Navigating Nutrition, Fitness, and Mental Health: A College Journey
Join us as we discuss our daily routines, nutrition tips, fitness goals, and mental health struggles while balancing college life and personal growth.
WHAT WE EAT IN A DAY as college students, budget friendly meals, high protein, recipes, and more
Added on 09/28/2024
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Speaker 1: Welcome back. I've been suicidal since a teen.

Speaker 2: I don't know if it's just me, but personally, I really don't like drinking cold water at all. I feel like I can chug room temperature water. Maybe if it's a little bit cold, but cold, cold water. I don't like it. And I know that's what a lot of people like is cold water. I don't. Ma says good morning. Good morning. Y'all didn't know we are in school for nutrition science. So we're learning a lot as we go. I'm just going to show you guys the vitamins that I take. So this is the energy one by Ollie. This has B12. It has goji berries. Ana and I like the gummies. They taste better. And this doesn't have caffeine either. So we take two. In my life cycle class, we're actually talking about whether or not like gummies like these actually work. I'm taking this one goodbye stress because I've had a lot of, a lot, a lot, a lot of stress since the school has started. I'm only. Going to take one of these because it has lemon balm in it, which is supposed to be beneficial, but I don't like the taste of lemon. So now I would normally take a pre and probiotic, but I actually ran out of the prebiotic. So this is just the probiotic. This is the one that I use, by the way. And if you don't know what a pre and probiotic are, the prebiotic is kind of like the food for the probiotic. So it's nice to take them together and it just helps strengthen the probiotic. I need to make a note. I need to add that to my Amazon cart. Hold on. Next thing that I like to take. Is iron. This is one that I take. It's only 55 milligrams. I think honestly Ana and I need a little bit more than this, but this is the one that we've been taking. I cycle ashwagandha. I take it for stress as well. I haven't taken it ever since school started. That's why I've been taking the stress reliever. Ashwagandha is really good with stress and like kind of relaxing you, but I do need to cycle it because I find that when I take it for a piece of food, it's really good for my body. So I like to take it for stress. I like to take it for a period of time. It stops working, but I'm not taking that right now. Vitamin D y'all, if you live in an area that does not get a lot of sun for a period of time, I highly recommend taking vitamin D because I feel like I get seasonal depression. My mood does change when the sun comes out and I find it very helpful in terms of my mood and in terms of like this helps with bone health and just a bunch of other things. So I love taking vitamin D. Lastly, I have my vitamin D. I have vitamin B complex and this is a big tablet. If you can't swallow pills, maybe look into getting something smaller because look at how big they are. This helps with energy, your cardiovascular health, so heart health and also nervous system support as well. So I'm learning y'all. Those are the vitamins and those are the vitamins that I take normally in the morning. And yeah. Also, I know y'all are about to ask where this container is from. It is from. Amazon comes in a pack of three for like, I think less than $15. I wanted to know this right here for breakfast. 50 grams of protein. I'm gonna break it down real quick. There's a whole cup of rolled oats. That's 10 grams of protein right there. By the way, I am looking at the nutrition label and basing it off of this before anybody comes, but that's 50 grams right there. We use a mixture of almond milk and oxy way. Chef's kiss by far a favorite. If you want to shop that you go on and Lexi, you already know. And then there is two tablespoons of chia. Which is another five grams of protein. And then I added a fourth cup of Waco's Greek yogurt, which is about five grams of protein and then topped it off with some strawberries and that gives you 50 grams of protein. I like my first meal of the day to be really high in protein. Also, y'all, when people say breakfast is an important meal of the day, it most definitely is. So please try your best not to skip breakfast because it just feels your body in the morning and it allows you to have energy throughout the rest of your day. I skimmed. Okay. Breakfast. I'm, I'm not in a good mood, but then I have my water as well. I just wanted to like, sit down and chat with y'all because I don't know, by the time you see this, it might already be two weeks past this past weekend was the honor active third birthday event. And I just wanted to kind of talk about it because I didn't, I like, we were very busy with school. We didn't really like announce too much that we were going, but I just wanted to kind of talk about it. I'm having the same thing. Well, you guys don't know. We are on our active team. We flew out to LA to go to the event. We did end up missing two days of school, which was already stressful enough. And then you were supposed to come back. It was like, we came back at like 10 at night and had to wake up at six the next morning for class. So we already kind of had a lot of on our plate in terms of, you know, our academics and then also just a lot of stress. We are so happy that we got to meet so many people. Like it was honestly crazy. It was so inspiring and empowering to be in a room. Just. Full of just super strong and beautiful women. The energy in there was just honestly insane. Everybody we met, like y'all, I cried. I like meeting y'all. Like I gave it on and I gave everybody a hug to hear like how you guys were, what you thought of everything and just like how your life's been. And so it was just such a great experience to meet you guys because Ana and I have never gotten that experience to fully like invite our community out to something. So it was just crazy to be there. I think I will say because. Ana and I are so young, I feel like we are still very impressionable as much as I like hate to say that we can't always tell when it's like taking advantage of us, if that makes sense. I feel like whenever we go to these events or we go to things as much as they are fun, I feel like we always learn a lot about the industry, just about people. We learned a lot from this one. And so honestly, it was very, very, very emotional for us. And I did a. I don't talk Sunday morning before we had to leave, and I was literally crying the whole time, like I could not keep this together. I felt like a crybaby. But at the same time, it's a lot of it was happy tears. Some of it was sad, but I wanted to keep it like a buck with y'all that like it was most definitely a learning experience, but also being that emotional. I feel like it brought everybody together at the same time. So I just wanted to, like, tell you all about that, because, you know, we're going to keep. It real, like we're going to be honest and yeah, I'm going to finish eating my oats and honestly just answer some emails because I haven't really been on my phone this morning. I know on and I are going to head to the gym soon. Yeah, honest, literally. She's eating the same thing.

Speaker 3: Yeah.

Speaker 4: Pull me hanging on my neck. The bracelet matches the set. My brother name is. Tina Dallas. Stop all that back and forth over the net. My mama wish I would have went for a bridge. You wish I would have went exact still turn to a CEO. So the lifestyle she respect a two sprinters to Quebec, Chevy, they only give a niggas plus one. So I never pull up to the net. You know, I've got to bring a set. You know, I've got to bring the G block. You know, I've got to bring the D block because, you know, I think he. Get. A.

Speaker 2: , all right, y'all getting ready to go to the gym. I got a little Halloween mug. Devin got me a spooky basket already. So there's another one. So I just want to be a little bit festive because October is right around the corner, which is insane. To be honest, like this year has gone by so fast. Kind of wanted to go over like what we kind of do as far as like tracking and macros and like eating intuitively. Go. It's because I want to let y'all know that Lex and I really do not track what we eat. We are protein conscious just because we are working out a lot and we're very active. We want to make sure that we're feeling our body properly. So learning a lot in school right now. So we're slowly trying to like apply and implement meals are a lot more well-rounded and fulfilling. So this is our pre-workout cocktail. I know some people are a little apprehensive and taking it because. Of the marketing, which I totally understand and I are learning a lot in school, as I already mentioned. So marketing and supplements is something that still has a long way to go. So it has definitely changed my perspective on what I'm taking and why I'm taking it. So, for example, oxy shred has the label as a thermogenic fat burner. To be honest, I really don't like that label because I think it's misconstrued a little bit as in a way it's saying. Like. If you take this, you will lose fat. However, I do think that when I take this, I am a lot more sweaty. It gives me a boost of energy. It helps me focus and it tastes amazing. So by all of those aspects, that is why I take the product. I just wanted to let you all know that because I truly am learning a lot and I want to be fully transparent. I would never advertise something to you guys without being fully transparent. So am I in full agreement with that marketing end of the product? No, but the way I feel and the way I perform while taking the product is something that I do really enjoy. Still going to be fully honest because I do genuinely like the product. I just I don't want you guys to think a sort of way because of the marketing and think that Lexi and I are advertising that side because we're not. I'm advertising the results that I have personally seen, the feelings that I personally feel when I take this product because I actually use oxy shred before I was even working with EHP and I loved it. I loved the taste. The feeling I sweat more. I'm literally drenched like I'm not playing when I take this product, but I just want to be fully transparent, as I had mentioned, because I don't really like that side of the marketing. I've come to realize as I learn more about nutrition and dietary supplements and how they can advertise and get on the market. But yeah, that's all I have to say about the oxy shred product. I learned in school L-Carnitine is a amino acid that's already in your body. So also keep that in mind. When you're taking supplements, a lot of these things your body is already producing, but when you're working out a lot, you can have insufficient amounts or you could just want a higher dose of that to help with, like, recovery, like BCAAs are literally just amino acids to help and aid in recovery to the ones that you already have. And same with creatine, you already have creatine in your body that helps with building and repairing the muscle up, but taking more of that will just help with that. I feel like one thing that. I feel like one thing that. I feel like one thing that. I feel like one thing that a lot of people aren't super cautious about is knowing what they're taking and why they're taking it. They just see people taking it and decide to take it as well, because if it works for them, it must work for you. But if there's one tip that I would give you all when it comes to eating and just like having an overall health and fitness journey is everything's going to be different for everybody. You know, even some stuff works for me and some stuff doesn't work for Lexi. Yeah, I'm just going to mix this up and my workout because. I'm running a little bit behind today, to be honest, but I knew that was going to happen with having to film this video point of Lexi and I doing the major that we're doing is not only for us to learn, but also for us to learn and apply it to our everyday life and share that with you guys. I just wanted to address it. It was a little bit more serious. I'm not going to lie, but I just want to be honest. And, you know, Lexi and I, we're going to keep it real 110% of the time. And I would never want to mislead you guys in any way. Especially how I feel about something has changed in a different way. Cheers and yeah, I'm going to have a good workout. Oh, oh, I also wanted to show you guys my fit. I'm just wearing my new balances. These are the 90s, 60s. I'm wearing the effortless leggings and 70% cocoa. And then I'm wearing the this vest. We'll be back. When we have lunch, unless we have a snack before lunch, but I'm still pretty full from breakfast, which is a plus of making sure you're eating enough. So yeah, we'll see. We're just going to be updating y'all throughout the day about what we're eating. So got a couple of sips of this love and I will check in when we're eating next. All right, y'all, I'm going to walk you through the lower body workout that literally left me sore for an entire week. Like I only got one leg day in. I warmed up for five minutes and then I double checked my watch to make sure that my workout

Speaker 5: was on because anyone else feel like it doesn't count if it's not on. Let me know below.

Speaker 2: Then I took my shoes off and got right into squatting. Y'all know me. I have a love hate relationship with squats. I'm trying to get better at them, but I just don't like them. I think it's really hard and exhausting on my body. Hence why I was sore for a week, but I got that done and out of the way and went into reverse lunges. I always incorporate some sort of reverse. And today I kept it on the barbell and I was in so much pain, you guys, like I was not

Speaker 5: even joking. So next I went and did some machines in the quads with leg extensions and I made sure to go extra heavy today, y'all, because I needed to get the most out of this one single leg day that I had this week. And to finish it off, I've been really liking single leg leg press. I absolutely love this for isolation of the glutes.

Speaker 2: And let me know. All right, y'all. So it is lunchtime. Lex and I are going to make taco bowl with some taco meat that Dub and I meal prepped yesterday because we made walking tacos. And that's what we normally do as far as making sure we can get like good, solid, high protein meals. It's just them being nutritious. It's like the protein, like whether you think of it or not, like it ends up like adding up. You might not think like what we had for breakfast was like 50 grams of protein, but like it was. And just meal prepping that like meat beforehand. And then just kind of make it. Something up quick, like like a wrap, a sandwich, a burrito, like just literally anything makes it not only convenient, but also make sure that we're keeping on top of that. It's like just making sure that you're eating enough goes a long way. I think that's why we have such a high interest in nutrition science, because even us just like posting stuff about like what we eat, girls are like, oh, my gosh, like you eat so much. Like I'm eating too little. People might think like, oh, that might be like harmful to me. In my head, my first thought is I want to help people in terms of nutrition. I want to show them that. It's not as hard as it looks. And as long as you get educated in the right way, it can really pan out to your benefits. That's why I also feel like in general, we don't really talk about numbers, size, protein, just because 50 of not only like our own relationship with food, but just you guys as well, because I just don't want to put anything out that might harm people. So although we are doing this and not everybody does what I eat in a day, I think they're fun. And also we're in college, so we're just sharing meals as well. Also like money wise, groceries can be expensive. Because we're in college, we're definitely mindful of the price. And so we just give you like honestly cheaper finds, cheaper alternatives where we shop. I can't shop all my groceries at Trader Joe's. Like that's just not possible. Or even Target sometimes. Like we normally venture off campus to get our groceries because it's so expensive on campus. Aldi, Walmart, Target. Hey. Gosh, she likes to scratch the couch. Stop. I'll be naughty. She knows exactly what she did. Stop scratching the couch. Anyways, like we said, we had meal prep some taco meat last night, so we're just going to make a little burrito taco bowl for lunch. I just also want to let you guys know that not every day looks like this. We do not have class today, so we don't have time to like sit and like eat our meals. Like yesterday, Ana took her oats to go and she was eating it on the bus. It's just different. Sometimes when we have class, we don't eat lunch until 2. Like it's definitely different, but this is kind of like the gist of like what our meals look like and kind of what they entail. And definitely doing things like. Like meal prepping some things and just like. Setting yourself up just a little bit ahead of time. Like setting yourself up for success.

Speaker 5: Yo, I'm so dramatic. Lexi and Camille, I'm so damn hard. Like that side eye was not needed, but y'all know if you got siblings or if you got someone where you're like this and they just cut you the hell out, it's all it takes to be mad. But anyways.

Speaker 2: Taking five minutes to put oats. A jar and then have it for the morning so you don't have to really worry about what you're eating or think about what you're eating. Then you're good to go and you know it's going to keep you full. It's just the way to go. So yeah, we just want to like touch on that a little bit and let's make these burrito bowls.

Speaker 1: I got a bitch she gon' kill for real. Talking about Clyde and Bunny. Coop with the kid. Copy. Got you. Pull up with a stick. Stop it. Stop it. Rich nigga shit. It's hot. Rich nigga. Oh, honey. If I can ride it. Got it. I go to space with the stars. I smoke a butt on my pilot. Saturn, moon, earth, and Mars. Now to take off with the racket. Your big ass water bottles. Get away. Since you want to feel special. What? And Coco make it feel special. Coco. I got a hundred. I might go put all my chains on. I just might change up the weather. Change to pop a perky pussy butter. I'm drip. I make the bitch a Coachella. I'm chella. It's a Nutella.

Speaker 2: I also just want to note that we have come a long way in terms of nutrition and what we're eating. I don't want to get sappy, but like I can always finish my plate like this. And at the beginning, my journey, like not even just like fitness wise, nutrition wise, mentally and everything. I was not eating enough and I know people are going through different things. I know cleaning your plate isn't easy for everybody. So I just wanted to put that in there that even like little gold eating your snack all the way and like, you know, everything that you do when that you complete, even if it's something so minuscule to somebody else is a big accomplishment. It's a big deal. Okay. And you know, be proud of yourself in terms of that. So that's that. I'm about to get to school.

Speaker 4: Niggas ain't got respect. Niggas just got to excel. I put that top level. I love McCarty the devil. Hyde Williams, no X. If you don't say I'm the record, give a fuck. Yo, yo. I put some ice on my hand. I let her take it in advance. She wasn't going to plan. I put a shit in the van. She got a move and a friend. But she went back to her man. Give a fuck. I just put a wagon in the driveway. You know, I did. When I shoot. I shot. It's still a Wild West going in. Me and love sick. I'm sitting sideways. Oh. All right. Right. Right. With the sweet stuff

Speaker 6: That's it

Speaker 2: We're gonna get boba to treat ourselves for a stressful week

Speaker 6: Lexi's doing something right now too, but I can't wait so I'm gonna try Oh

Speaker 2: Hmm is this one good Didn't try that churro It's okay for me, I don't really like that churro one

Speaker 6: That one's the best

Speaker 2: Everything within moderation you guys We just want to thank you guys for tuning in Thank y'all for being so patient with us. If you haven't seen the community board we probably posted about how we might change things to every other week comes of like us posting a youtube video because we really want to stay authentic with like Us editing and also like being consistent. We're not gonna be able to be consistent posting every single week It's honestly just too much. We're not going to set an unrealistic goal for ourselves as much as we hate to say it I think we're gonna try posting every other week and see how it goes I feel really bad because all the comments were like it feels like it's been so long and I was like I know but we just need to get adjusted and needed a little break and hopefully we can stay consistent with this throughout the school year because and we just have a little bit of a heavier workload but make sure to like comment and subscribe and we will see y'all not next week but the weekend in two weeks

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