Create Viral PowerPoint Slides: Step-by-Step Tutorial for Instagram & TikTok
Learn how to design three viral PowerPoint slides with animations and effects. Perfect for Instagram and TikTok. Follow along for tips and tricks!
How I created these VIRAL POWERPOINTS
Added on 09/26/2024
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Speaker 1: hello guys and welcome to another tutorial in this video I will show you how I made these three slides that went viral on Instagram and tik-tok using PowerPoint now the first one has over 24 million views which is insane so you're gonna start inserting whatever shape you want in this case I picked a rectangle and remember if you hold ctrl on your keyboard and drag the shape you'll be able to duplicate it, which is what I'm doing right here, and then I'm going to select the three of them and I'm going to group them with ctrl G or right-click group, then right-click again and click on format shape, select no line and then copy an image, in this case I picked the opera house from Unsplash and then go to the fill options from format shape and click on picture or texture fill from clipboard. If your image looks distorted you can click here on tile picture as texture and then changing the offset values to move it inside the shape and then I added another shape for the background right click and send to back then I added a title and some bullet points and to create the animation I group the background with the text, go to animations, click on fly in and then I change the direction from the effect options to start from left and for the image group I added the same effect which is fly in but this time I changed the effect options to start from right. Select both of these objects here and and then right click effect options and change the timing to start with previous, change it to one second and smooth the end and that's how I made this super simple slide. Now this one has over 2.3 million views on TikTok and I'm gonna start inserting an image and I got this one from OnSplash and also this tutorial will be a little bit different than the one on tiktok because i wanted to simplify it so the first thing that we'll do is go to the crop menu here and drag the handles all the way to the edges of the slide then go to crop again and click on fill and we're gonna zoom out because we need to make the image larger then i added some text in this case i just put the word vietnam and the font it's it's called expo m and then i copy pasted a png of a leaf that I found online. This leaf will help us give a little bit more depth to the slide so you right click on it and select format picture and here I'm gonna change the brightness because I want it darker and I'm gonna change the sharpness as well because I want it to look a little bit blurry. Then I'm gonna duplicate holding ctrl on my keyboard and dragging the image to create this fun layout and then select the slide and duplicate with ctrl d and here i'm going to move the title to the left to the gray area of the slide and i'm going to move the leaves just a little bit and then select the image click on crop again and then just move it to the left Now let's insert a rectangle and this will be our area for our text. So then click on no line and then the solid fill we're going to change it to black and I'm just going to change the transparency a little bit. Remember to bring to front the leaves then copy that rectangle and paste it on the first slide and make it thinner and drag it to the right and bring the leaves to front as well. Now it's time to add your text and I take this opportunity to remind you to subscribe to this channel if you want to get more PowerPoint tutorials every single week and now remember to bring the leaves to the front always always to the front and then you're gonna copy the text box and paste it on the first slide drag it to the right again bring the leaves to the front. Now you're gonna select both slides, go to transitions and click on morph and that's how I designed this super cool slide. Now the third one has over 12 million views on Instagram. It is absolutely crazy and thank you so much for your support once again and for this one I'm aware that there's much simpler ways to do this slide, however this tutorial is specific for people who already have bullet points in their slides and they want to change them instead of recreating the whole slide from the beginning. So you're gonna right-click on your bullet points and click on convert to smart art. Gonna click on the hierarchy option which is this one and now the bullet points are automatically transformed into these boxes here. So then you're gonna make them larger and then move this handle here so they show up on the slide and then I change the background to black and I change the color of the text to white. Now you can select these shapes here holding shift on your keyboard and then you're gonna get rid of the line and you're gonna get rid of the fill. For the title I just changed the font to this one called Roserita and then just draw some lines in between your texts. Here I picked the color white for the line and I'm just going to duplicate it holding ctrl on my keyboard and dragging it to the right. Now I'm going to insert an image and then go to picture format, click on crop, drag the handles all the way to the edges of the slide and then select fill from the crop menu and then right click send to back. you can add a little bit of transparency so the text pop up more and to do that you just have to select the image, go to format picture and apply a little bit of transparency here and you can even flip it. Just go to picture format, click on rotate and click on flip horizontal. Now select the image, go to animations and click on grow and shrink and then click on the animation pane, right click a effect options here let's change the percentage to 110% and smooth the end and then right-click start with previous and there you go guys that's how I made these three slides in PowerPoint Instagram and tik-tok saw them first so make sure to follow me there and remember that I have some premium templates available for you to download and create a striking presentation thank you so much for watching thank you so much for your support don't forget to subscribe to like and to comment and I will see you on my next video

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