How to Auto-Transcribe Audio/Video Files for Free Using YouTube
Learn to transcribe audio and video files to text for free using YouTube's automatic caption tool. A step-by-step guide for transcriptionists and content creators.
How to Convert Video Audio to Text Automatically for FREE using YouTubes Text Subtitles Converter
Added on 08/30/2024
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Speaker 1: Hello, everybody, welcome back to my channel, Jennifer Marie Vio, where I teach you different ways that you can make money online working from home. So if you are one of my subscribers, you know that a lot of my videos focus on transcription, how to become a paid transcriptionist, and I have a whole series of videos on how to transcribe audio to text. Some of my videos focus on how to do that by speaking into a microphone and having whatever app or software automatically transcribe that for you. And then other ones talk about how to use different programs to do it for you automatically. I have a very popular tutorial on how to use But since I made that tutorial, otter has changed it so that you can only upload a maximum of three different files before you have to pay. So since then, I've been trying to find different alternative solutions. And if you check out the description below, I will link you to a few of my other tutorials. But today I want to show you one that I'm really excited to show you about. It's absolutely 100% free, and anyone can do it. All you need to have is a Google account, which is connected to your YouTube account. So I'm going to teach you how to auto transcribe audio files or video files to text automatically for free with YouTube's text converter tool. So before we dive into this one, you might want to check out two of my other very relevant tutorials. One of them is how to download audio files from any website. So in the event that you're using this method, because you want to transcribe a file from a transcription website or platform, you can use my method here on how to download an audio file. Again, every transcription platform has different rules about this. So it is not up to me to tell you what to do. This is just showing you that it is possible to do it this way. The other tutorial you might want to watch is my tutorial on how to use Grammarly and how to use the free version to correct your spelling or punctuation mistakes so that you can deliver a polished and perfect transcription file. First I'm going to teach you how to download and use a free video creator to convert an mp3 file to mp4 to upload your file on YouTube. So if we try to upload an mp3 or an audio file alone to YouTube to use this text converter method, it will not work because you have to have a video format. So a lot of people might have some sort of audio to video converter already. But for those who do not have anything like that on your laptop, this is a free version that you can download very quickly. And I will very quickly show you how you can convert any mp3 file to an mp4 file in a matter of minutes that we can then upload to YouTube. If you already have a video file and you're not trying to transcribe an audio file, then you can just jump right to step number two. And in step number two, I'll teach you how to upload your mp4 file to YouTube and download the automatically generated transcript of your audio or video file. Then I'm going to teach you how to edit and proofread your transcript to ensure it is free from any punctuation and grammatical errors. So then you are ready to send it to your client or wherever else you want to post or send your polished transcript. Okay, so the first thing you need to do is download the FreeMake video converter to convert your mp3 file to mp4. So you're going to go to slash free underscore video underscore converter. I will link this website in the description below. We're going to click free download, then you'll have this .exe file pop up. Click on that to start. Select the language you want to use. Go ahead and do the full installation on your computer. Okay, then you're going to go ahead, click finish to exit the setup and it will launch the application. Okay, so this is the little video converter right here. All you have to do is click plus on the audio button right here to load your audio file that you're going to go ahead, click on the audio file you want to transcribe. Okay, and so now if you click on the musical icon right here, you can choose a visualization or image. I mean, it really doesn't matter. We just need to turn this into a video file. So if I click play, for example, it will give me a preview of the file. And that's fine. I don't need anything to look pretty because I just am doing this so I can transcribe the file. So then I'm going to click right here on 2mp4 to convert this from an mp3 file to mp4. Go ahead and put in where you want to save it. I'm just going to keep it in the video file right here. Now with the Freemake version, it does have the Freemake logo added to the video like a watermark. So this doesn't matter for us because we literally just want to turn it into a video file so we can use YouTube's text converter. So just click convert and just click continue with logo. You'll have the waiting time right here, which will seem quite big because they're basically trying to get you to buy the premium version, but it's not going to take as long as they say. It might take, you know, under five minutes. You can see that that has just dropped down from 30 to 3 minutes within, you know, 10 seconds. Okay, so now it will say conversion completed. That only took about five minutes and click close and close down the converter. And now what you're going to do is you're going to go to your YouTube account. Now you do not have to have a YouTube channel in order to do this. Everyone has a YouTube channel, even if you don't have videos on your channel. So when you log on to YouTube, all you have to do is click right here on the create button that you'll see at the top. Okay. So if I just click on, I'm going to have this pop up right here. Okay. This create icon. So just go ahead, click on that and then click on upload video. Okay. So once you click on that, this will pop up here. It says upload videos. So the whole reason we converted that file is because we have to upload a video file. We cannot just upload an MP3 file. I'll show you an example. If I try to upload just the MP3 file, it will say invalid file format. And if we go ahead, click on learn more, you'll see that these are the only files it accepts. So when you are converting, make sure to convert to one of these files. It has to be a video file. So we're going to go ahead, click select files and locate the file that we just created or converted. So I'm going to click on that file right now. And you can see at the bottom here, it will say uploading and it is uploading the file right now. So I'm going to go ahead, go through this, I'm not, I don't actually want to publish this file. So I'm going to skip right down to the end to visibility and just click private or unlisted. Okay. And click save. So it says your private video is still processing standard definition. So you're going to have to wait until this finishes processing before we can continue. Okay, so now I'm back and my video has been processed. Even after your video has been processed, you will have to wait a while for YouTube to automatically generate the captions for your video. The length of time you have to wait does depend on the video. I've had some that have been uploaded after half an hour and some that took an hour or even longer. It just depends on how long your video is. So this is the video that I've just uploaded. Again, this is private. So no one else is going to be able to access this video. And all you have to do is click on the CC. And that brings up the closed captions that are automatically generated. So if you press play, you can see that YouTube has automatically generated the captions that match with this video. So what I want to do is I want to download that and download all of these captions. And there are two different ways that we can do that. One method is just to click on these three dots here and then click open transcript. And then that brings you the complete transcript right here. Now the problem with this is that when you copy it, you're going to be copying all of the timestamps as well. So you have to just click here and unclick toggle timestamps. And then you can go ahead and copy all of this right here. But that will leave some spaces in between each each line, which is kind of annoying. So what I'd like to do is to go back to your YouTube account, go to YouTube Studio, you're going to scroll down and click on subtitles and find the video that you just uploaded. And then under languages, you'll click on the little arrow. And what you should see once the captions have been automatically generated. So if this does not say anywhere doesn't say published automatic, then you have to wait because YouTube is still generating the captions. So once you see that this little CC icon is now available for you to click, then YouTube has generated all of the captions for you to download. And so what we're going to do is click on duplicate and edit. And what that will do is it will get us to the full transcript right here. So you can go ahead and click and drag to copy the entire transcript, right click, copy, could also right click and select to select all and then copy. And now we're ready to take this transcript and put it into Grammarly. Because as you can see, even though YouTube has automatically transcribed the entire file, we can see a lot of errors. There are no capital letters anywhere. There's no commas or punctuation. So we do need to throw this into a text editor and make all the edits that we that we need. So what I like to do is use Grammarly. And this is the free version of Grammarly. You can download Grammarly by clicking on the link in the description below this video. So here we'll right click paste. Okay, so once you paste this into something like Grammarly, you can go through and Grammarly should help you fix a lot of the different errors. For example, they're seeing that all of the I's have to be changed. So you can just go ahead and click on this and it will capitalize all the I's for us. And of course, Grammarly doesn't catch everything, especially if you only have the free version, but this will help you get started. And then what I recommend doing is just going through the entire transcript, listening to the audio file at the same time, and then making sure you are putting the correct periods and paragraphs and everything else that you need to do. So depending on who you are transcribing for, or what you're transcribing, obviously, the style guide will depend. If you are just transcribing your video to text because you want to put this in a blog post or on your website, then of course, you can follow your own format. But if you are transcribing for a client or for a certain platform, you know, you'll have to go ahead and follow their guidelines given. So this is just a quick method I wanted to show you of how you can automatically transcribe any audio or video file using YouTube's built in automatic caption generator. If you are looking for a paid version to transcribe much faster than I recommend Otter, and this is my tutorial right here that you can check out, you can check out my tutorial on how to transcribe using voice to text software for free right here, or using Google Docs on my other, my video here, or another how to convert audio to text tutorial here using a website and their built in platform. So this is just another method that you can use to help transcribe audio to text for free. And I hope that this can help you when you are, you know, filling your own websites with blog content or transcribing for a client or whatever other reason you have to want to transcribe audio or video to text. If you like this video, please click like make sure to subscribe to my channel for more videos like this one on transcription tools, tricks and tips and other videos on how to make money online working from home as a freelancer. Thank you very much for watching and I will see you in my next tutorial.

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