Mastering the 60-Second Self-Introduction: Tips for Engaging Presentations
Learn how to craft a compelling 60-second self-introduction for business meetings, interviews, and more. Tips on structure, content, and delivery.
How to Give a 60 Second Self-Introduction Presentation
Added on 09/07/2024
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Speaker 1: Hey there, so in my last video, I talked about giving a self-introduction presentation and I talked about the importance of relating who you are to your audience to make sure that they will be engaged with what you're talking about and really care about who you are as a person. In this video, I want to talk about what you can say specifically when you're giving a 60-second self-introduction. Hey, my name is Karl Kwan. This channel here is all about learning presentation skills. I'll teach you how-tos, tips, and tricks to give better presentations. You'll also see some of my work videos. I own a company called Kwan Multimedia, which is a video marketing agency, so you'll see some of those videos here too. But for the most part, you'll get presentations videos here to help you give better presentations, so make sure you like and subscribe and hit that bell icon as well. Okay, so when you have to give a 60-second self-introduction, first of all, where would this even take place? Well, a lot of times, this takes place in business meetings. It could take place when you're doing an interview. Maybe you're in front of a school group or something like that and you need to just tell people who you are. So what you can say is you can start off with saying your name and saying who you are as far as your job or your title or what you're studying, something like that. So you might say, hi, my name is Karl. I'm an MBA student from the University of California, and I'm currently studying mechanical engineering, something like that. So that'd be a really great start. Now, the next part of it is you can talk about something that maybe you specialize in or maybe why you decide to study that. It's just to give people a little bit of background as to who you are as a person. So you could say something like, when I was a child, I really loved putting things together and making things and tinkering with things, and I always just knew how things went together. And it was always so boring for me to just sit in a classroom and not be able to make anything. So I was most at home when I made something and built things and designed things. And that's what led me to becoming an engineering student. So the next part of it now is to tell people, OK, this is what I'm here for. This is why I'm here. This is why I'm giving the presentation and why I'm speaking to you guys today. So one thing you could say if we're talking about this mechanical engineering person is to say, today, I want to talk about something that is going to be really interesting to give you a better perspective on what we do as mechanical engineers. And it might even spark a little bit of interest and curiosity in becoming an engineer or at least knowing more about engineering yourself. So that's what you have to do to sort of wrap up that 60 second introduction. Just talk about an objective or a goal or maybe something you want the audience to do. It's just a little way of like saying, OK, well, here's my here's who I am. Here's where I came from. And now here's where we're going with this. So it's just a neat little tidy way to have three sections of that presentation to give that 60 second introduction. Now, just as a final tip here, a 60 second introduction is approximately 150 words. So if you write it out exactly what you want to say, word for word, and you're hitting about 150 words, that is perfect. Anything above that, you're going to start speaking a little bit too fast and it might be hard for people to understand you. A little bit slower than that, then you won't come up to 60 seconds, which is also really good because nobody will complain if your presentation is less than 60 seconds. All right. Anyway, hopefully that is helpful for you. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments about that and go ahead and try it and let me know how it works for you as well. All right. Thanks and we'll see you in the next video.

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