Step-by-Step Guide to Becoming a Certified Medical Health Care Interpreter
Jeanette from Interpreting Simplified explains the process of becoming a Certified Medical Health Care Interpreter, including registration, exams, and preparation.
3 Basic Steps for Medical Interpreter Certification
Added on 09/26/2024
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Speaker 1: Hi everyone. Welcome to my channel Interpreting Simplified. My name is Jeanette. Bienvenidos a mi canal. Today I'm going to give you an overview of the process for becoming a Certified Medical Health Care Interpreter. The certification itself is a simple one, two, three step process. You register, you take the written exam, then you take the oral exam. There are two organizations that provide the certification. CCHI, which is the Certification Commission for Health Care Interpreters, and NBCMI, which is the National Board of Certification for Medical Interpreters. So at some point you're going to have to choose which one of those two you want to go. That's the part where you're already ready to dive in and take the necessary test for the certification. But what do you do to prepare for this? That depends on the individual. Some people prefer to take a year-long, year-and-a-half course at a medical interpreter school, but some people don't want to go through that whole lengthy process. They just want to do whatever it takes to prepare for the test. So there are organizations, companies that provide specific courses for each of the things that you feel that you need preparation. So for example, some organizations will give you a course on consecutive interpreting, and they'll even explain to you what consecutive interpreting is, for those of us that don't know. So the preparation, like I said, is going to really depend on the individual. Once you've decided which path you want to take, then you can start figuring out which courses are best for you, which organization provides more bang for your buck. All of these things can feel like they're overwhelming, or it's a lot of decisions that need to be made, but it's really not that complicated. My hope is to, through a series of future videos, provide you with more detailed information on each of these steps. The registration process. Once you go through the registration process and you pay your fees, then you have to look into the prerequisites to take the written exam. Once you pass the written exam, then you can take the oral exam. Through each of these steps, there are some little steps that you have to take to get you to the big steps. I know it sounds like a lot, but all I can tell you is if I did it, you can do it too. If you found this information helpful, make sure that you either comment, hit like, or subscribe so that you don't miss any future videos. And also, it helps me be here for you. Thanks for tuning in. I can't wait to see you next time. Bye.

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