Speaker 1: Gently guide healers, therapists, and transformational entrepreneurs through the process of furthering their business. So today we are going to be talking about how to use social media for market research. So I've talked about this before, if you did the social media strategy sessions, I talked a little bit about it, but I'm going to go a little bit deeper today into how to actually do that. So there are, I'm going to hit up Facebook, Twitter, oh wait, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, and then I'll explain what to do with Facebook. I don't feel comfortable sharing some of the stuff because it's groups and the groups then have to be admitted and then I'd be sharing people's information in a group and that goes against pretty much every single group that I know of. So I don't want to do that to the group owners. So I will just talk about what to, what you do because it's very similar to what you do on Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn as well. So that whole thing is going to work. I'm also going to show you a little bit about how to use Asana to track it. I'm going to be doing it live. I just need to pull up one screen real quick because I realized I forgot to have that ready and that is really silly. Okay. Hold on one second. That one. All right. And then, okay, and then we're going to do, hold a second, and then, and then, and then, and then, okay, now I got it. All right. And then this is going to be, sorry, I can't find the right one. Uh, well, I'm going to add, oh, that's why it was on a different screen. That's why it made it very hard to see which one it is. There we go. Okay. All right. I have my screens ready in the background now, so I can switch over to them. All right. So probably not surprising, using social media is a really good way to do market research because it's free. And so it's actually one of the things that I suggest for my people, my people, my people, for the Success Creator Academy on how to do their research. So that way they don't have to waste money basically on ads and stuff until they're ready. There are ways to do this. And then, of course, I also use the human design framework to help get things a little bit more tailored to what your specific gifts and abilities are. And so that way your marketing messages work. But everyone should be doing some social media research. I suggest doing it every single month because you are always probably changing and evolving your offer and program. And so in coming up with new ways to talk to people and have your messages resonate with them. So without further ado, I know I say that all the time, right? I'm going to go over and show you guys the, we're going to start with Instagram first. Okay. Over here, I am going to be using the weight loss journey as an example because I think this is just one that like most people know and it will kind of make sense. So one of the things that to do is kind of, all right, this ties a little bit into hashtag research, but this is a little bit more specific on going into marketing messages. So if you haven't looked at my hashtag research videos, then definitely go check that out first because I'm going to assume that you know all about the hashtag research and then this is kind of building on top of that. So you're going to want to pick one of those hashtags that you are knowing that is like one of your bullseye hashtags. And then you're going to go in and start actually looking not necessarily at the post this time. Now we're going to start delving into some of the comments. And so I picked weight loss journey and then these are the top posts and then let's find one that has a lot of comments. So this one looks like it's got a lot of comments there and that's what you're going to want to do. There doesn't seem to be a lot of replies, just a lot of, Oh, I think this is one that I looked at. Okay. All right. So this is what I looked at before. It's not about looking at what they wrote here. What you're going to want to be doing is looking at what the people are talking about. So right here, like I treat grains, nightshade, sugar, soy, dairy, and processed food like they're my ex. Going back to them will only cause me mental, physical pain and depression, but when I'm free of them, I feel like the hot, confident badass that I am. That right there is like a really cool message. So you could use so much of that and especially if it's aligned with what your offer is and your human design messaging, then, you know, you go in right here, you're going to want to copy this. Wait, let's see. I think there's a way to, no, we don't want to report the link. Okay. So we are going to copy and then we are going to go into, actually, let me pull up Asana real quick. I have it in another tab, but it's going to be a little harder for me to like switch back and forth over. So right here, so like we have lose weight. So here is, ooh, we don't want that. All right. If that happens, you can just do tab backspace, tab backspace to get rid of it. So here is the full thing. So actually I decided I'm going to put it in the description. And what's the main point of that? When I'm free of them, right? Okay. Right. Like the hot, confident badass that I am. All right. So now you, you've got some pain points right here, and then you're going to go in and do a couple more to see when you don't eat gluten or too many carbs, you know, you can feel like the difference if you feel the, um, all right. So there you go. And then let's see what we've got here. All right. So as I said, use your hashtag research, you know, techniques to find the right hashtags. As I said, I just randomly picked something. All right. You're going to do. So now I'm going to show you Twitter. It's the same thing. You're going to go in here and start looking through what the comments are. And so, um, ooh, let's see what we've got. I liked that other one that was up. Where did it go? Let's see. Um, this is, this is him talking about his story. It's not bad, but that's his marketing message. So you want to be careful about using someone else's marketing message. What you're really looking for is the people that are commenting, right? Wait, how'd I get to the comments right here? Um, like wouldn't recognize you now. Ooh, like maybe that's something that you could do. Like lose weight, become unrecognizable, right? All right. And then we're going to go back here. Let's see what else we've got. Do do do do do. I probably should have researched the hashtags before I started doing that. All right. So you kind of get the idea. You're going to do the same thing. You're going to check into the comments. Oh yeah, this was the one that, that had a lot of comments and even what she talked about. So even right here, this one makes sense. Like same girl, just a different size, yet always treated entirely different. Someone feels they need to make someone feel worthless based on their weight. They are the worthless ones. So this obviously is, um, is there a way to do, We are going to copy. I just want the, this. All right. We're going to go into here and we are going to put that in the description here. And now what you can do for this as well, go back over. I think it was, which one was it? It was this one, right? So you could actually copy the link, put it over here. So you know which one you're looking at and then it will open it up later on when you need it. All right. So going back over here, um, that's not what we want. Um, but right now, so we're going to, we're going to put this over here into, to our research. Same girl, just a different size. And so then you would pick out whatever the marketing message that you really resonate. So, um, maybe it's like same girl, just like same person. You'd want to be the same person, just a different size. Or, uh, if someone feels they need to make someone feel worthless based on their weight, feeling worthless, you know, based on weight. And then you would still go in here and see what other comments. So like right here, well done you, I believe people don't lose weight for health or self esteem issues by choice. But you could see there's going to be like a whole bunch of stuff that you can draw on. And so you're going to want to take all of these and then put them over into your sauna. And then when something really resonates with you, you can also then add it over into your social media and then you would put, you know, whatever your, um, content pillar is right there. So like say this was, you know, trauma, right? Um, so then that's what you're going to want to do. And so you're going to want to use whatever your platform is, uh, of choice. Now the other thing too, is that if you have been posting something, um, I'm going to use pelvic alignment. If you're a success creator, you know who she is because she's one of the success creators. And I think it was on here. Um, so any kind of movement to, to retrain the nervous system or does it need to be a specific type of movement? So she could actually start going in right now and, and looking at, um, right, like, like no, so right here, she, this person had noticed that there was tenseness in her body. And so then that's something that you could do over in marketing research, like, you know, whatever the next main pain point is, um, stiffness. So like, say, you know, that you're going to be targeting people with stiffness and then feeling tense when you walk, right? And so then this is how you really start finding the language that your clients, your, or at least your future clients are, you are going to be using. So that was using, um, uh, Instagram and Twitter. It's the same thing with LinkedIn. And so you would find a, uh, the look for the information here, and then you would just kind of dig through, find the right pose and where the comments are, you know, it takes time it's research. It's not, you know, open up a book and find the answers kind of thing. It is like actually sitting down and doing the research and just allotting, you know, a certain amount of time to be able to do this once a month, it's going to be doing really good. As a recommendation, as always set a Pomodoro timer, you know, maybe 40 minutes and then take a 50 minute break or 50 minutes or 45 minutes, wait, 45 minutes and a 15 minute break and do that once or twice, you know, once or twice a month. And then you'll get a lot of your research. It will probably also give you a lot of ideas on social media posts. You can also use this content to create your hub content posts as well. So this is going to, and remember, this is exactly what the people that you are trying to connect with that these are their words. And so just always tying it back into your offer is always going to be a good, important thing. Now, one of the other things that I did, so I did a search. I'm putting this now over into the right tab. I did a search on like weight loss and I wanted to show these two things. So like you can go over to Quora or Reddit and you can find a lot of really useful wording there. So how can I lose weight quickly? So if you'll notice over here, I have like lose weight, right? So you know that some people are going to be searching for quickly. You can actually like go through here and, and read it. Now, a lot of times what you will find in the Quora and Reddit is that the people that are responding are professionals. So like, for example, you, if you are a weight loss, you know, transformational coach, then you should be going into Quora and Reddit and replying to some of these questions that people have. So that way people get to know who you are. And the more you do that, people actually start, like in your profile, you can actually redirect them to your website and all that, that good stuff. So what's cool about here is that in general, you want to be worried, you know, as I said, you want to look through this and see if it's like a professional. But you can get actual, like really good wording in here from the people, right? This is not coming from a gym trainer because not everyone can be that strict with them. Rather this is coming from a boy who hits the gym on a regular basis. So like if that is someone that is in your weight loss category, you're going to see some of the information in the words that he uses. Same thing over in Reddit, like from experience, what's the fastest, easiest way you've lost weight. And then this is the poster and you'll see a lot of the people, they really are, you know, they're nutritionists or diet coaches and all of that stuff. So sometimes it's a little hard to find some of the wording here, but you can start, but it takes a little bit of time. Sometimes you'll get some ideas, but one of the cool things about these, um, is that, wait, is it at the bottom or is it at the bottom? Hold on, let me find. Do they have the related questions? Oh yeah, right here. What are the related questions? So you can start finding what people are looking for, right? Like those are the answers that they're actually wanting to, to get information on. So use all of those related information. I feel like it's Reddit though that has that other really big list that's related. This isn't relevant, hold on. Here it is. It's in on the, is it on? I found the tab. Okay. Sorry about that. Okay. All right. So this is the one that I was talking about. You can see that most everyone, all the answers really came from people that were professionals, but then see right here, it's related questions. So these are their actual words of people. These are people who are searching for answers for this. So how can I lose two pounds per week? I want to lose weight, but I, I research to get mixed answers. So maybe you would be then talking about mixed answers or, you know, safe weight loss for teenagers or, um, whatever it is, right? Like, like how can I lose fat and get, and get fit as a teenager in high school? That could be a really cool marketing point right there, right? Maybe the mom who wants to get back into her, you know, her skinny jeans, or if you go in and read it, I'm sure you're going to get the right language into it. So this is where the, the information is out there and all of the marketing messages are actually written for you. So this is basically, instead of having to, you know, contact a bunch of people that you don't know and start asking the questions, you can find it because this is a bunch of people that you don't know that are looking for the answers that your program provides. So that's the basic way to do it when it comes to organizing it in a sauna, I would suggest your main pain points. So if you're using like my sales page template, for example, and you have those main pain points, then this is what you want to be searching for, for that content. Then what you're going to want to do once you have all of these ideas, then you're going to want to create social media posts that to figure out which one of these has the content that people resonate with the most. Now something may resonate with you, but it may not resonate with the people that are interested in your products. Because remember, we come from a different place and then our people, and if you're using human design as your framework, remember like your defined centers are going to attract people with different, with undefined centers and your gates are going to attract people with different issues. So sometimes the things that were like, Oh yeah, this is going to be a great, amazing marketing message actually aren't because it's not the right ones for the people that are being attracted to us. So this is why using social media is really beneficial because you can go in, do all your research, find all the words that people are using, and then post them onto your social media. Use those captions, use those titles. It can all be done for you. Just take a couple hours, get all of that in, focus on one content pillar at a time. Obviously it's going to be a little bit easier that way. Although if you have a couple of content pillars that you're working on, then you can alternate for both. But going in and really seeing, okay, what are the pain points that people really are resonating with? Because the ones that you're going to be posting to and they're going to resonate with, those are what you want to use in your marketing message. And once you get that nailed down and you see all of the interaction and the conversations that you're having, then you're going to know how to write your ad. Because now you've already gotten words that are from real people for real problems that they have and the real emotions that they want to feel. Because remember, people buy off of emotions, but some people buy off of logic, but most people buy off of emotions, whether or not they realize it. So we want to be talking in their same language because it's going to invoke the same emotions. So use all of these tools, like the Instagram, the Twitter. Even if you're not on Twitter or active on Twitter, you can still go on Twitter and find the information. Same with LinkedIn. LinkedIn's a little easier if you're more on a business, corporate stuff, but you can still use it for personal things as well. It's just, it's a little bit more geared to the content for people who are in business because a lot of businesses will block Instagram and Twitter, but they'll allow LinkedIn because they know that people make connections and reach out to sales people and all of that stuff using LinkedIn. So if you are, if your target audience is in business, then definitely get on to LinkedIn. And then when it comes to coming up without those major titles and like trying to figure out your ad copy, then using Quora and Reddit are a really good solution. And then another thing to look at too is the Facebook ad library. I know that some of you success creators have, we've gone through this, but some of you, we have not. And so for those who have not gotten to this point yet, I want to talk about the Facebook ad library. It's free. It's online. So if you are going to do all ads and then we're going to do, um, what are we going to do? Weight loss, right? So let's see what comes up. So there's going to be a whole bunch here. And so what you'll want to do is probably stay away from the ones that are just one singular ad. Now I do recommend using your hashtags because, um, if you're, especially if you're on Instagram and you've been doing that hashtag research, then most, most, not all, most businesses are using the same hashtags across the board, right? And so not all ads have hashtags, but you're going to at least get a little bit closer to what it is that you're, you're working for. And so then you can go in here and start seeing what some of the, um, the ads that are running, especially if you see an ad that's been running for a while. Um, so like you can see when the ads started on, so it's September 2nd, September 8th. Um, the good thing about it, if you see an ad that is consistently ran, um, over and over again by a company that's doing like A, B testing, then the cool thing about is that you know that some of that information works. So you can use it, obviously do not, you know, use it exactly, you know, change it, make it your own, but you can get some of the main ideas and some of the main points. So that way you can reach out to the people because you know that it's working for other people as well. All right. So I think that is it for today. Um, and then if you have any questions of, or about the social media or about, you know, the sauna, uh, please feel free to drop them in the comments and I will get back to you guys soon. All right. I will talk to you guys all next week at this new time at 10 30 and I will see you then. Bye bye.
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