Enhance Your Online Meetings: A Guide to Using iPad and Notability
Learn how to upgrade your virtual meetings with Notability on iPad. Save time and improve efficiency with these practical tips for web designers.
Upgrade your virtual meeting experience - Zoom, Notability and iPad
Added on 09/07/2024
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Speaker 1: Hello, good morning, this is Osamu Akabayashi from ZEIdeas. Today I want to show you how to upgrade your meeting experience, your online meeting experience. So let's begin. So today I'm going to use my iPad to run entire session. So this is kind of my first time I use my MacBook to present, but today I'm going to use my iPad. All right, and I use the Notability application you can see down below. Now what I like about this application is you can import your PDF file. So I got some download files, so let's say this. So I'm a web designer, so I do my web design the layout. So this is one of my clients and then I created the layout for the landing page, a home page, and then someone just showed up my client. So usually I sit down with my client, but these days everything has to be virtual, so I cannot really sit down with them, but I use Zoom and share my iPad screen. And then I can send this to my Notability, as you can see, and create a new note. And then you can put the title and then something like that, the home page content, that's okay. And then I'm going to just hit import. All right, here we go. And then if you go back to Notability, okay, it's here. All right, so this is cool. So I can put the note here. So let's say if my client said, you know, if they didn't like the size, they can maybe just reduce the size here. Size to maybe, you know, 110 pixel, 100 pixel. And then let's say, they might say, you know, instead of calling about, maybe who we are, something like that. And then let's say, you know, they might say, oh, the icon here is too small, and let's increase that. Okay, so maybe increase that to maybe 33 pixel by 33 pixel, you know, throughout. And if you want to draw a perfect rectangle, you can just hold it so you can do that. That's cool. Same as saying my straight lines, something like that. It looks kind of neat. And then the upcoming events, you know what, like should have some date and time here, because this is an event. So you can copy. You can duplicate. Same thing, duplicate. So you don't have to write it again. Right. And then if they wanted to, let's say, you know, change the color to maybe green, so we can do that too. All right. So you get an idea. So let's say, oh, we have more than four founders, so we can make that to maybe, you know, carousel. And kind of slide, you know, back and forth. And here too, kind of stay connected. You know, it's nice to have label in a white box. Probably that helps. And maybe they might say email is not good enough. We need some names. Right. So the same thing. You can put the name. So something like that. Okay. You know, if you spend more time with a client, you get them on notes, but you get idea. Now, the good thing about this notability and the sharing screen is you can email this to your client right away. So here is a note, and you can type that. You know, here is the meeting note. Right. So they have a copy. So you don't have to print and make a copy. And easily you can just send this PDF, the meeting note, right away. And in my case, I use Dropbox. And then so as you can see, it's connected. So you can you can kind of integrate with Cloud Drive, like Google or OneDrive, Box, so forth. So I use Dropbox. And I share the same folder with my client. So they can have all the entire my meeting notes. So we can share that. So I hope this helps. So this is what I use. And then so this really helping my business as a web designer and the developer. And then usually I have to drive to my client's site or office, and I have to walk, you know, a couple blocks to get the office. So it's, you know, definitely saved a tremendous time. Also, cost, I would say. And I think so this is actually great. You know, seeing in person is good. But I found this is super efficient to just log in the Zoom meeting and then, you know, the facilitating meeting using with Notability and Zoom. So hope this helps. And then see you next time.

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