Efficiently Host and Manage Your Online Course Videos with Vimeo: A Step-by-Step Guide
Learn how to use Vimeo for hosting your online course videos, set up custom presets, and optimize your workflow for a seamless user experience.
Vimeo Time Saving Hacks for Course Creators [updated for 2023]
Added on 09/30/2024
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Speaker 1: So you're building an online course, and you need a place to host your videos. Maybe you're just looking for ways to become more efficient with your uploading and hosting. Today I'm going to show you how I use Vimeo for all of my online course video hosting. And I'm also going to show you my super simple method for uploading my videos with the proper settings quickly and efficiently. Alright, before we dive in, make sure to check out the description below for some really valuable downloadable resources that will help you when building and selling your online course. So why do I use Vimeo? There's tons of other options out there, but what I've found is that Vimeo hits that sweet spot in terms of pricing, features, and ease of use. Their $7 a month plan is more than enough for most course creators. After using Vimeo for about two years, I've found that with just a little bit of prep work, uploading my videos for my courses has become extremely efficient. Because the last thing I want to be doing is adjusting my settings or spending hours fumbling around with my workflow. So in today's video, I'm going to show you how to create custom presets to optimize your workflow, adjust your settings so that people can't access your videos anywhere other than your membership area, and how to improve your customer journey with a couple small but super powerful Vimeo features. So we will see you over in Vimeo. Alright, so we are over in Vimeo. First off, to give you a little bit of context, I'm using Vimeo in combination with ClickFunnels for hosting our online courses. So that's what I'm going to be showing you today. It's primarily going to cover all the Vimeo settings, and then I'll show you how that functions over in ClickFunnels once I've set everything up. Alright, so once again, our membership area that we're currently working on is a course called Ticket to Freedom. So in this course, we teach people how to build mini courses in 14 days or less. And so we have a series of videos hosted inside of this membership area that I've built inside of ClickFunnels. So obviously, in order to get those videos in there, I have to host it somewhere. And that's where Vimeo comes into play. So I'm going to walk you through how I set up the default settings for my uploads, and then a couple things we can tweak to improve your customer journey so we can make all this super efficient and beneficial to your course. Alright, so this is your dashboard in Vimeo. You're going to head over into this little smiley face. You might have a profile picture there if you have one uploaded. But first place we're going to stop is down here in Settings. So the first thing we want to do is hop down here to where it says Videos. And then in Videos, the first thing we're going to do is go to Embed Presets. So you're going to see I have a few here. I've used these presets for different courses that I built. And so if you don't have any there, you're just going to want to add a new preset. So I'm just going to do that here just so we can build one together. So I'm just going to add Test. And now what's going to happen is Vimeo is going to ask you how you want your uploads to come into Vimeo. So you can save a ton of time. If you've ever used Google Slides, like setting up a master template, and then setting up global settings, they save you tons of time. Because once you edit one thing, it can edit all throughout your presentation. And that's the same thing you can do with Vimeo. All right, so what you're going to want to do here is you're going to want to go through. And as you're hosting a video or playing a video inside of a membership area, you don't want it to function the same way it functions on YouTube or Vimeo Public. You want that to be private to the people who are inside your membership area. So you want to remove everything in terms of likes, subscribe, share, go to the next video, etc, etc. Okay, so it's going to give you a couple player preferences here. And it says portrait, let viewer decide, title, let viewer... I don't like any of this stuff. So I just take it all off. So I hide this, I hide this, and then I hide the byline. And so now you're just left with a video. And now as you go down here, you can decide if you always want to use a specific color. So let's say the color for my business is this pinkish red color. I can just add that there. And you're going to see that the play button changes. And then the volume changes, right? So I would brand that out with what you have inside of your business. And then I'm going to take off the like button, the watch later, the share, the embed. And then I'm going to leave these things here. I like to give my students and users the ability to watch full screen or speed it up. Or if they want to turn the volume, etc, etc. Like give them the option. My biggest dislike is when I come to a page or a webinar and I can't control the player speed. Like I will leave quicker than I got there if I can't control the player speed. Nobody has an hour to watch a video anymore. So you have to give people the ability to scrub through or to play it quicker. The only thing I would take off here is the Vimeo logo. Because since you're paying for this, you don't have to advertise that this is a Vimeo video. All right? So I would do your best to make sure that this looks custom branded to you and not to Vimeo. All right? Now, if you are using the basic membership that's $7 a month, you can't do a custom logo. But if I was using the $20 a month plan, then I could upgrade and add a custom logo in here. So that's how I set up all of my videos. I don't like to have any of that stuff on. And then the cool part is you get to choose what you want to happen after the video. A lot of people skip over this. But for us, inside of our membership area, we like to add a little bit of text that tells the customer what we want them or the student what we want them to do next. So you can go in here and you can have... There's a couple different options. You can leave it empty. You can add some text that directs them. You can even have a call to action. So if it's something where you want them to click a button, you can have a call to action. And so you can just go in there and decide which one of these you want to do. Or maybe you want to put a custom image in there that has some directions on it. Or however you want to customize it, I would take advantage of this box. For now, I'm just going to leave it blank because I'm not going to set this up and show you all the call to actions that I would make inside of a video. I will show you what we have on our current one. So on our current preset. But for now, I'm just going to leave this one empty. Okay. All right. So then once I've set that up, if you're in a situation where you're coming to this after you've already programmed a lot of your videos, you can apply this to all your existing videos. And that's the global feature of Vimeo where it's going to take over all your videos. Or you can just save this. So anything you upload now will have these settings. So I'm just going to save this. And anything that I would upload now with that test preset, then it's going to have all those settings in it. Okay. So that's the first place we're going to stop. The next place we're going to stop is upload defaults. So over here in upload defaults, you're going to go through and set everything else that you want when you upload a video. So your preset was one thing. Now you can choose that preset because you can see here. Now I get to choose from the presets that I just had. And let's see. I think I might have to refresh it since I just built the preset. But I think when I refresh it, it should show up. Yep. So there it is. So I would just choose that test preset. And then what's going to happen now as we go through here, you're going to say, okay, do you want a content rating? No, you're probably not going to do it for mature audiences. No, I don't want any of that. I want to hide my Vimeo stats. I'm going to keep my preset to test. And then you can choose if you want to apply it to all existing. Now, this is key right here. Choose hide from Vimeo. If you're using this as a membership area or course video, you want to hide this from Vimeo. Because even if you put private, what's going to happen is if someone finds that link, which they can very easily, they can share that link and anyone else can take that or download or do whatever they want with it. But if you hide it from Vimeo, it is literally not going to be listed on Vimeo. So the only place that they will be able to find that is where you tell them they can find it. Okay, so hide from Vimeo. Who can comment? No one. So I want to always leave that on no one. And then I would save that. And then now this is the next really important part. Since you hid this from Vimeo, you have to tell it where you want it to be displayed. And so for me, I've played around with this a few times and I've found what works for me. But over in ClickFunnels, I found that these settings I have here are the settings that I need in order for it to work when I want it to work, but without people being able to take it and download it anywhere. So app.clickfunnels.com, that just saves me because everything's built on ClickFunnels. And then the next one is just my main domain. So tickettofreedom.io, that's what we were using for our Ticket to Freedom course. Then the specific URL, which is members.tickettofreedom.io. And then I also include my subdomain that's directly built into ClickFunnels. This gets a little bit confusing, but if I'm building a membership area before I've given it a custom domain, if I leave it at scottwissing.clickfunnels.com, then I'll be able to see it as I'm building it before I do my domain. Because if I don't include that, when I go to preview it, it's gonna say Vimeo is blocking you from, or ClickFunnels is blocking you from showing this because you have your settings improperly set on Vimeo. So if you ever see that screen, it's probably because of this. And then the last thing I would include is the app.funnelpreview from ClickFunnels because when I'm building and I preview it, it's gonna populate at app.funnelpreview.com. So if I have all of these things in there, I will always be able to see what my video looks like. If you miss a couple of these things, there's gonna be times where let's say you go to preview your membership area and that video isn't there or it says that your settings aren't set up properly. So that's how I set it up for my ClickFunnels. So if you're using WordPress, you're obviously gonna have a different URL for your presets over in WordPress or if you're using Members Pro or whatever you're using. But for ClickFunnels, that's what it would be. All right, so then I would just save that. And then it says, what can people do with your videos? Download them, add them to collections. I always just take those off unless I'm giving like a free course out where I'm encouraging them to download something, then they can download it if they want. But usually I'm gonna leave that download them unchecked so that nobody can download that. So once I have all that stuff saved, I would click save on everything. But since obviously I don't wanna do that for my own settings, then I'm not gonna click save for now. But you would go through and just click the save on all those settings. So once you have your embed presets and your upload default set, now it's time to go over into your actual videos, okay? So I'm gonna hop over to my videos here. And obviously this is just my library of all the videos I've ever uploaded to Vimeo. So it'll show me if I want to, it can show me some stats for these videos, but that kind of stuff really doesn't matter to me because all these are inside of a membership area. Now, organization wise, since we've built Ticket to Freedom recently and it has a lot of videos in it, I like to build a folder and then put in our finalized videos inside that folder so they're really easy to access. So that's kind of a key tip when you're organizing things. So put it in a folder. And now inside of this folder is gonna be all the videos that are inside of our course. So you can see I have like my VSL, my thank you page, welcome. And then my VSL and welcome to our upsells. And then all of the actual videos that are inside the course, okay? So how do we edit individual videos as we upload them? Is there anything else we need to do? I'm gonna show you a couple things that you're gonna wanna do on each individual video. I'm just gonna go here and click on this validate video. So this is an individual video we already have uploaded into our membership area over here. So when I click validate it, this is the video that comes on, all right? So over in our validated video, if I would have just uploaded this to Vimeo, here's a couple things I wanna check. First thing I'm gonna do is go to my player, okay? So this, since I chose the ticket to freedom preset, this should already be set. But just in case it's not, you'd go in here, you'd click your color, you'd change your color, and then you could even change your thumbnail as well. The cool thing about Vimeo is you can scrub through the video and you can choose a thumbnail from your actual video. So like for us, each video has this title slide. And so that's what we want our thumbnail to be. So all we had to do is scrub to the first like two seconds of the video, take that thumbnail and then use that for our videos. Okay, so that's the first place you're gonna wanna check. You're gonna wanna click that player button, double check that those two things are correct. Next thing you wanna do is go to privacy and just double check that all this stuff looks right. So there's all of the places that I specified on my defaults and it's hidden from Vimeo. So that looks good, so I'm just gonna X. And then the last place you wanna check is over in advanced. So inside advanced, now you're gonna see all kinds of options over here. The only ones that you're really gonna wanna concern yourself with, for me anyway, is this interaction tools because this is where you can control what's gonna happen at the end of the video. All the other stuff is already set. So if you go through here and look at all these options, it's title, description, thumbnail, and then your info section, it's like who can see this, we've already done all that. Then collaboration, you've already set it up. You don't need to worry about collaboration. This is if you're working with a partner or someone else in your team. And then embed, these are all the things we already put in our customization on our defaults. So the only place to really look here is interaction tool. So on interaction tool, you might have set it already in your custom defaults, okay? But if you don't want the same thing to show up at the end of every video, then you're gonna need to go and adjust it here. For us, most of our videos say the same thing. They say mark complete and go to the next lesson, click the black button below, okay? So that's what we put at the end of our videos because over in Ticket to Freedom, after you've watched the validated section, if I play this real quick here to finish out the video, you're gonna see what happens. So when this is done, it says, okay, mark complete and go to the next video. So what the user is doing is they're clicking complete and continue. And then we have our script set up to take them directly to the next video, all right? And also, we can track data using that as well. We can track that button so we know where people are. And then we also have these check marks in up here to show us where the customer is or the student is throughout the course, all right? So that would be our end screen. So you would need to choose, okay, what makes sense at the end of this video? Do I wanna tell them go to the next lesson? Or maybe you're on a section where let's say you have like a downloadable resource or you have them do some homework. When that video gets over, you could go in here and say, make sure to download et cetera, et cetera below and then do something else that you want them to do when they're finished. So this is the one place under interaction tools and end screen that I'd make sure on each video you have set up properly. So if you have a course that is having the students do the exact same thing after every video, like click here to go to the next slide, then set it up in your defaults. But if you have something where they're gonna be doing something different from slide to slide, then you should go into the interaction tools at the end of the video and program in what you want them to do. It's just really good user experience and helps your students to get through your course a lot more efficiently. All right. Okay, guys, so that's the basic breakdown of everything. And once again, you can see the end result. So when you go over into our membership area and we click to play these, they're all functioning really well. They're all HD. Everything works no matter where we click. It's all gonna load really quickly. So I really strongly believe that, especially for someone who is creating a smaller course like this or who isn't uploading hundreds and hundreds of gigabytes of video on the weekly, that Vimeo's plus plan for only seven bucks a month is gonna be perfect for you. And I don't think there's anything that you'll find that doesn't provide enough features for you. So hopefully you guys found value in that. Why don't you let me know if you stuck around till the end, drop a comment and let me know, are you using Vimeo or what video hosting software are you using? I'm always looking to improve my workflow. But for me, Vimeo has done everything that I need it to. So I'm planning to stick around with it for the short future here. All right, guys, thanks again. And check out those downloadable resources in the description. And we will see you in the next video. Take care.

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