Master Interview Transcription: Tips, Tools, and Best Practices for Success
Learn the benefits, proven tips, and best practices for transcribing interviews. Discover how to use PictoStory for fast, accurate transcription.
How to Transcribe an Interview Quickly Tips, Tools Hacks
Added on 09/26/2024
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Speaker 1: Hi, my name is Karin, and in this video, I'll show you how to transcribe an interview like a pro. Here's what we'll cover in this video. The benefits of transcribing an interview, proven tips to transcribe an interview, three steps to transcribe an interview fast with a transcription software, and best practices to transcribe an interview by yourself. Let's dive in. Benefits of transcribing an interview. When you're a solo interviewer or part of a business, recording and transcribing an interview can lead to several advantages. The first is get accurate details. You can miss key details during an interview and trying to recall them after the interview is usually a futile exercise. Interview transcription, on the other hand, can capture each detail to the last letter for you and your coworkers to review at their convenience. Two, focus on the interview. Since you are recording to transcribe later, you don't need to write notes during the conversation, so you won't be distracted and will be able to give your full attention to the person you're talking to. Three, share and collaborate with others. Since a transcript is made up of text, people can edit it with a text editor, such as Microsoft Word or collaborate on its context with Google Docs. It's not possible to do the same with an audio or video file. Four, have a lasting documentation. Interview transcription allows you to save and analyze the exact nature of the conversation so you can have both a macro and micro level understanding of the interaction and customize your approach accordingly. Tips to transcribe an interview quickly. With so many tips to be had from transcribing an interview, I'm sure you're itching to get started. So let's start with some high level tips on the transcription process. One, identify your transcription goal. The first step in transcribing an interview is to zero in on why you need a transcript and what you're going to do with it. For example, consider asking yourself the following questions. Who will be using this transcript apart from you? Will the transcript always be shared with the recording for reference or as a standalone document? Would you be able to listen to the recording again or rely solely on the transcript? Do you have a sense of what to expect from the interview? How detailed and accurate do you want the transcript to be? The answers to these questions will determine your approach as you carry on with the other steps involved in transcribing an interview. Two, get the right tools. Now that you know what you want out of the transcription process, it's time to have the right tools up your sleeve. Here are the essentials. Computer. A computer with a solid keyboard along with comfortable sitting is a must to be able to focus on the task at hand. A good quality keyboard would also help you type fast. Headphones. Superior headphones are important as well. Remember, as you transcribe the interview, you'll be wearing them for hours. So they need to be comfortable and have high sound quality. Only then will you be able to pick out the little details. Software. Yes. The good news is you don't have to transcribe a hundred percent manually. There are many transcription tools such as PictoStory that can automatically convert sound to text. In fact, if your recording has just a single speaker doing most of the talking with clear speech and adequate volume, the transcription software can be pretty accurate too. Of course, you'll have to do some editing, but it's way better than transcribing all on your own from scratch. Service. Is your recording in a language that you're not familiar with, or maybe you don't have time to transcribe yourself? Then you should consider outsourcing to a freelance transcriber or agency. But bear in mind that this approach is going to be more expensive than using transcription software, and it may be challenging to find the right person to work with. Three. Select the type of transcription you need. As we discussed, you should be clear on the purpose and context in which you're going to use your transcript. Plus, you should listen to the full recording before you begin the transcription process. This will help you decide the type of transcription you need. The major types include verbatim transcription. This is the most detailed type of transcription. It captures each and every word, phrase, and even emotion displayed during the conversation. That means including everything from pauses and coughs to laughs, sighs, and filler words like, um, you know, and yeah. This type of transcription is mostly used in the legal or research verticals where every tiny detail matters. In short, you're not just interested in what someone says, but also how they see it, intelligent transcription. Intelligent transcription is similar to verbatim transcription in that you will capture every word and sentence, but not the subtle details such as emotions, pauses, or filler words. As a result, your transcript is easier to read, although with some loss of data. Edited transcription. This is the fastest and most compact version of a transcription. It doesn't require you to capture every word and phrase, but only the most relevant and important information. That means you don't just get rid of emotions and filler words, but entire sentences that have no value to you or the people you will share the transcript with. To help you even further, here's a quick snapshot of what type of transcription is basically the most suitable for different contexts. With all these tips in hand, you can easily determine the type of transcription you need, which means we're ready to go hands on. Three steps to transcribe your video interview in minutes. The whole transcription process gets really easy if you have the right software to work with. So to begin transcribing your interview recording file, fire up PictoStory. Why PictoStory? Because it provides a machine generated transcription in minutes, which you can edit as easily as editing a text document and with a free PictoStory account, you can edit up to 30 minutes of video at no charge. Let's get started. Step one, launch PictoStory. Your first step is to head over to PictoStory and click sign up. Once you do, you'll see an option to use your email or Google credentials to create an account. Simply complete the signup process to reach your PictoStory dashboard. Step two, upload video to PictoStory. There are multiple ways to upload or input your video into PictoStory. You can import from Zoom, Google drive, or from your computer. To illustrate, let's take Google drive. For example, log into your PictoStory account and go to the dashboard and then click import from drive. From there, you can sign into your Google drive account and follow onscreen instructions to import the interview video. You can pick a single or multiple videos to import all at once. Once you import, you'll see automatic transcription generated right away. PictoStory has used machine intelligence to turn the audio into text. Now, all you need to do is make edits as required. Step three, edit your transcript. This is the biggest benefit of using PictoStory for transcribing your interview. Editing the transcribed text is really easy. To modify or delete any part of the text, just hold down the left click with your mouse and drag across the transcript to select the part. Then start typing what you want to replace it with, or just hit the backspace key to remove it. Same goes for adding new text. Left click on the area where you want to insert your text and start typing. As I mentioned, it's as easy as editing a document. Get an automatic transcription of your interview with PictoStory. So there you have it. Whether you're conducting research, listening to an audio lecture, or interviewing an expert, recording and transcribing the conversation is your best bet to retain the details you need. And when it comes to transcribing an interview, you can't go wrong with PictoStory. You can pick the manual approach for sure, but it isn't as easy as using the transcription tool. Transcribing an interview by yourself is stressful enough anyway. So don't make it hard for yourself by not automating what you can. Get started with PictoStory today. If you found the tip shared in this video valuable, make sure to hit the like button and subscribe to PictoChart's YouTube channel. Good luck with your next interview transcription and until next time.

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