How to Use Free Text-to-Speech on Apple Devices Instead of Speechify
Learn how to utilize built-in, high-quality text-to-speech features on Apple devices for free, avoiding costly services like Speechify.
You dont need Speechify when you can do this for FREE
Added on 09/08/2024
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Speaker 1: In this video we will talk about how to use text-to-speech totally free on an Apple device instead of paying expensive money for a service, an app called Speechify. So let's run the intro. So you have probably seen a lot of ad videos from a service, an app called Speechify on YouTube, especially if you are interested in text-to-speech apps, apps that reads the text for you while you at the same time can read the text while it's speaking for you. So for example reading an e-book much better, much faster, with great comprehension. You can have the text read it aloud for you while reading the book at the same time. But you don't have to pay a lot of money for a service like Speechify, especially if you have an Apple device, because you can get incredibly good voices totally for free built in into your Apple device. So let's start by checking out speechify app on the desktop so let's go to my web browser like this here we have the speechify app and it praises all the really expensive feature it has have a really great ads and marketing i think and the voices are good yes they are and it feels very natural and everything and it works with a lot of different services and you can read books with it and all that and it's a great service a great app and you can try it for free but it costs a lot of money if you want to keep it a lot of money i'm not sure where you can see what it costs anywhere not there you can test different voices but where can i see what it costs pricing there we have the pricing as you can see here you have more ads and blah blah blah more marketing and here you see if you want the premium then it costs 139 us dollar a year then you get all this blah blah blah a lot and if you want also to listen to narrated audio books with this text-to-speech service it costs even more 199 dollars per year and that is a lot to me to read textbooks for you actually. And now we come to what I'm saying is not necessary. So if we go back to my table cam here, here we have the Kindle app started on my iPad and it works the same on my iPhone, so no difference. The only thing I need to do actually to have the exact same features as Speechify has, is doing this.

Speaker 2: rather liberally tonight i apologize for the odor woodward because his nostrils were blocked could smell nothing winston came a couple of steps closer to view the knee but then he retreated with

Speaker 1: as much dead warm as he could manage i realize as you saw that it also switches the pages for you you don't need to do that it reads up the text aloud for you you can easily follow along while reading it and you can also choose different speeds of the text reading for you so if you want to read it slower than i have then you can do that in the settings i have done a lot of videos on how you can do all this totally for free and all the settings in ios to do that and this also works the same in the apple books up no different there just do this laughing here for quite some

Speaker 2: time maybe not ever again laurie youngers was found dead this morning on the front lawn said lundy standing ramrod straight in front of them her hands folded in front of her she looked like a porcelain doll on the verge of shadowing i was against telling you anything more than that i don't feel that such morbid things are appropriate for the ears of young people but this is miss west's school and she felt you're knowing what had happened might make you take her request. Then you stay together more seriously. Miss Jokers was found without her eyes.

Speaker 1: As you saw there, it works totally fine also in Apple Books. No difference there. So this is totally free and it's so easy to do. And you have great voices if you choose the narrow engine voices from Apple. That is totally free. You should not choose any other voices than the Siri voices for the language you want to be read for you. So if we go into settings we have accessibility here and here we have spoken content as you see there. Spoken content should be on. Speak screen should be on and you can choose different voices. You can set the preferred language there i have english because i read english books so now if we go into different voices you have the different languages here so if we go into english voices that i have set you should always choose the city voices voices you can choose english australian voices india voices Ireland voices and a lot more but we go near near this and go to US voices as you see here and here I have Siri voices and the Siri voices is the neural engine voices the voices you should use no other voices because with these Siri voices for the language you choose you get neural engine voices with the same quality as the very expensive service app speechify so you don't need speechify you have five excellent voices talking us here for example voice one excuse me hi i'm siri hi i'm siri so that is five voices for american us english and you can choose any language you prefer if you read books in spanish you can choose the siri spanish voices and you have neural engine voices in spanish so this is awesome so once again you don't need the speechify service the speechify app because you have all this for free already so why use a really expensive service when you can do this in practically any app that has text on the screen you can do this by just doing this really really really good and you have chosen different voices then you have all this on and you can choose that speed down here and everything is set then you can use this feature with just your finger two fingers swipe down to start and here you have controls you can raise and lower the speed and go back and forward pages and play and pause so this is much cheaper because it's free so don't use speechify if you don't want to have really cool voices from different actors and so on but I think that's just a ploy it's a gimmick to have known voices just use great voices instead and you have great voices built into your Apple device for free so that was it so let's go to the outro

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