Creating Stunning Posters with Canva: A Step-by-Step Guide for Students
Learn how to design eye-catching posters using Canva. Follow Stephen, an undergraduate, as he prepares for his final year project presentation.
Create Eye-Catching ACADEMIC POSTERS with CANVA
Added on 09/26/2024
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Speaker 1: So we are going to create a really stunning poster of the type that look like this, this, this and this. And we are going to use Canva which is a dedicated software for doing this. So let's sit back and relax as we get started with this video. So we are going to follow the story of Stephen who is an undergraduate student who has just returned from a conference in which he saw someone who used this fantastic software called Canva to design some really stunning poster. And so he is going to present his work in a final year undergraduate project presentation and so he wanted to try out the same Canva that his friend in the conference used. These are the specifications that he is going to use. So the first thing here is that the poster size has to be an A1 poster and that means the width of it is 16cm and the height of it is 84cm. The other requirement is that your poster design has to be in portrait mode as against being in landscape mode and then the organizers have also said that you must restrict yourself to about 28 point area of font size. So the first thing we need to do is to go to this website called so and when you get to the if you are a student you can go straight to the education section here and either as a student subscribe, sign up for a free account, all you need is your university email account or your teaching email account. If you are a member of staff you could use the other bids and that will also help you in doing that. I already have my own personal account which is a premium account and I am going to use that. The advantage of having a premium account or an enhanced account is that you have more access to templates that normally are not available in the free account. But I am going to use my premium account in this video. So the first thing you need to do in creating yours is to just go to create design right at the top end here and we are going to create a poster so type in poster right here and look at the options. So there are so many options of poster that you want for us and one we are looking for is poster as a portrait. So I am creating a portrait poster but it has to be an A1 poster. So I will right away go to resize and under resize I can actually specify the dimensions of the poster that I want. In this case it is an A1 poster of a size 60 and a height 84 and we can then click copy and resize. So what I will do is I will resize the poster into the format that we want which is this. Now it is currently a blank document and that's fine and if you are going to work with a blank document what I will normally do first is to go to photos and under photos here you can only look for background and within this background you can begin to build and you can use any of this as your background. So let's assume I select that so this is a typical background you can start off with for your post line. It is already looking a bit fanciful and then you can go ahead and create a text. So if I add a text so I could put the heading right away so whatever the heading is and once you create the heading like that then you can begin to build it or by assemble all the entities that fit into this poster. For example you could go on to the elements and on the elements here you could also start with one of these to start creating the blocks that define how your poster is going to look. So the freedom really is for you to determine how you are going to create this poster. However the essence of going to a software like Canva is because it has loads of templates that you can work with and so it doesn't make any sense to begin to build it from scratch. It makes sense to leverage on the existing post templates that are existing here. So I'm going to delete that page. So what I'm going to now do is to use the existing templates that are within it and what I will do is I'll go on to a design. So in the design tab here are loads of templates that you can use and so what I'm going to search out for is let's look at an aesthetic poster. So under the aesthetic poster you can really find some really fanciful stunning posters that you can use. And so that's what we have here. So there's a lot of them that you can use here. It depends on what kind of poster you want to do. So whether it's an academic poster or maybe some just advertisement or whatever conference posters. So some of these are really excellent posters. But because I'm building an academic poster I'm probably going to use stay with this one. So if you click on that it will then take it into your workspace and then you can begin to build your poster from here. So I'm going to delete this thank you so that I really like the background that it's giving me because I want to keep that background and use it for my poster. So in the end I'm going to draw a line. So these are the entities. So if we leave them we can easily move them around and you don't want them moving around. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to lock them in place by selecting all of them and then at the top end here say lock. So once you lock them in place then you can move them around and then you have that as a workspace that you can use in creating your poster. OK so already the contents of my poster has been prepared in a Microsoft Word document like this. So this is the content that Stephen wants to create. So the title the author this provides the background. This is something that is advisable for you to do to already have the content that you want to fit into your poster prepared ahead of actually designing the poster. And so this these are the content that we're going to be using it. And already you could also notice that you have the headings associated with it. So the first thing we want to do is to take the title. So I'll copy the title and get into this. So I'm going to add let's say maybe a heading title right at the top here. So I'm going to move it to probably somewhere around here where I want. And then control V to paste that heading. Now as part of the specification we have to make this thing Arial. So the font size is Arial. So select Arial and we recommend to work with 28. So clearly 28 is a bit very narrow here. So if we put in 70 there. So that represents a good title. So once you get to this. So what we're going to do is to add some effect to this text. So go to effects here. There is this background option and I want that background to be like a color like that. Clearly the text we can make a bit that text will pop out more. And so we have something like this. So it's looking up already quite good in terms of as a text. So the other thing we need to then do is include the logo of this organization. So normally you have your logo elsewhere and you want to bring it into this platform. So under uploads you just need to upload the file or you could just record an information for yourself. So essentially this is all there. Or you could get from any of this platform. If you've got a Dropbox account you can also get that. So I've already uploaded my files that I'm going to be using for this in this environment. So and there's a logo here which is the logo of the investor that Steven is going to work with. So we're bringing in this logo here into this environment and we are going to now adjust it so that it will fit in and we can then move it to the top. So let's just reduce that. So move it to the top and we have a logo right there. Now the other thing is we need to put the name of the person presenting this work. So on that text again. So we can maybe as a subheading I could call it, you know, Steven presenter and maybe the university identification number for this student is something like that. So we can reduce all that and then you can move it back into position there. So at least we have the student's name there now. So while selecting that I'll say Ctrl C, Ctrl V. So that creates a copy. I'll take it to the top here and then maybe I can go back and change it to aerial and select that, you know, take away the bold and then basically say maybe Steven supervisor is so that could be the Steven supervisor. So we'll just make him a little bit small so that it will be right at the top. Now the next bit is if you look at the text file that Steven is using. So put the alt tab. So we need to think about the project background and motivation. So again, it could be a subheading. So we'll paste it in that environment. And it's also a good thing to do a serialization of the headings. So we can put that here. Now the next thing is we need to get this information, which is what we're going to the introduction. So we go back to text and just use a little text, this particular option, and then we can paste that information there, Ctrl V to paste. So we have it looking just about all right. So we can align it up in that environment. Now it's not aligning properly because the text is not justified properly. So at the top here, you can click this first. So that's and then click. So it gets into a justified arrangement. So you've got a justified arrangement for that information. So what we can do is to select the two of them. Okay. And then Ctrl C, Ctrl V to copy and just drag it to the next side. So that becomes the next bit. And then we'll call this 2.0 and we know that 2.0 is the aims and objective. So we can go there and put aims and objective next to it. Okay. So now the aims and objective, we want everything lined up to the on the left and all we need to do. So we'll line up to the left. So we need to change this text. So Stephen had already created a text for the aim and objective. So we'll just paste it in there and it will inherit that same information. So we already have the top end of the poster looking correct. So we've got this and that. Now the next thing we have there is project design and methodology. So we could again, maybe just use the heading. So we could have this as project design and methodology. Okay. So that's the next thing and we need. So what we have here is this information. So just copy what Stephen has here, Ctrl C, Ctrl and then take borrow what we have here. Okay. All right. So we have the project design looking correct. Now we then bring in the text. So there's this graphical flow chart that describes what we want. So all we need to do is go back to your upload and we'll look for that information. So it's already here. So we can bring it in here and when you're bringing it, make sure you're careful to just allow it to flow because if you put it like this, it's going to take the place of the existing graphic there. So it should just float around. So now and then we have it looking correct. And the other thing about is implementation. So we can copy these two together again and then Ctrl C to copy, Ctrl V to paste. So we'll take it to this other side and then this becomes our 4.0. So that is project implementation. So we've got project implementation and there's a little bit of text there that goes with project implementation. So we'll paste it in that environment and then, you know, we're happy with how it's shaping and coming together. So and then we're making sure that we're keeping the same width to the text at the top and the bottom. So that's number four. Now there is a little information, there's a picture here. So which has already been uploaded. So again, we'll drag it into this window and make sure that we can reduce it so that again it fits nicely within that space. So that's the first graphical plot for project implementation. The next thing is that there is a structural parameter as a second implementation, which we need to take. So again, we'll just copy Ctrl C, Ctrl V to drag it down here and we'll copy the text that we need to put there and then paste it inside that window. OK, so we're happy with again that looks all right. So just below it, we'll then put in this image, which has already been uploaded here. So we'll just drag it over. So make sure that it's looking correct and then we can now put it in that space. So this is really part of the project implementation phases that we need. And OK, there is this text here. Maybe we can minimize this text and try and utilize all the space. So if we minimize this text here, then we can move and then everything is properly oriented, properly oriented the way it should be. So if we then zoom out, you can see that it's already beginning to look quite nice. So you've got from the heading as you move down, everything is beginning to look nice. So the last bit is where you look at your results. So within here, there is the first result, which is here. So what we're going to do with some information is probably what we've done. So you copy the two together and then Ctrl C, Ctrl V and drag that into that position. So that what we can then have now is five key results. So what is our key results? So we copy that information and paste here. So I would just only use this. I'll just take this information and put there. So one of the key results will be what goes in here. OK, so if we bring that back in here and then we can minimize it. So that's one of the key results. So you can see there's something going on here. So maybe I'm not happy with this text trying to take over the space here. So I could move it to the other side and then maybe just change. Again, this is the beauty of working in an environment like this. You could just move things around and we could take that out. And then only what we have here is this. OK, so I could call this number six because I know that I will also have number five around here. Again, it's all there for you to just move things around. The basis is that you have a template that you're working with. You're just simply putting the information on top as you see fit. So that's one result which talks about that. The other result that you could think about maybe this second one. So if you copy. So if you put that second result here, which again, we already have here. So if you bring it into this environment, OK, maybe maybe this is a bit better because it's uniformity in the way the data is shown. So OK, those are two good results that we can focus on. So at times when you're trying to create a poster and you're doing it, working collaboratively with others. So if you're making changes, other people could also be aware of the changes you're making and it will tell you. So like in this case, it's identifying that I am the one making this change. If there's another person making a change collaboratively on this, then this is also another good thing that you can have. So already we have the results and then maybe the last bit we need to do is to then think of the conclusion. So which is our number seven. OK, so with our number seven. So the second key result is model ranking. So I could just put this here. OK, so we've got to set up data. One graphical, the other one is a contour plot and we are happy with all of that. OK, looks OK. So with our conclusion, all I need to do is to again borrow the information that we're using copy and paste so we can then put it right here to represent our conclusion section. And we just simply go ahead and copy the conclusion we have on the poster. Again, it makes sense if you had already done this formatting before for you and we have here. So it looks good. So clearly, I don't want it to keep infiltrating into this region. So, you know, by all means, you can move things around and then you'll have a nice way of showing your data. So we've got a conclusion also in that environment. So we can then have a look at the whole poster. So it looks quite nice. You've got a nice background and you've got all your data in place and everything looks looks fine. So everything looks beautiful now. So what I'm going to do now is I'm just going to select all the things that I've added and I'm going to group them so they become one entity. So if you can select them and control X, you delete them, control Z. So it looks beautiful. So all I'm going to do is I'm going to duplicate it. So I duplicate this page and now I'm going to change the background. I'm going to change the background. OK, if I just select the information I have here and control X. So I've copied it. So I can then look at some other interesting backgrounds that we want. So you can go back to Aesthetic Posters. OK, so we're going to just copy the data that we have here. So if I just hover and copy, control, so right click and click copy. So that will copy the information that we have there. OK, so now if we go to another page, I don't want this. I want, let's say, why not let's use this one so we can easily remove the text involved. So we've got a different background. I just need to paste that information and voila, we have another, again, a beautiful poster with a nice background. I could go to another one and say, OK, why not let me use this information, OK, and then paste my data there. So it looks good. However, there is a trick that we can pull because you notice that the background here is interfacing with the image, with the text and it can be a bit difficult to read. So what I would normally do is that if you go to the elements and then you can take one of these and use it as a background. So you cover the text. So after covering the text, you want to set some transparency to it. So the first thing I'll do is I will change this text to maybe something a bit lighter. You can even go and change it to a bit white, but then set the transparency to very low. So that transparency becomes a way for you to control what's happening in the background. So in this case, maybe the background, you want it to be a little bit light, light weight and intensity. And then on top of that, so you can then with this, select the two together and then lock that background. So they are now part of the same thing that you can paste your data on top. So with that information, you now have a background that is a bit light in the background and your text is still looking good. So we can go ahead and try some other options still under design. So that's another good one that I like. So we can then take this information out and then right on top, you paste your data and then again, you get a fantastic looking poster. So the option of what you can do is quite diverse in terms of how beautiful your poster can be. So you can even decide, OK, I don't want any of this. I want maybe some really exciting. So let's say something like that. So again, I can take out the text and like I said before, what you don't want is you don't want this background interfacing with your text. If you just go ahead and paste your text, it's not really looking good. So what we need to do is to take the element and then cover up what you have. There's a little bit of pink, pinkish field. So maybe you put it a little bit in the pinkish region and then reduce the intensity sort of, you know, maybe pink is a little bit bolder. So you could think of this. So it really depends on what you want to do. So if we go back to maybe something like this, then we could reduce the intensity and then we can paste our text on top. And then you've got a nice poster, stunning poster with a bit of a background and your man standing out and all that is required. Once you've done that, you have, so you can actually present it. So if we go and do present, so you could actually have a lovely looking poster that you can present. We can then cycle through to the previous ones that we've done and they are all really looking quite good in that. Clearly, what you want to do with all of that is you want to be able to print it. So you have to find a way to share it. So there are many ways you can share your design after you've finished. So the easiest way is to download a copy of your particular design. So you could either download it as a png, but I'll normally go for a PDF because you want to send it to a printer to print. So you can do a PDF of all the posters, but clearly the only one we want is this current one that we are really interested in. So we can then, I wanted the current page only, which is currently page six and then click done, download. So what it will do then is to download this and make it available for you to actually be able to use to then send to a printer. Okay, so I can then call it my stunning poster. So I'm going to save it. So that's fine. And then you can then easily open it as a PDF document and it will have a very high resolution. This is a beautiful thing. So you can see even when you zoom it up to 400%, the resolution of what the poster is doing is really, really looking good. And everything looks good and you can then easily send this out for printing and take it or even just distribute it. And it's a beautiful, excellent poster with a nice background and all that. So this is how you can create a stunning poster using Canva. If you want to do it in a simple old way of using Microsoft PowerPoint to do this, then this is a video that is worth looking at. Thank you for your interest in this channel and do please subscribe if it is the kind of content that you like and I'll see you in the next video. Bye bye. Bye bye.

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