Step-by-Step Guide to Auto Captioning Videos in Adobe Premiere Pro
Learn how to auto caption videos in Adobe Premiere Pro. Follow these steps to transcribe audio, create subtitles, and edit captions for your projects.
Audio Transcription and Auto Captions in Premiere Pro
Added on 09/06/2024
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Speaker 1: Okay, let's talk about how to auto caption videos in Premiere Pro. So open your project, I'm just going to start from a new one. And I'll just use this one. Oops, don't forget to name your project. And go create. And so right now you can actually already see where to click here. But if you don't see this, you go to window, workspace, and you'll switch from so usually you're in essentials like this, you'll go to window, workspace, captions and graphics. And when you go here, you select the audio that you want transcribed. And you click transcribe sequence right here. You choose your language, which audio to use, the mix means all audio or you can do a specific track, transcribe. And I might have to speed this up. All right, there it went. So you can see all of the audio that was transcribed, and you can go and review it and double click and make edits to see how to correct it. And if everything looks good, you can click this CC button, and it's going to turn it into subtitles. So I'll click Create captions. Generally speaking, the defaults are fine. And then it's going to actually create these subtitles that show up on your video. You can see you can still go and edit there was, oh, Rush should be a capital R. And that's it.

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{{ Math.round(speed * 100) / 100 }}x
{{ secondsToHumanTime(duration) }}
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