Exploring Content Creation with Emily Rayner: Passion, Authenticity, and Monetization
Zenobia Mertel interviews Emily Rayner on content creation, discussing passion, authenticity, and how to monetize through brand collaborations and social media.
How to build a loyal social media audience
Added on 09/26/2024
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Speaker 1: Hi everybody, thanks for joining me. I'm Zenobia Mertel with Inspired Living here in the IAM360 studios. And today I am with a content creator. This is Emily Rayner with a dose of Emily. So today, Emily, I would love you to share with us and people who don't even know what content creation means. It's a whole new world for some of us and there's so many layers to it. What does a content creator do? That's a really good question.

Speaker 2: It's very several layered. I would say the biggest thing is just being able to actually take what they're passionate about, put it out there, whether it's on social media, the internet, be able to share that with others. And the coolest thing is you get to share what you want to share. So whether it's fashion, whether it's travel, whether it's just lifestyle, whether it's cooking, content creators get to kind of use their passion and their creativity together to kind of make their audience happy.

Speaker 1: Okay. And so the phone is big time with this. People are following you on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok. There's so many mediums with it that that's what a content creator has to keep evolving to. Correct. So we could find one day that you're talking about your faith, as we mentioned before. That's a big topic. You like people to get to know who you are, but then how do you make this a job? People ask me this all the time. How do you monetize that?

Speaker 2: So you're the perfect person to answer that question. That is probably the number one question that I get. It's a mystery to most, which is understandable. But I would say the two biggest things, at least for my industry, specifically being fashion, lifestyle, travel, is either those that follow me utilizing my links to actually shop. It's a very small percentage that you actually get back from those retailers and they set those percentages and those prices. So just by saying, Hey, I loved her top and swiping up and purchasing that. It's a very small percentage that comes back to me just for sharing it. And then the other one is big brand collaboration. So any type of brand can actually reach out to me and say, Hey, we love what you do. We love who you are. We think you'd be a great representation for our brand. Let's figure out some content, whether it's a Reels, whether it's a TikTok, whether it's a photo, whether you're sharing on stories, and they'll pick something within their brand. I'll be able to share it. We'll collaborate on that. What makes, what feels more most authentic, most genuine. And then they'll be able to actually, I'll be able to monetize off of being able to provide them that content.

Speaker 1: Got it. That's really like a new profession for some. And of course, you know, the Gen Z knows it very well, but you really got to get in the game if you want to connect with your kids and, and everybody else. It seems everyone's doing something when it comes to digital. So, okay. And tell us, how do you live your most inspired life?

Speaker 2: I would say 100% by sharing what's authentic to myself, whether that's actually on my blog or just in person, you know, whenever you're in front of someone, a group, having a personal conversation always being the best representation of yourself. And to me, we talked about this earlier is, you know, sharing my faith and spreading happiness and joy. If you asked anybody, the number one thing about me, I love love. I love happiness. I love joy. Being able to bring that to a space. And so whenever I did actually decide to create a dose of Emily, I wanted to bring all of those things to this, this space on the internet and in hopes that more people could actually have access to it.

Speaker 1: Yeah. We have over 6,000 followers and growing. Well, we love authenticity and people that live their life in their best way. So thank you for joining us. And if you would like to learn more about a dose of Emily and more about the shows that we produce here at inspiredmedia360.com, you can visit us on that website and we'd love you to join us and learn more about Emily and what we do here. It's digital content, right? So thank you for joining us. We'll see you next time. Thank you. Bye.

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