Master Adobe Premiere Pro 2023: Beginner's Guide to Video Editing Success
Learn Adobe Premiere Pro 2023 from scratch! This tutorial covers project setup, importing media, editing, adding effects, and exporting your final video.
Premiere Pro Tutorial for Beginners 2023 - Everything You NEED to KNOW (UPDATED)
Added on 09/27/2024
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Speaker 1: I think we can all agree that at this point, as we are entering the creator economy more and more, the skill set of video editing is insanely valuable. This is actually the thing that got me first started making some money online a few years back. And I was actually able to turn this skill set into a multi six figure online business later on. So if you want to learn how to use Adobe premiere pro in 2023 as a complete beginner, then this video is for you. I know how overwhelming it can be to start learning a new editing software. So I hope this video is going to help. My name is Vince and let's get right into it. So when you first open up premiere pro, uh, the first thing you want to do is you want to create a new project. So to do that, click here, create new project, and you want to name your project. So I'm going to name this Slovakia trip, because I want to edit a video from our Slovakian trip a few weeks ago. Next up, you want to select the project location. I'm going to leave it as the default that premiere pro gives me. After this, I'm going to click here on create and create my new project. So after that, this is kind of what you are going to be greeted with when you open up premiere pro. And the next thing you want to do is you want to start importing your videos and audios to your project. Staying organized in your editing process is crucial because it's a habit that is really hard to get into once you didn't, you know, learn it at the beginning. So I like to create, uh, some folders in the beginning here in my project library. Uh, uh, so I'm going to first create one for B roll. I'm going to create one, uh, for my drone shots. I'm going to create one for VFX. Oops. And I'm going to create one for audio. Now, next up the way I'm going to import, uh, the clips is this. You just want to open up the folder that has all your files and audios. And after that, uh, you just want to go ahead, select them, right? I'm first going to select the stuff that is from my main camera. That is B roll. And I'm just going to drag and drop it into that folder. After that, I'm going to select my drone clips. I'm going to drag and drop that into this folder. After that, I'm going to select my overlays that I want to use. I'm going to drag and drop that into the VFX folder. After that, I'm going to drag and drop my audios and, uh, go and put it into the audio folder. So now you can see, I have these four folders with all the clips and audios that I want to use in my video. Next up, we want to create a new sequence. The sequence is going to be what you can actually add it inside of. And, uh, inside of one project, you can even have multiple sequences if you want to. So to do that, I'm going to right click here, click on new item, uh, click on create new sequence, right? And here you can see, I have all these presets I can already choose from, or I can also come here to settings and set my exact settings that I want to use. So in this case, I want to actually use 25 frames per second. I want to use 1920 by 1080, which is full HD resolution. And I'm going to leave the rest of these settings on how they are. You can also name your sequence right here, if you want to. Then as you can see now, this timeline popped up here as well. Now don't worry if Premiere pro doesn't look exactly like this for you, because I'm going to show you right now, how you can get it to look exactly like what I'm showing you in this video. Premiere pro has these things called workspaces, which are basically different kind of software layout presets for different kinds of tasks that you are going to be doing inside of Premiere pro. So if you want to access your workspaces, come here to the top right corner, click on workspaces, and you can see they have separate kind of layouts for editing, for coloring, for adding effects to your video, for editing audio, for adding like graphics and captions to your video. So these are all very beneficial because, you know, if I'm, for example, wanting to just edit my sequence. Now I can click on the editing, you know, workspace, and then it's going to be already optimized for that exact kind of task. So I'm going to stay inside of the editing workspace for now. And next up, we want to start importing some videos to our timeline and some audios to our timeline. So in terms of importing to your timeline, there are basically two routes you can go. The first one is super easy. You just basically come here and select the clip that you want to put on your timeline, and then you go ahead and drag and drop it on your video track, right? So I just drag and dropped it into video track one. And you can see now if I press play, it is here in my sequence. Now, the other way to do it is by double clicking here on the certain clip you want to import like that. And then here in your source monitor, you are going to be able to kind of like skim through it before you would even import it, right? And if I only want to import a certain part of this video or audio onto my timeline, I can come to the part where I want the clip to begin. For example, here, press I on my keyboard, and then I'm going to scroll to where I want it to end. For example, here, I'm going to press O on my keyboard. I can click here and drag and drop it onto my timeline. And now instead of importing the whole, you know, long clip to my timeline, I just imported that exact part that I want to have in there. Now, next up, let's kind of go over some of the main parts of Premiere Pro. So you get a little bit more familiar with the software interface. First up, you have your sequence right here. This is going to be where you're doing the majority of your editing. And you can zoom in and out on this sequence by either dragging this little thing here, or even using your touch pad or even pressing command or control if you're on windows. And the plus and minus keys on your keyboard. This is where you are able to, you know, drag clips, you know, edit them, add different texts and so on. So do the majority of your editing work. Next up, right next to it, you have some of the most essential tools that you are going to be able to use again for editing. Then here on the left, you will have, you know, your project library, your effects, info, different libraries, and so on. Obviously these can all depend in terms of where they are based on the exact workspace you are in, which like I said, you can access by coming here to the top and then selecting the certain workspace. The next super important part is your playback area, which is this. So if I press a space bar on my keyboard, I can start to play back. And if I stop, you know, the playback, I can just press a space bar again. You can also scroll, scroll through that here. You can select what playback resolution you want to have and so on. And the next part, which you're going to be using a lot is effect controls right here, which is where you're going to be able to set some of the most important parameters of your clips and also adjust your effects that you add onto it later on and so on. All right. Now let's do a little bit of an overview of some of the most essential tools that you are going to use. So number one is the select tool, which you can access by coming here or pressing a on your keyboard. In this case, you can also set custom shortcuts if you want for every single thing by coming up here to the top, clicking on the keyboard shortcuts and setting it up for yourself right here. All right. So with this, you can move things around. You can go and click on it, change different settings. So this is kind of like your regular mouse cursor on your computer. Next up, this is also a super often used tool. If I make this video track one a bit bigger by dragging it out, if I press in this case, C on my keyboard, or I come here to the razor tool, this is also something you are going to use a lot. So with this, you can basically make cuts to your videos. So if I click here, you can see it cut it into two separate parts, right? So for example, if I want to cut out this middle part here, I can just come back to my selection tool, click on that, delete it. If I want to get rid of this dark space that it left here, this blank space, I can select that and click delete again. And you can see, I was able to cut out that middle part from my clip, just like that, if you want to, you know, get rid of this part, for example, and not have to, you know, manually come here and then delete this blank space, but instead just delete this clip that is between these two other clips with just one click, then you can select that, press shift and delete, and then you are doing what is called a ripple delete, which basically gets rid of the space in between at the same time. All right. Next up, I want to show you how to speed up or slow down your different clips. So to do that, you want to select a certain clip. You want to change the, um, you know, speed settings off, then right click on it, and then you want to come here all the way down to speed slash duration. And you are going to be able to set your speed percentage here. So for example, if I want to slow down this clip, right, I can put 50% here. Um, if you want to, you can also reverse your clip here, by the way, but, uh, yeah, let's say I just want 50% now I'm going to press okay. And then you can see it's now in nice, uh, slow motion. And the same thing goes for speeding up your clip. You just come here to speed slash duration and make it, let's say 300%. And you can see now it's, you know, super fast. All right. Next up, I want to show you how to add some effects and transitions to your different clips on your timeline. So to do that, you want to come here to the effects tab, or if you go to the, uh, you know, effects workspace, that works as well. I'm going to do that to show you an example, and then you can see here. Now I have the effects panel, and if I want to create a transition between these two separate clips, for example, um, then I can just go ahead, come here to effects and come here to video transitions, and you can see Premiere pro already comes with a ton of different transitions pre-installed for you. So I'm going to use the dissolve one, for example, and now, uh, I can add the cross dissolve one if I want to, by dragging and dropping it between these two clips, and now if I play it back, you can see it smoothly kind of transitions from one clip to another. If you want to change the length of your transition, you can zoom in and select the transition and drag it just like this to make it shorter or longer, or you can also select it, come here to the effect controls and set the duration of it here and same goes for all other kinds of transitions as well. Now, if you don't want to add the transition, but you want to add an effect, you know, you are also in the right space, just come here to video effects and, uh, you know, select the effect you want. For example, I want to add a blur to this. So I'm going to add this, uh, directional blur, let's say onto this clip. And then here you can see nothing really changed yet. And that is because you need to come here, select the clip, come here to the effect controls, and you can see, I have my directional blur right here. And if I change up some of the settings of that here, I can, uh, probably make it blurry just like that. You can see that is it. If I want to delete this, you know, effect from my clip, I can always just come here to effect controls, select it, and then press delete on my keyboard. And the same goes for also, uh, audio effects, which you can also find here and audio transitions as well. All right. Now, next up, I want to show you how to add some cool texts to your video. So to do that, I'm going to come here to workspaces, captions, and graphics. And I'm actually also going to add a drone shot onto my timeline and maybe add like a nice little, uh, text to that. So I am here and now I have my essential graphics where tap here now to add a text, I just usually like to come here and click on the type tool, uh, click somewhere on my screen and I can, um, you know, type in whatever I want. For example, I'm going to type in mountain villa because that is what this clip has, and then I can, you know, select this, I can come here to my central graphics. I can, uh, change the alignment of it. So I can, for example, automatically click on align central centrally, uh, horizontally, and also align center vertically. And now it's right in the middle of my clip. I can also come here to the text, uh, font and change it to something else. For example, Montserrat. Um, you know, I will need to align it again, but that's all right. You can also change the size of your font. You can also change how, you know, bold you want the font to be. You can also change the tracking of the different letters. So, so many different things you can change. Um, I'm also going to add the nice little shadow to it right here. Um, you know, simple as that, you can change the settings of the shadow as well. You know, adding text is super basic, uh, super simple. You can change the, uh, again, the positioning of it here as well. So I'm just going to align it, um, to the center. And, uh, if you want to change the duration of your text, you can always just, uh, select this new, uh, layer that it created, which is your text layer. And, you know, make it longer by dragging it out or make it shorter by trying to get shorter. Now, next up, I'm going to show you how to add audio to your video as well, and how to add songs and so on. So, you know, I have my, uh, audio right here in this folder, this song. So I'm going to drag and drop that on my timeline. And, uh, that is how simple it is. If I wanted to add, you know, a sound effect, I can just drag and drop that here and, uh, change the positioning of it or add it to a different track, just like that. So super simple to do. If you want to change the volume of your song, you can do that, uh, by either, uh, making your audio track bigger by dragging it out like this and pressing on this white line and lowering it. So you can see now it's at minus 20 decibels. So that is one way to quickly change the volume of your audio, or you can also select it, come here to effect controls and, uh, change the volume level right here. Talking about audio and sound effects that actually brings us to the sponsor of this video, Epidemic Sound. If you're looking for an amazing solution to get all your music and sound effects from for your own YouTube videos, or even client projects, Epidemic Sound might be the best solution for you. I have been using their service for over five years at this point, and I've used their, you know, songs and sound effects in countless YouTube videos for my personal brand and also for client projects, I love the fact that instead of having to license your songs individually, potentially even costing you thousands of dollars in license fees, you can just pay a small monthly subscription fee for them and you will get access to over 30,000 incredible songs and over 80,000 amazing sound effects at your fingertips. Their music is neatly organized into different genres and playlists. So you can always find the exact song that fits your video's vibe perfectly. And one of my favorite features about their software is their STEM downloads, where you can actually get the separate layers of your song that you are trying to add to your video. So you can even get more creative control in your editing process. Now, if you sign up with the link in the description below this video, then you can get a free 30 day trial and try out their service for yourself. And even if you cancel at the end, you are not going to get those videos flagged on your channel that you have used their songs in that trial period. So there's really no risk on your side to check out their service and try it out for yourself. Thank you Epidemic for sponsoring this video and let's get right back into the tutorial. All right. So next up, I want to color my footage a little bit to make it pop even more. So the way I'm going to do that, as I'm going to come here first to my project library, right click, click on new item, create a new adjustment layer. I'm going to make sure that it's the same settings as my sequence. I'm going to click. Okay. And I'm going to drag and drop that and make it, you know, cover all the footage that I wanted to affect. Now I can click on this adjustment layer. I'm going to switch my workspace and come to the coloring workspace. And here in Lumetri color, I can change the look of that. Uh, however I want. And basically by adjusting this adjustment layers color, it's going to affect everything that is under it. So you don't have to adjust your clips separately one by one. Now, unfortunately in this video, I don't have enough time to go into a super in depth about, you know, coloring your stuff because you have so many different options, like you can see here, but I'm going to show you the easiest way to color your footage fast. And that is none other than using lots or otherwise called look up tables. And lots are basically kind of like Instagram filters for your videos. If you want to apply a lot to your footage, you can come here to the creative and then select your lot that you want to use. You can see Premiere already comes actually installed with a couple different ones. Um, so for example, this one you can see is pretty intense and they have a bunch of different looks. Um, this one's pretty cool. Actually, you can change the intensity of it. So just by pressing this one thing, I was able to add this cool color grade to my footage. Now, if I want to see the before and after, I can always just enable and disable my layer by pressing V on my keyboard and, or also you can right click on it and click on enable or disable right here, and you can see the before and after. I quite like this look, so I'm going to move forward with that. So now I'm going to use all these different skill sets that I just talked about and I just showed you, and I'm going to create an example edit for you, uh, combining these separate things that I talked about. All right. So what do you guys think? Did you like it? I hope you did. I just, you know, put this together in a few minutes, so haven't put a ton of effort into it, but, uh, I think it's still turned out. Okay. Anyways. Now the next thing we are going to do is export this footage, right? So to do that, what you want to do is you want to make sure that your entire sequence is selected. So you want to press I on the beginning of your timeline right here, and then you want to come to where you want your video to end and you want to press O on your keyboard. So this way you can set the in and out points. If you messed up something, you can always just right click here, uh, press on clear in and out. And then, you know, you can redo the whole process. Basically this way, everything that is selected is going to be in your export and everything that isn't, is not going to be included. Next up, you want to come here, uh, to export, and then here you can name your file, whatever you want. Uh, so I'm going to name it Slovakia video. You can choose the location of it right here. So I'm just going to leave that my desktop. Um, you can select your preset, um, and your, uh, export settings here. You can select the format and here in range, you want to make sure it's, uh, selected on source in and out. And, uh, you want to make sure the source settings and your output settings kind of match up, especially on the resolution and frame rate side of things. And after that, you can basically just click on export and it's going to export this, uh, clip that you edited. I have a more in-depth video about exporting as well. So if you want to check that out, watch that video on my channel as well. So if you feel like you learned a lot from this video and you want to learn even more from me about how to use Premiere Pro and also Photoshop to create amazing social media content, then go ahead and click the link in the description below to check out my exclusive premium masterclass, which teaches you how to create amazing content in Premiere Pro and also how to edit photos in Photoshop with over eight hours of videos and step-by-step training. So check that out. Hope you guys enjoyed this video and I will see you in the next one.

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