Speaker 1: Hey guys, Christy here from The Silver Life and welcome back to our channel. Do me a favor, make sure to like this video and subscribe to our channel if you have either been loving our videos and want more, or you're new here and you're super excited to dive into all of the systems and organization goodness. I love being able to educate you on systems and organization for your business so you can be as productive as possible and I want everyone who needs to see this content to be able to see it out there. So what are we talking about today? I am super pumped for this topic because I'm getting really excited to implement these in my business as well. Today we are going to go over KPIs and OKRs, what are they and how to map them out and track them in ClickUp. So without further ado, let's dive in. As your business grows and becomes more profitable, it is natural and a really great thing to be able to track your goals more specifically and create more targets to hit these goals. So for example, instead of I want to bring on more clients, a measurable goal would be I want to bring on five more clients in quarter one. So you might be wondering, okay, well how do I even start with a measurement plan like that? How do I know what to measure or how to measure them? Well that's where KPIs and OKRs come in. Now don't be freaked out by the terms if you're not familiar with this already. Before we dive into measuring these things in ClickUp, let me just give a brief overview of what KPIs and OKRs even are. Okay starting with KPIs, what is a KPI? It is a key performance indicator. Now this can be tracked on a business software level and it can be tracked on a team level as well. So seeing how things are performing, for example, your email list, you can track the amount of email subscribers you have gotten in a certain period of time. Whether it's 30 days, a quarter, a year, you can set specific key performance indicators to see how the growth of your email list is going. A few other quick examples, you can track freebie downloads, new leads, new clients signed, Instagram post performance, and so much more. Now when it comes to tracking KPIs for your team, it's a little bit different. So this is what an example would be for tracking a KPI for a team member. One of our KPIs for our team is Pinterest, right, just as an example. So we have a specific amount of pins that we want to be scheduled per month and per week depending on how many products there are, how many blog posts are going out. And so we have this target goal, right? So we have what the goal is, who's responsible for this goal, our team member, and then each week she can go in and track what was the target for the week, what was the actual, and how is the status of this KPI. So we can see throughout the year and all of the weeks how we were with tracking this goal. Is there a few weeks that things slip through the cracks? Are we on target every single week and we can either keep it as is or bump it up? Or is there something missing and there are a few weeks that we're at risk and we want to see what was going on? Well, this is where you're able to track your team, what they're responsible for, and how this key performance indicator is showing you how your team is performing. KPIs are a really great way to set up your team for success and give them clear expectations and then be able to see if there are any hurdles they may be running into and if there's anything that we need to shift or change within that role. Now, what are OKRs? They are objectives and key results. Some people just refer to them as goals. Some people use the term OKRs, some people say different things as well. So what are they? So it's basically where you set an objective example, grow my email list, and then you break down that objective into key results that have measurable targets so you can see the progress of that goal. So let's give an example. So maybe my objective is that in 2022, I want to grow my email list subscribers. Well then a key result can be increasing my email list from 150 to 200 in quarter one. Then I'm able to set the other ones for the other quarters and then we'll be able to see that goal and the progress of that goal by the key results. Now here's the thing, when it comes to KPIs and OKRs, you can use them individually or you can use them together. So here's the thing, when you are tracking KPIs, whether it's performance rate of emails or it's performance rate of team members, if your KPIs are on track and they're doing well and performing well, then ideally your OKRs will also be progressing and you'll be reaching your goals, right? Sometimes it doesn't always go hand in hand, but typically if you have your KPIs, you are on track, your goals should also be on track as well. But for that OKR example with the email list, the KPIs that you could be using to track those key results and those objectives could be things like open rate, click through rate, unsubscribe rate, those would be key performance indicators of how your email list is performing and any trends that you can track from that list. Okay, so not to get in too much of the nitty-gritty details and I am not a pro on KPIs and OKRs, I just wanted to give you a brief example in case you are brand new to them and needed a little bit of clarity. Basically OKRs, big goals, break them into key results, KPIs, you're tracking granular things like open rates, freebie downloads, site visits, et cetera. So before we dive in, if you are brand new to ClickUp, this video may be a little more advanced. Totally feel free to still watch it, but if you are looking for some more basic videos on ClickUp, we have some other ones on our channel that are really great, including the beginner's guide to ClickUp, I'll link it in the description below, as well as our free ClickUp 101 guide. If you're interested in downloading this, it will also be in the description below and I want you to check it out so you can make sure you have your ClickUp foundations in place. But if you are already good to go with your foundations and you are wanting to get a little bit more advanced, stick around and watch this video. So let's dive in to how you can track OKRs and KPIs in ClickUp. So here we are in ClickUp's goals section. This can be found on the side of the navigation bar in the goals right here and when you click into all goals, you'll see the goals you've set. You can create new ones and I am clicking into this increase email open rate goal slash OKR. I have a whole other video on our channel going through how to create goals from scratch, the different targets, and that video is called how to track goals and habits in ClickUp. If you want to see every single step of setting up this goal, it's pretty easy to do. It's not even self-explanatory, but that video will walk you step by step. So just showing you this, ClickUp has mapped this out where you would have your main goal or objective. So here we put increase email open rate and then you have the targets to measure how that progress of that goal is going. And you'll see here in the timeline, it actually says the note that Christy created this key result. So we really do mimic this as OKRs in ClickUp. So here we have the objective, increase email open rate, and then the key results or targets for each quarter are mapped out here. So you can see that the Q1 target we set is we want to increase our email rate to 20%. When you go over to the right here, you'll see that when we click this open, we're starting at 15 and the goal is to get to the target of 20. So I can increase and say, OK, we have currently an average of, whoops, that was an accident. Let me go back. This would be 17. And if I wanted to increase it by one, then it would be 18. Or you can go ahead and just increase it to the target, save this, and then there you go. You saw the confetti pops as soon as you hit that target. So then you'll see the Q2 target. This is to go from a 20% to 22. And you can see that you can increase this. And as I did it again, let me do, there we go, current 21 and OK. As we are increasing these targets here, the progress of the main goal is also increasing. So this is how you can add the objective, track the key results and see how this goal is progressing. So this is the goal section and mapping out OKRs. Then we have KPIs. So this is our KPI tracker for team KPIs and we will link this in the description below if you are interested in downloading this right away. But I wanted to show you the power that ClickUp has to be able to track team KPIs. So what we've done here is we have the parent tasks. So one of the team KPIs for Jefferson here would be that he would be tracking 150 website views per week. So when I click into the subtasks, you'll see what we've done is we just have week 1, 2, 3, 4. This is the weeks of the year and then the dates there. And then the owner of this. So when Jeff tracked this, the date that he pulled it that we just have every single KPI that it's pulled on the Friday, what the goal was, what the actual is, and then the outcome. So if it's in the negatives, that actually means that you went above that goal. And if it's positive, it means it's below because what we have here, this goal and actual, those are number custom fields. And then the outcome here is a formula field. So that is here. We did a formula and we did the goal minus the actual. And that's when you'll see the outcome. Then we have the statuses here. We have on track, at risk, behind, postponed, complete. So this is to be able to track just visually instead of having to look at the numbers. Okay, were we on track every week? Was there weeks there were at risk? And then we'll be able to see as well. I put a notes custom field here, which was a text area, long text field. And I put, okay, January, our traffic usually spikes because everyone is wanting to organize their business ASAP, where the last week in January, no content was running this week to point people to our website. So you can kind of give an explanation of why this performed well, why it's at risk, et cetera. So you can just see the different ones are structured this way as well, but now you can see me, these ones are assigned to me, the dates, goals, actual outcome, and then status. So I could say this one was at risk first week back was a lot. And then again, I'll click into these. You can see the different things here. And then on the parent task for this one, because 50% of these weeks were at risk, I put that this goal is at risk. So from the outside, you can see that, okay, how are KPIs doing? Well, the one course sale per week from funnel is at risk and you can pop into there and see if there are any notes. Now, another thing we did here was we grouped this by the custom field KPI category. So we have all these categories here, traffic leads, conversion, fulfillment, and then we had the dropdown custom field of department as well. Sales marketing, customer success, product management. Then what we did here was we created different views for different team members. So whether or not you want to check on specific team members, or you just want to give them a place to always go to easily find their KPIs to track for the week. We just kept this master KPI list, duplicated it, and then put a filter where the owner is me. And for Jefferson, we did a filter where the owner is Jefferson. So here's a great way to be able to say, okay, here are the master KPIs for the quarter, the year, however you want to map them out. And then we have each individual team members. And then one more thing I want to show you here is the marketing KPIs. So what we did here was we decided to actually put a filter that this is just showing the marketing KPIs. So we did a filter department is marketing, and then you just have this at a glance. So this is something that you can share with, say you have a marketing director and you just want them to view just the marketing department's KPIs, how everything is going. So with views up top, you can really customize how you reference and see the data that you want to see. So this is an example of how you can track team KPIs. Now let's go to seeing data and metric tracking, for example, using email marketing. So this is an email marketing workflow that we have built out where you would have the emails, tracking the assignee due dates, comments, and the send date. So this is really working with your team right on making sure email marketing is consistent. But what I did here was I created an analytics list to just filter in the status is sent. And then we just pulled in send date, open rate, click through rate, and unsubscribe. So these are all custom number fields. So you'll be able to see what we can do in the dashboard I've created. So here's a way to be able to track these analytics here. If this isn't enough and you want to see the data even clearer, what you can do is you can create a dashboard to track your KPIs as well. So let me walk you through this dashboard really quick. So here's individual email stats. What we did in here was we added a list widget, called it individual email stats, pulled this in from the location email marketing, and then we grouped it by status and we pulled those number custom fields on the outside here so we can just get a glimpse of this. So again, if you had someone in charge of marketing or email marketing, you can choose just to share this dashboard with them for them to track this data. Let me refresh this because that should be a different number. So here we have a calculation widget, all of these for our calculation widgets. And when I open up the settings, you can see that the location is email marketing. We're taking the task count and there are two filters on here where the publish date is this month and the status is sent. So here we're able to just see the emails that are sent this month. Then we have the average open rates. When I open this up, you'll see that here I have the name is average open rate, location is email marketing, field is the number field open rate. So when I click open, then you can see open rate. Then I took the average and I put the percent unit as well. So when I save this, this is going to be pulling in the average open rate of all of my email newsletters from this custom field here. When these are filled in for these, they will pop up and they will automatically pull the average in here. Now something to note, say you just started your email list. This is great. There's nothing else that you would have to put in here, but say you've had an email list for 10 years. Well, the data from 10 years ago is going to be a lot different than today. And you might just want to track the average open rate for this year or this quarter. Well then what you can do is you can put a filter that the publish date is this year. If I click this, it'll be exactly the same because these are all for this year. But if you had a lot of data from the past, if you click this year, it's then going to make this filter only pull the average for the email sent this year. Then we have average CTR, same deal. We're averaging all the CTRs, click through rates, unsubscribes here as well. And then one more cool other feature is email sent per month. So this is a custom line chart widget. And in here you can see that I pulled it from email marketing. Time range is this year by months at Y-axis is tasks. And I have the filter that the status is sent. So as I fill in and I send more emails throughout the months, I'll be able to track how many were sent per month. And if I set a specific KPI for how many we want to actually send per month, I'll be able to see how we had accomplished that goal. Or if we were behind, if some months had dipped or spiked, and it'd be a really great visual way to see that data. So dashboards are incredible way to see data and keep track KPIs and metrics through calculations, custom bar charts, line charts, pie charts, et cetera. And really be able to see that data in whatever way you would like. So I hope that tutorial was helpful for you and showing you how you can use ClickUp to map out your OKRs and KPIs while using the goal section and ClickUp to really break down your OKRs and how you can use list view to track different team members and departments and see how your team members are performing as well. As you can see, if you are staying organized like this in ClickUp, you will be able to track your goals more clearly, improve your team's efficiency and get everyone on the same page, establish clear expectations for each team member, identify any bottlenecks as well if anything is at risk, and improve your overall business growth because data is everything. So great news, we actually have the KPI template that we went through in this video available in our shop for you to purchase. And we give a special discount code just to our YouTube viewers. If you use the code YouTube, you will get 10% off your entire purchase. So I hope that is helpful for you. If you want to dive in and start tracking your KPIs and OKRs in ClickUp, if you like this video, make sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel. Thanks so much for watching and happy organizing.
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