Speaker 1: Hello and welcome to today's video where we will be showing you how to manage video production on monday.com. If you want to get started with monday.com there will be a link down in the description to get started which will bring you to this page right here. All you have to do is go ahead and click get started to get signed up and you can either get started with your google account or with your work email. Just create our account. It's going to ask for your full name, password, and account name. Then it's just going to ask what brings you here today whether it's work, Personal, school, or nonprofits. And it's gonna say what best describes your current role. For this, we'll go ahead and select business owner. How many people work for your team? We'll go ahead and select two to five. How many people work at your company? We'll go ahead and select one through 19. Go ahead and select whatever fits your business needs best. Next it's gonna ask what we would like to manage first. Marketing, finance, construction. We'll go ahead and select design and creative. Select what you'd like to focus on first and we'll go ahead and select media production. One last question, how did you hear about us? We'll go ahead and select other. Okay, so after getting signed up with monday.com, here we are inside of monday.com. Now, let's first take a look at creating a pretty simple video production process for internal use or just creating your own videos. Okay, so what we are going to do to get started here is we're just gonna create a brand new clean workspace to house all of our video production needs. So we're gonna click on main workspace and hit add workspace. We'll go ahead and just title this video production and hit add workspace. Next, what we're gonna go ahead and do is just add a board. We'll go ahead and also title this video production management. And here it's asking us to select what we're going to be managing in this board. Let's go ahead and we'll just select creatives. Actually, let's go ahead, we'll create a custom and we'll call this videos. Okay, so here is one way that you could set up your video production board here. If you're familiar with monday.com, you'll know that within the boards, there are different groups. And in this day and age, in order to compete, you need to be posting videos on lots of different channels like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram. So what we're going to do is we're going to create a different group for each of those channels. We'll go ahead and call this first one YouTube and color it it's appropriate red. go ahead and call this Instagram and color that orange and we'll create one more group here for TikTok and we'll give it that sort of pink color. Okay, so now that we have our groups for each of our channels set up, next we're gonna start creating some items. So inside each row you can add anything that you might need for a specific video, right? So now if we go ahead and open this up right here in the update section, we can go ahead and add a file. If we had a script in like a Word doc or something. We could add links from other inspiration. We could upload any other files, that type of thing here. Anything that is relevant to that specific video, we can put it in here and it'll keep it nice and contained within this item. So again, you could brainstorm, you can begin scripting, add any inspiration and also add any comments for you and your teammate as sort of how this is progressing or any updates on this video. Okay. Next, in order to make this very functional, we're going to add some columns or just change some of the columns that are already here. So we're going to go ahead and leave this person thing here so that we can go ahead and delegate this task to someone else on our team or to yourself if you were the one who's going to be handling this. We're also going to go ahead and change this date to due date. And what we'll go ahead and do, so this will be the due date that that the video needs to be completed by. And let's go ahead and add another date here for publish date. So the date that it goes live. So for instance, if this video is going live the 25th, this will be due by let's say the 23rd. Now we can also go ahead and add in a timeline. So this is sort of the similar to the due date and the publish date, or you can do this instead of the due date and the publish date. So you can come in here and select a start date. So maybe we're starting this video today. And again, we want this video to be done by the 25th. Now, what's cool about that is let's say, you know, if we hover over that, it's gonna say how many days there are in that timeline, which is cool. But what's also cool is if we add in, let's say, you know, for this other video, we'll go from the 7th to the end of the month, we'll go ahead and see that down here, it aggregates, you know, the entire timeline for this group. So we can sort of see the timeline for this entire group of videos for, in this case, YouTube. Now, another column that might be helpful for this be time tracking. So maybe you share this with a video editor who is a contractor or you yourself just want to know how much time that you're spending on each video. So with the time tracking column, you can come in here and just hit this button. And it's a timer that begins. As you can see, this timer is going up and it's just a really easy way within money.com to manage the time that you're allocating to each specific video. Another column that we might want to add in here, it would be a priority. So some videos have higher priority than other. And with this priority, we can come in here and we can select the priority that is already predetermined here by Monday.com. Or you can come in here and edit these labels to be different colors, as well as just different names. Now, again, you'll notice here down at the bottom, this is sort of summing up your different levels of priority. As you can see, it's all evenly distributed here because we have one of each of these three priority levels. So it's just a good way to to visually see the priority level for this group. As you can see, it's also doing the same thing for the status over here. So for the status, again, let's go ahead and change this up a little bit so it's a little bit more specific to a video production task management. So let's go ahead and edit these labels. Let's go ahead and reorder this a bit. Let's go ahead and put pre-production. Call this production. And let's go ahead and create one more. We'll make this a yellow. call this post production and we'll keep the done. So now that's a little bit more specific to a video production business. We've got the pre-production, so that's all the scripting, brainstorming, storyboarding. We have the production, which is actually filming of the videos. Then we have the post-production with all the editing, the thumbnails, titles, all that sort of stuff, as well as done. Now this table view is okay, but as this starts to get filled out, it's going to start looking really messy and start looking more like an Excel spreadsheet. So let's go ahead and look at some different views that might be helpful for our video production management. So if we come up here to the top, we can hit this plus sign to add a new view and let's go ahead and do Kanban. So here right now, it is just a combination of all of the different groups or different channels that we have created. We have the YouTube videos in here, the Instagram videos, as well as the TikTok videos, which is fine, but maybe we want to differentiate those sort of similar to the table view that we had before. If we want to do that, we can go ahead and hit settings here and hit this divide by button, and it automatically selected group. Now this way, if we exit out of the settings, we can go back and we can get that Kanban style, but it's broken down into the group. So we can look at just the status of the YouTube videos, the Instagram videos, and the TikTok videos. Now, in order to make this next view a little bit more visually appealing to you. In this example, let's go ahead and change the timeline on some of these. Okay. Now that we have some dates here in the timeline, let's go ahead and create a Gantt chart. Now, again, sort of similar to the Kanban view. When we first looked at it, it is just showing all the videos here, but we want to break this out into our specific groups or specific channels. So if we go ahead and click on baseline here, we can hit group by and select group. Now we can see our YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok videos broken out there. Now again, here we have, we can choose the timeline column. So it automatically chose the timeline column, but we could select the due date and the publish date as well, depending on which of those strategies sort of works best for you. Now we have a Kanban board view for our status, but maybe we want to look at the Kanban view based on priority. So let's go ahead and hit the plus sign here, hit Kanban. And as we can see, it automatically went back to that status style. So if we come here and let's go to settings and instead of Kanban column by status, we'll choose priority. And now we can see our videos in level of priority. And again, if you wanted to add that extra layer to divide it by group, we'll hit divide by group. And there we go. Now it is not only broken up by priority, but also by group or in this case, channel. Okay. The last step that we're going to take here is to create a quick automation for when the status is set to done to be notified. So what we want to do, let's go ahead and just click back here to the main table and create an automation. We're going to hit this automate button here. From here, we're going to add a custom automation. So when the status will select the status, make sure it's not priority changes to done, then we want to notify. And when you click on notify, you can create your own custom message here. And you can also select to auto populate fields from board items. So just say, hey, this video is done. Go ahead, hit done, notify. And here you can notify anyone in your team, maybe the person who's responsible for uploading that video. In this case, I'm the only one in this account. So go ahead and select that and hit create automation. Now, if we go back to our board here, we can go ahead and change the status to done. And you'll see up here, this notification bell is gonna go to from zero to one. And we can see, hey, this video is done. And if I click on that, it'll go ahead and bring me to that specific item. So that was a very basic look at how you could set up video production just on a very small scale. But what if you are hosting multiple channels and you have multiple hosts, script writers, editors, people in charge of thumbnails, how would you adapt this for that? Well, that's exactly what we do here on startup wise. So I'm going to go ahead and recreate the project management setup that we use for our own video production here inside of monday.com. So we're going to go ahead and just build off of what we already have here. But what we're gonna do is we're going to change this person here and type in host. And we're gonna add a few more people columns and we'll move that over here. So we'll call this one scripter and we'll create another people tab, call this the editor. Create another people tab next to that and call that thumbnail. Now for our video production management, we have two different statuses. We have the video status. So we'll go ahead and change this to video status. But we also have thumbnail status. So I'll go ahead and add a column to the right here. Go ahead and select status, and we'll rename this to thumbnail status. Now we get a bit more granular here with our statuses. So let's go ahead and recreate this. So we'll go to edit labels, we'll go new idea, new label, and we start out with ideas, and we'll get another one here called scripting in progress, and we'll change this to filming, and we'll change this to post-production. After post-production, we have ready to publish. And lastly, we have published. And for thumbnail status, we'll go ahead and just leave this as is. We'll go to, we'll change this to not started, working on it and done. We'll go ahead and add a new column here for text and we'll call this notes. So this is for any notes or feedback on the video. We'll add another column here and we'll go ahead and just search for tags. Now we use tags for different channels, but you could use this for different channels or maybe you want to group it into different topics. So we'll go ahead and leave tags just like that. And here you can type in channel one, channel two, et cetera. And we'll go ahead and get rid of this timeline and we'll just keep the due date and the published date in there. Now, our video production management is based solely on YouTube. So what we're gonna go ahead and do is we're going to recreate these different statuses into groups and then we're gonna create automations to move each item into the correct group when the video status has changed. So let's go ahead and do that now. Okay, so now that we have our different groups set up for all of our different statuses, let's go ahead and create the automations to move these items from one group to the next when we change the status. So let's go ahead and click the automation and we'll go ahead and hit add automation up here. So let's put when status changes to something. So we'll go video status changes to scripting in progress, then move item into scripting in progress. So let's go ahead and create that automation. Now to save some time here, let's go ahead and just hit duplicate automation and we'll go from scripting in progress to filming and change that to filming and hit create automation. And we'll just do that for each of the different statuses here. Okay, so we have all of those automations set and let's just go ahead and see it in action. So here we've got this YouTube video one, let's go ahead and click on ideas and we'll go ahead and just change that to scripting in progress. And as you can see, didn't take long at all, it went ahead and moved that down to scripting in progress. Let's go ahead and change the status to post-production just to make sure that these automations are set up and there we go, that is pretty awesome. But what if we could take this automation a step further? So let's go ahead and click into automation here and let's go ahead and make some changes to this. So let's go ahead and come into this post production automation that we just made. So instead of just moving to the post production group, what we want to do with this automation is we want to let the editor know that this is ready to go. So let's go ahead and hit the plus sign here and we'll go ahead and notify. So here we could say this video is ready for post-production and we could go ahead and select the item name to show, we'll select the group name, we'll select the editor and we'll select the priority as well as the notes. So all that information will be sent to Google People and we'll select the editor. So that way the editor will get a notification when it's time for them to begin the post-production process on the video that has just been filmed. So go ahead and hit update automation. And what we can do too, let's go ahead in the ready to publish. Let's go ahead and edit the automation. And we'll go ahead and we'll update the thumbnail editor whenever that video status is set to ready to publish. I will notify them so that they can start to work on the thumbnail. So go ahead, hit edit and we'll hit add here to notify ready for thumbnail. And we'll go ahead and just hit done and we'll select the thumbnail person. Go ahead and hit update automation. So again, that way, when the video status changes to ready to publish, not only is it moved to the ready to publish group, but it also notifies the person who is selected as the thumbnail. So there you have it, how to manage your video production on monday.com. Whether you wanna keep things simple for you and your own content, or you're looking to keep track of a larger video production business, monday.com allows for so much customization that it can handle all of your video production needs. If you wanna get started with monday.com, don't forget to use the link down in the description when signing up. This does help out the channel and it allows us to continue making free videos just like this. So if you do end up using those links, we thank you in advance. Now, I hope this video was valuable to you guys. And if you enjoyed it, please be sure to leave a like and subscribe for more videos just like this. Here on this channel, we make a lot of how-to guides and tutorials dedicated to helping out new entrepreneurs start their own business. So thank you again so much for your time and watching. We will see you in the next video. And.
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