Mastering Social Media Proposals: A Step-by-Step Guide for Managers
Learn how to create a compelling social media proposal to convert clients. Includes a free template and expert tips for success. Perfect for all experience levels.
How to Create a Social Media Management Proposal (FREE Template Included)
Added on 09/26/2024
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Speaker 1: Welcome back to my channel, whether you are looking to sign your first, second, or 50th social media management client, nailing your social media portfolio is key in order to convert clients. Now I know you are tired of the boring social media proposals out there, and that's why I created a free social media proposal template that goes with this video. In this video, I will walk you through the social media portfolio template, what you should include so that you have everything to sign your next client. Hey, my name is Miel and I own a multi-six figure social media agency, and I now help social media managers do the same. Now, are you ready? Let's go. Now I'm at my desk and I have my free template to the social media proposal in front of me that we're going to customize together. But before we dive in, I do want to clarify when you send out a social media proposal. So of course we talk a lot about the social media portfolio, but the social media proposal goes out after you have had a discovery call with a potential client. So perhaps they've seen your portfolio, they set up a call with you, and now you're going to send them a proposal. So the very first thing you want to include in your social media proposal is summary about the actual client. So as you can see, there's a cover page here, and then it immediately goes into a table of contents where you can outline exactly what you put into the proposal. And you can add your own logo here and on the cover page, you would add the client's logo, you would put your name, their business name, so that they can see it's a custom proposal for them. Now on the very first page inside the portfolio, you are going to give a summary about the client. So remember, you've had a discovery call with them, you've asked them the right questions, you've learned more about their business, their social media needs, and you're going to sum that up here in the about you section. Now I see a lot of social media managers and proposals go into about us. It's not about us, we want to make it about the client, right? So we want to put some information there about them, you can insert photos, perhaps even screenshots of their current social media, and you're going to outline exactly what their business is, who their target audience is, and their social media goals. So just to give you an example, I'm going to take myself as an example, simply media and advertising helps creators and brands or turns creators and brands, I don't even know my own lines, and runs into a content machine by using a multi channel strategy, right? So we have a little bit about they work with creators and brands who are making at least six figures, for example, something like that, right? It depends on who the client is, they are looking to achieve the following through social media. And then you can also say they are currently active on, or maybe they're completely going from scratch. Some people are completely from scratch, and they're maybe not active anywhere. But you want to give a summary. And again, you can completely customize this. Maybe you want to add more photos, more screenshots about what they're doing. You can turn this around however you want, of course. Now the second thing you want to include in your social media proposal is your recommendation. So your expert insights. So again, you've had a call with the client, you just explained what they're currently doing, what they're looking to achieve. So what do you recommend them based on that conversation? So again, you can insert here screenshots of their social platforms, they should be active on. So here is where you're going to recommend we recommend brand x to be active on Instagram and Pinterest because their target audience y spends the most time on these two platforms. Now maybe this client is completely from scratch, and you're going to tell them we recommend starting off with one platform just to get started before you dive into any other platforms. Or you can also add more insights on the target audience and then based on the platform. So Instagram currently has I'm just make something up 1 billion active users. And so it's safe to say that brand x should be active here. So this is just really what you recommend as an expert where they should be active and if they decide to work with you, what direction you're looking to take with them. And remember that you do want to add in here that it's based on information they've given you, right? So like you only had one conversation with them, but based on that information and kind of looking through their website, and their business, this is what you recommend. The third thing you want to include in your social media proposal is how you are going to measure success, okay? So here is where you want to explain to a client how you're measuring success based on their goals, based on their business and target audience. Like for example, if your client has a very high ticket offer, then social media has a really different purpose than someone that sells $20 products, right? But here is where you can explain to them, hey, we are going to measure success through maybe it's brand awareness, right? Being top of mind. So you would add brand awareness here, make it a different color, brand awareness. And then you say, maybe it's monthly reports, monthly reporting, and strategy calls. So for example, these are most important. In order to measure success, we will measure success on a monthly basis, we focus on the following KPIs and metrics. Now, if you're like a little bit lost, and you're like, oh, I'm not sure what metrics or KPIs I should track, or let the client know that we track, you can actually watch my video on how to create an analytics report. And that actually comes with a free cheat sheet on what metrics you should track based on your client's goals. So make sure you check it out. If you want to take it to another level and take it to the next step, you can even say, within 30 days, we will measure X, after 60 days, we will measure Y, and then after 90 days, depending on how long your contract is. But that gives them even more detail on that you are prioritizing their success. Now the fourth thing you want to include in your social media proposal is a timeline. Let's say they do decide to work with you, by when should they let you know? What do the next steps look like on that timeline? So in a proposal, you can see this is based on a contract that's 90 days, right? So timeline, what does this look like in the first 30 days? Is that onboarding? Maybe it's the first two weeks that you onboard someone? When does the posting actually start? That's a very good question that you will for sure get. When do you start posting? What are you doing over this 90 day timeline? So you want to outline the steps. Now you can give them additional information here that in the first 30 days, we need to collect the following information from you, assets, photos, photo libraries, passwords, etc. So you can give them a bit more information here on exactly what you will need to collect from them during onboarding. But again, it's very organized and the client exactly knows what's going to happen the moment they sign, okay? Now the fifth thing you want to include in your social media proposal is a meet the team and introduction to the team that they will be working with. Now even if you're a solo social media manager, you can still introduce yourself as the owner or the strategist or the manager in the business and that you are the main point of contact. So for example, maybe you are the social media strategist and maybe you have one virtual assistant and maybe another additional social media manager. But let's say it's just you, you can just put your information here and you can kind of get rid of these two and make like a little bit of an about section there or at a headshot. But really outline to the client who are they going to work with directly, who are they going to communicate with so that they have their expectations, okay? They know what to expect when working with you. Now the sixth thing that you want to include in your social media proposal is why work with you, right? Why should your client choose you over anyone else? Because this is what often happens. Clients are talking to multiple freelancers, agencies, so you want to give them a reason on what makes you different, what experience do you have, what sets you apart from the quote unquote competition, right? So you can add images here. This can be stock photo. Let's say you want to use stock photo on Canva itself. You can say agency. If you want to give more of that agency vibe, you can add something like this or digital marketing, even marketing to have more of a bit of a social media vibe. And then here you can list out some reasons on why work with us. So for example, for myself, I would say we have X years of experience. We are a team of experts. It takes a team to be successful on social media. We have helped over X clients. We have more than Y happy customers. We were featured or awarded, if this is the case, kind of a social proof. We practice what we preach with our own marketing. You can kind of just fill in the blank here as you as you wish, but that's what I would add here. Another thing, bonus points is if you can actually add testimonials on the why choose us and that will make it even stronger so you can have actual words from real clients. That is always helpful. Now, if you're a new social media manager and you're still looking to get your first client, then make sure you watch my other video where I give you all the ways you can find your first client as a beginner with absolutely no experience. Now what's also part of the why work with you is showcasing your previous work that can really help too, along with testimonials, however you want to organize this. So you can either add graphics and work you have done, or you can create an additional page, copy and paste this, and you can add in screenshots of insights analytics here to showcase the work you've done and the insights, the results you have gotten clients. I would recommend doing two pages, one with visuals and the other one with screenshots of data analytics of the Instagram and other social media platforms. Now the seventh thing that you want to include is obviously the quotes and the pricing. So at the very end of the proposal, now, now you will get into how much it will cost to work with you if they decide to move forward. Okay, now I recommend giving them multiple options. No more than three, you can do two as well, but give them options to showcase, hey, this is what we can do for you. So here you will outline exactly what it includes. For example, 12 posts a month, graphics only, monthly analytics report, monthly strategy calls with the team, then you can say content creation, but like for example, no video on option one. Then option two, you can say I do 15 posts and you say it's graphics plus video content creation, monthly reporting and monthly strategy calls, but also access to team in Slack. So this is more expensive, right? And then you can do one more. So this is for example, for one platform, one social media platform. This is one social media platform and this one will actually be two social media platforms. Now you can even do, you can even say the last package is three and this is two so that you have tiers on how much it will cost. Now what I recommend doing is to let the client know, like with a star, you can say this is our recommended option for you and you can put a little note here what this means. You can say, hey, recommended package. Remember that these are all the options I give here are really retainer monthly packages, but let's say a client wants an additional platform on top of what is listed here. You can create an extra page, again, copy and paste it and mention any additional services. Do they come at an hourly rate or what are the add on costs? If they do want to add, like, let's say more posts, an additional platform, et cetera, that way they can get a bit of a custom service and can kind of play around and say, hey, we really like option two, but we want 20 posts, for example. So then you can charge them an additional fee to meet them where they're at. Okay. Now this will really wrap up your social media proposal and I would recommend ending with a back cover, just like we look forward to working with you. And all additionally, you can add your contact info here. So for us, it would be, hey, simply media so that again, they have your contact info. If you want to go all out, you can even add your social media and link it. Your social media channels, let's say Instagram, you can hyperlink it here where you can add a link. And then you say slash simply media advertising. And then now this will actually link to my Instagram so you can get as creative as you want. Of course, the template is completely customizable, but this is everything I would include in your social media proposal after you have a discovery call with a potential client. Now this wraps up the social media proposal walkthrough and I hope you found it extremely helpful. If you found it helpful, then make sure you like, subscribe, tell all your friends and use this the next time you create a proposal. And if you haven't yet, at the start of this video, make sure you download my free proposal template that I created for you and I will see you in next week's video.

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