Speaker 1: Vanessa, how do you create organized schedule? Do all the things for your Instagram account. So this is something that we custom built that was perfect for our business needs. And when you enter this lesson, we actually teach our sellable content matrix. So for free, I'm going to show you what this is all about. What's up everyone. Welcome back to my channel, the best place for new coaches, content creators and entrepreneurs. In today's video, I'm going to answer the question, Vanessa, how do you create organized schedule, do all the things for your Instagram account. Now over on my Instagram, we have over 130,000 followers. And so for me, it's important to keep the Instagram machine running. And so if you've ever wondered how I do it, this video is going to be perfect for you now to make things super organized. We're splitting this video into four parts. The first part is how I plan and strategize for the content itself. The second part is basically how I create the content. The third part is how I organize the content. And then on the fourth part, we're going to talk all I schedule the content. And so if this is up your Alley, then keep on watching. All right, so let's talk about the first part, which is how exactly do I strategize or plan what type of content to create when it comes to my Instagram account. For me, I like to make sure that within my business and also within my life, I make the least amount of decisions possible. And in order to do that, I need to have set systems or set processes in place. For example, with Steve jobs, he wears the same sweater every single day. Same with Mark Zuckerberg, everyone, because they want to make as little decisions as possible when it comes to how they dress themselves. The same thing applies to my social media strategy. So what I do is I separate my content within categories and themes. So let's head over to my Instagram and see exactly what I'm talking about when it comes to content categories or content types. Now, the first thing, what you'll notice is I usually rotate between certain types of content. For instance, you'll notice that I'll post Instagram reels. I'll try to post Instagram reels once a week. And the purpose of this is because number one, Instagram reels is something that's really new. That's working for a lot of people and can also get me the algorithm boost that can get me lots of reach. And so I like to incorporate Instagram reels at least once a week in my content strategy. The second type of content that I like to do is promoting my other social media channels, such as my YouTube or my podcast, depending on which one is active. So for example, once a week, I post YouTube videos like this. And so over on my Instagram, once a week, my video editor will create snippets of my YouTube videos, turn them into IGTVs. And then I'll share them over on my Instagram that allows me to drive more traffic to my YouTube, or we'll also do the same thing with my podcast. And so I'll do this once or twice a week, depending if there's a new video or a new podcast episode for that week, by doing this, this allows me to at least once a week, drive traffic to my other channels and grow my other channels as well. The third type of content that I like to do is long form content. And what that basically looks like is quotes like this followed by a carousel where I usually share something that's super personal or something that's super informative for my followers that typically wouldn't fit a caption. And so the purpose of these posts is I usually notice that I get a lot of saves and I get a lot of shares when it comes to these type of content pieces, because when it's a quote, a lot of people love to share that on their Instagram stories. And for something super valuable that is within a carousel, I typically see a lot of people saving that as well. So that's the type of purpose this serves. The next form of content that you'll also notice that I do is sharing a photo of myself, whether that's a selfie or something from a photo shoot. And the reason why I like to do these posts as well, once a week, if I can, is the fact that with these posts specifically where I show my face, I see more likes and more comments, which allows my posts to be boosted higher in the algorithm. And so as you can see with all of these different types of posts that I do almost on a weekly basis, each post serves its own purpose. And that's something that I also share with my own students when they joined the boss Graham Academy, which is my paid program. A lot of people think that likes and comments is the most important, or they think that saves and shares is the most important, or they think that X, Y, Z is the most important, but what you have to realize in order to build a very well-rounded social media strategy, you have to understand that each post serves a different purpose. So for example, with these content pieces right here, where it's a quote and it's a carousel and all of that, I might not get the most likes or comments on these posts, but I know that this post is designed to get more shares and saves because this is a more shareable piece of content versus for something like a selfie that I post, I might get a lot of likes and comments, but I may not get a lot of saves or shares because who wants to save or share a photo of me. And so that's why within your content strategy, it's really important to have a good balance between all of these so that you have a well-rounded approach. Now, not only do I have a system between the content types that I rotate between such as IgE real long form, selfie, IgE TV, all those things, but I also have a system in which I rotate between when it comes to the content pillars or the content themes itself. And I teach this system within my paid program called the boss Graham Academy. And this system is called the BGA content conversion system, where I teach my students to rotate between six content pillars that is designed to help them get more demand for their paid products and services. And if you actually head over to my free training over at www.followers to clients.com, I actually give you and share with you three out of the six content pillars where I explain it more in depth with clear examples and everything like that. So if you're interested, definitely make sure you go to www.followers to clients.com and attend that free training. But for now, let me share my screen and actually share with you something that I also share with my students. And that's called the BGA sellable content matrix. So let me share my screen and show you what that looks like and walk you through how we use it. So inside our paid program, the boss Graham Academy, we have a lesson called content research strategies. And when you enter this lesson, we actually teach our sellable content matrix. So for free, I'm going to show you what this is all about. So you have your six content pillars. Now for us, these are the six that we show our students inside the boss Graham Academy for you. It could look something different depending on what your strategy is. And then for each column below here, that is basically going to be things that you offer in your business. So let's say you're a coach. And for each session that you have, you've got mindset, finding a niche, branding, content creation. Maybe you teach launching. Maybe you talk about selling well within the matrix every day, you're going to be able to pinpoint what exactly you want to talk about. So for instance, let's say something that I teach inside my program, which is true is finding a niche. And maybe what I'll do is I'll go here and I'll say, okay, so today I'm going to talk about finding a niche. And specifically, I'm going to talk about mistakes people make when they're trying to find their niche. Now, the next day, maybe I'll want to talk about branding. And when it comes to branding, maybe I'll want to share some social proof. So over here, I will share maybe some client wins of people who had amazing branding or who revamped their branding and got clients and all of that. Now let's say for the next day, I want to talk about selling because this is also something that I teach in my paid program, the boss Graham Academy. Well today let's talk about myths. So over on my Instagram, maybe I'll do a mini training on the top three myths that people believe when it comes to selling that simply aren't true. So by having this handy matrix in my business and that my students have access to, it's really easy and content creation becomes a no brainer. Now, as you can see from that screen flow, I just shared my students and I have content creation down to a science and the exact sellable content matrix plus the content conversion system has helped so many of our students sign their very first paid clients, all thanks to the content that they create on their Instagram account. And if you're curious to learn more in depth about these content pillars that I'm talking about, make sure you visit www.followerstoclients.com for a free training. Inside this training, there are three mini trainings in which one of those trainings include an in-depth explanation, clear examples of three out of the six content pillars. So definitely check out www.followerstoclients.com click the link in the description or in the comment section below. All right, now that we've covered part one, let's talk about part two. And that is the actual act of creating content. And sometimes I find that a lot of people overthink this. And when I do it, it's actually quite simple. So let's go through them one by one. When it comes to Instagram reels, I like to batch create my content. And I've got two amazing resources that already cover this in depth and show you the behind the scenes of everything. And that is this resource right here, where I go over how I batch the content and this resource right here, where I go over my top tips when it comes to optimizing your Instagram reels. Now, the second piece of content that we create is our IGTVs. And like I said earlier on in this video, our IGTVs are dedicated to promoting our other channels and sharing snippets from my YouTube videos or snippets from my podcast. Now, when it comes to the YouTube videos, it looks something like this. We actually get this professionally done with our video editor, Elena. And when it comes to our podcast, we use something called repurpose house to do that at mass scale. Now, if you are someone who's in a position where maybe you're not ready to have a video editor or invest in something like repurpose house, I also have an amazing video for you. And it's this one right here where I share my social media secret weapon. And I walk through a tutorial using the headliner app so that you can create these types of IGTVs on your own. If you're repurposing from your YouTube channel or if you're repurposing from your podcast. So definitely check out this video right here. And by the way, all the resources and extra videos that I mentioned will also be in the description box below. Now, when it comes to the third piece of content, and that is the long form carousel content pieces. What I typically do is I'll head over to my Twitter account that I literally do not use for any purpose. Other than creating content like this, I'll post the quote, I'll post whatever I want. And then I'll screenshot that over on my phone, send it over to Canva. And on Canva, I'll create the post itself. Now, when it comes to the actual carousel text, what I usually do is I will just write it over on my notepad on my Mac book. And then over on my phone, I'll screenshot each page, go to VSCO cam and over on VSCO. I'll just align the dimension so that it's four by five. You can also do this within the gallery of your iPhone, I believe, but I usually just do it on VSCO to make things easier. And then afterwards, I've got all the content pieces that I can then schedule later on. So that one is also really straightforward and doesn't take too much time. Now, a common question that I sometimes get is why do you use Twitter? Well, for me, I just find it to be the easiest because it already has my profile picture and I'll have my handle and I just screenshot it. But definitely if you want an aesthetic that looks kind of like this, there are tons of Canva templates that you can find over on creative market.com, or you can create it within Canva itself. Now, the fourth piece of content that I create is basically anything that's like a selfie or something from a photo shoot and how I create these types of content pieces is once a quarter, I'll schedule a photo shoot. So this is a casual photo shoot that I'll typically schedule with a photographer or videographer that I trust so that I have content for that quarter. This has been super helpful in terms of content creation, but also creating graphics for my course or graphics for my Facebook group or graphics for my YouTube cover banner or my website. And so that's why I always like to have brand photos that are updated on a quarterly basis. And if not quarterly, then at least by annually. So that's definitely something to consider if you're interested in doing that. Now, when it comes to batching content for a photo shoot, definitely check out this resource that I have right here. This is definitely an older video of mine, but everything that I say here still applies. And I still use these tips to this day. So definitely check out this video. If you want to learn more about batching your photo shoot so that you have tons of content to use. Now, of course, everything that I mentioned within part one and part two, in terms of planning content and creating content, you definitely want to be a master at batching things in advance. And so even for me in my business, sometimes I'll take a whole month off just to batch content for all of my social media channels. So later on, I have content for months and months that I can use without me necessarily chasing my tail. Now, of course, sometimes I fall behind, but what's important is that you do have the intention to batch. Now I know for a content creator or for someone who has a business and is creating content at the same time, batching can be something that's very hard to schedule in, which is why I highly recommend you check out this video right here, where I share with you my time management strategies and my project management strategies. This is a video that's going to be applicable, even if you're a solopreneur or even if you have a team like me. So definitely check this out so that you can be inspired on how you can fit content creation and content planning within your already busy schedule. Now let's head over to part three, which is all about how I organize all these ideas and all these content pieces and everything like that. So let me share my screen and show you something that I use in my business, and that is called air table. So let's head on over and check it out. Now, when it comes to content management and storing data for our business, we now use something called air table and it has really served us well. So I'm going to show you how I use air table to plan my Instagram content. Now, the reason why we like to use air table is because we actually plan our YouTube content, our podcast content, our Instagram content, and also our Facebook group content all in one, which is why we now use air table instead of a sauna specifically for content planning. Now, when it comes to using content planning like this, I highly recommend it. If you have a social media manager or a marketing manager on your team, because this is usually why we typically use something like air table. If you are a solopreneur, you could absolutely skip this step and just schedule everything via later, plannily, whatever content management service you're using. But if you have a team, sometimes it's helpful to plan it this way so that you can review your team members work. Now, this is just a sample of how we use Instagram, but what I really love about air table is you can expand each record and it looks something like this. So you're able to have all the information you need in one area and you can absolutely customize everything to your liking. So this is something that we custom built that was perfect for our business needs. Now let's look at an example over here. We can expand a record and it's going to look something like this. So what we have is we've got the name of the content piece. We've got the type. So whether it's a single carousel quote, graphic video, or Jif, this is really helpful, especially if you have someone else on your team doing content for you, we have the status. And again, this is helpful if you have a team member so that you can see what they're working on. We have the schedule date and time. So here you can select the date and the time that you want this to be scheduled out any relevant links that you'd like to reference. In our case, we repurpose content a lot. So this link kind of tells us that this content piece here came from a Facebook post that I put in my Facebook group. So over here, we decided to add an area where our graphic designer can add the slides. And then we've also got the caption. So this is where you can write the caption and plan it in advance. And then you also got hashtags. So if you want to add hashtags, this is an area where you can put it in. And then we also have notes and feedback. So if I wanted to give feedback for the graphic designer or the social media manager, this is where I would put it. One of the things that I like a lot about air table is you can also change the view. So you can do it Kanban style and it would look something like this, which is really great. In which case you can move things from side to side, wherever it is within your workflow. You can also view things in other views, for instance, calendar mode. So for instance, when you choose calendar mode, it'll look something like this. And you're actually able to see how everything looks like plotted on a calendar, which is super helpful. You can view things gallery view in that case, it looks like this. So there's a lot of different ways that you can use air table. And again, my favorite part is that it's totally customizable and it's basically like a spreadsheet on steroids. And so this is how we plan our content using air table, especially when you're working with a social media manager or a marketing manager inside your business. All right, so let's move on to part four and that is scheduling the content. So once you're happy with your plan, it's now time to schedule it and automate that so that you don't have to be at your phone all the time, remembering to post. So let me share my screen and show you how we do it in our business. So when it comes to scheduling content, you guys all know I use later, I've been using the same platform since I started my business and it's pretty straightforward. The reason why I like to use later is most of my content is saved on desktop. And so I just personally prefer doing things on my computer versus on my mobile phone. So essentially for things like IgE TVs or IgE reels, of course, I won't be able to schedule them because those are things I typically manually post or a social media manager may post it for us. But for things that I can try to schedule, I usually do. So for instance, the shareable content like this, even if it's a carousel, I'll still try to schedule it so that I'm reminded and I manually post it, which is fine for me. And for things that don't have a carousel, then I'll try to auto schedule, which means that even without me doing anything, it's going to post automatically to my feed. So it really depends on the content piece that I'm doing, but I always try to use later to schedule my things in advance so that I don't forget posting them. Now, typically what we'll do is for the caption, it's usually a caption that's already in air table. And so then what we'll do is we'll just copy the caption and paste it once it's approved and once it's good to go. And then also just a little hack for you guys is over on saved captions. You can click here and you can actually save your hashtags as well. At least that's how I used to do it when I first started my business. And so this is a really good hack for those of you who use hashtags for growing your Instagram account. So typically what I'll like to do is I'll load up everything over on my media library here, and then I'll start dragging things to where I need to schedule them. Now, if it's a carousel, then what we'll do is we'll upload all the little things that are included in the carousel. And then I'll start selecting all the things that need to be a part of the carousel like this. And then down here, it'll say multi photo post. So when I click that, it then becomes a carousel. Now if things are not in the right order, you can change it up by dragging it and all of that. But I personally find that even though with carousels, you can't necessarily auto publish, having the notification with later is already super helpful for me. So like I said, I'll then just paste the caption that I've already prewritten over from my air table. And then I'll schedule away based off of when I want it to be posted on my Instagram account. All right, welcome back. Now, again, if you're interested in learning more about business strategy, Instagram strategy, and content strategy, for example, the BJ content conversion system that I talked about earlier on in this video, definitely check out this free training that I have right here over at www.followers to clients.com. As you can see, we've had tons of people say amazing things about this training, and it's not like any other training where you watch it and you don't get any value at all. This is not that. So definitely check that out at www.followers to clients.com to get more strategies and more information about content creation using Instagram. Now, as always, I post videos about marketing, social media, Instagram, all the likes of that. So definitely check out these two videos that I have right here while you wait for next week's video. I promise these two videos will not disappoint. As always, guys, I appreciate you. I hope you guys have a great day, a great week and a great life, and I will see you in the next video. Bye guys.
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