easy to use. So header and footer can be edited in the well-earned template area. However, for portfolio items, you can go to the portfolio and edit all the content. And it is very important to note, the content and pages that you are not using, I mean not using at your website, not making it to the, I mean not going to edit the content, you have to delete those pages. Because you cannot keep any demo content at your website. It is not advised from the SEO perspectives. OK, so the events, so complete event management is here and you can upload the image, OK. And add new events and event categories, the help and setting further. And in case if you are willing to run an e-commerce website, so products can be uploaded in the e-commerce section. So some products are here, I believe. Because shop is also active, yes, so shop is active here. So I believe shoppage, yes this is shoppage that I can show you. So this is shoppage, however there is no product here. So you can upload your own product. So you can add products as selling material at your website and further you can sell these courses or like. Like, let us take this example. This is the wall block and it can be sold online. Like this is the listing. Ok, great. So the e-commerce part is here. Again, you need to delete all these products if you are not using or going to override the content. Ok, so payments and all such things are very common as in wordpress. And the theme setting. This is the theme setting area where you need to go for basic settings. And in the general option, we have the Google API, the layer, logo, default, the breadcrumb setting and basic things. So it is very simple. Just export the option, photo options, typography and gives you option to change the fonts and the body color option is also here. So you can completely change the color of the website, page options, course options, option, portfolio, book commerce and demo importer we have already used. So these are the options that we can see and for MailChimp configuration this is the screen and for slider revolution, I mean for the hero image area you have to edit the content in the slider revolution. So let us assume we are using the home page one and the slider is being one, slider that is going to be used there is slider one. So you can simply edit the content here. But you have to keep in mind, simply use the same dimension of image, it is really very important at least for the slider part. So same dimension of image and almost same length of text content, so that you may maintain the design integrity of the website. If you are disturbing it, it is going to mess up your website even. So if you are not confident, you can make a duplicate using this duplicate option before you start editing. And the rest of edit is going to be simple, rest of content you can simply edit using the Elementor page builder. Simply open the page that you want to edit, I mean the content. And you can simply click on edit with Elementor. So let us assume we are editing the homepage content. So open the homepage and click on edit with Elementor. Elementor page builder will help us in editing all the content except the hero image. hero image can be edited in the revolution slider section. It is going to be super easy like you are working on the word file and further you have this navigator you can directly jump into the section where you want to make an edit and you can simply click on this pencil icon for editing the content. If there is any shortcode like things here so you can preserve the shortcode by copying it on the notepad before you start editing. Yes, so and use the same angle brackets and wherever is required like short code like thing. And it is going to be easy and easiest in fact. And you can simply complete your website by editing the content, adding your course, adding your products and your website is going to be fine. And as I said, if you need any support, We are here to help you in every aspect to make your website up, live and running without any hassle. So you just buy the theme and if you have yet not taken the hosting, consider taking a WordPress optimized hosting at WPThemes website. You will get all the great hosting providers there. So you have nothing like compulsion. You can choose any hosting provider and take a WordPress optimized hosting plan. Basically it should be with cPanel. As I recommend, you can also go for hosting with hPanel. So these are two options and both options are available at WPThemes website. The link has been given in the video description. In this video we created this wonderful website using well-earned WordPress theme and it remained very easy and successful installation process and we got the complete elements without any doubt. So this theme is new and you are going to get a unique website on the web and this is really amazing in look and feel. So go with this and as I said you can compare others as well. So feature functionalities should match your requirements before you take this theme or any other theme. In the next video I'm coming with more resources. Till then goodbye. But yes, In case of any question you can simply ping here on the live chat. Thank you. Keep watching. Keep building.
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