Step-by-Step Guide to Becoming an Influencer: Tips, Mindset, and Strategy
Learn how to become an influencer with this step-by-step guide. From mindset shifts to content creation and monetization, get all the tips you need to succeed.
How to ACTUALLY become an influencer in 2024 content creation tips, brand deals and growth tips
Added on 10/01/2024
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Speaker 1: In today's video, I'm going to give you guys the step-by-step guide on exactly how you're going to become an influencer this year. For real, I know you said you were going to be an influencer last year, I know you said you were going to post last year, but this year, I'm going to give you the step-by-step formula on exactly how to do it. I even created a step-by-step guide to walk you through this process. Only thing is, there's only 50 copies left, so by the time you're seeing this video, if there's no more, I'm so, so sorry. I tried, but I'm still going to give you the tea. I'm still going to give you the tea, but the guide just walks you through the tea. If you're completely lost and you need something to guide you, that's what the guide is for. But if you just need the information and the tea, this is what this video is for. When I made my very first How to Become an Influencer video, I had about 3,000 subscribers. Y'all have watched my whole journey. Let's get into how I made that transition from working a 9-to-5, I hate it, wanting to be a full-time influencer, wanting to get brand deals and PR and all these things that I've always wanted and how I'm actually living that life. I will be reading off the guide because literally, that's everything I know is right in here. Like I always say, we are all influencers. When someone asks you what lip gloss you're wearing, influencer. What hair is that? Influencer. What sets you apart from the influencers you love and admire? They create content. And one thing I've realized is a lot of people want to be influencers, but are scared to create content. It's like wanting to be a doctor, but you're scared to go to medical school. You can't have one without the other. In the guide, I have a mindset quiz. Kind of test where is your head really at so you can see like, dang, do I believe in myself? Do I think I can actually do this? A lot of you guys don't believe in yourself. You don't believe you can be successful. You don't believe you can actually do this, yet you're trying and it's not working because you don't really believe it. Renew your mind. The Bible talks about renewing your mind. When I got really serious that this is what I'm going to do, everything changed. So that's what you got to do. Make that decision right now. Are you going to become an influencer? Now, I'm not saying quit your job. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying make a decision. You're going to do this and you're going to stay consistent and you're going to follow these steps and you're going to see it through. Tell me. Promise me. Promise me, Buki. If you don't believe in yourself and you don't believe that you can actually do this, the first thing you need to understand is you are created to create. Like I always say, there is no creating without being tapped in with the creator. God tells us in Genesis 1.1 is God created the heaven and the earth. We know God is love. God is peace. God is so many things. But the first thing he tells us is that he created. He created us to create. Especially as women, we literally create life. And you're embarrassed to create a video? Even if you're watching this and you don't want to be an influencer, if you feel like you're being called to create a business, start a ministry, start creating content, whatever God is calling you to create, it is your duty to create it. Don't let fear and don't let people's opinions hold you back. I used to think like, yeah, being an influencer isn't a real job. It's not really doing anything for anybody. But when I started actually creating and posting and I saw its impact, everything changed. You have to understand that there is a reason you feel called to create and God created you to create. So you gotta create, baby, create. Okay, so that definitely helped me. Like once I learned that one, there is a purpose. God can use my influence. You get it. God can use my influence. So I have to step up to the plate. I have to create. If you feel frustrated about your content, if you feel like it's not working, if you feel discouraged, pray. Pray over your content. Pray about how you feel. Pray. God cares and he wants you to win. And if he put it on your heart to create, that means he also gave you the potential. God doesn't put anything in you that you are not capable of doing. You have to, have to, have to be confident on camera. One thing people don't understand is you cannot be an influencer if you don't create content. You can be a content creator and just create content. But the impact that influencer has is different from a content creator. There are so many people who create content, but very few people are influencers. So if you really want to be an influencer, you do have to master creating content. Through creating content is how your influence is made. Next thing you want to do after you get the mindset, go straight to filming. Don't worry about the algorithm. Don't worry about your niche. Don't worry about anything. I want you to complete the 14 day filming challenge. The 14 day filming challenge is when you role play as an influencer. For 14 days straight, you are going to film and edit everything. This is how you're going to beat procrastination. This is how you're going to beat the fear to start. The fear to start often comes by not taking action. You haven't started, so you're scared to start. But because you're scared to start, you haven't started. So it's a cycle. If you start, you're going to break that cycle and get in the momentum. Confidence comes from what you do. If you don't consistently film content, you're not going to be confident in it because you don't do it. So for 14 days straight, you are going to film. Film everything. Do a day in my life. Do a get ready with me. This is just for you so you can practice because without practice, you're not going to feel confident. A lot of us influencers have been doing it for years. Just like everything in life, it takes time. The time will pass anyway. You might as well take action. I want to test this guide out on my sister. So she had a brand new account and we started with the step-by-step. We found her niche. We found her target audience and we started posting quality content right away. Y'all, she went from 400 followers. She's almost at 5k. I bet you she's about to hit 10k before the end of February. So what is your niche? Honestly, I recommend that you become the niche. This is called personal branding. First question is who am I, right? Write down who are you. Write down everything that comes to mind. I'm funny. I'm intelligent. I'm loyal. I'm kind. Then you're going to write what are you passionate about? What are the things that you can talk about for hours? The things that you would do whether you're getting paid or not. For me, talking about content, fashion, hair, makeup, God. I could talk about that for hours. Write that down. Next, what are you good at? Because one thing I realized, you may be passionate about something, but you may not be good at it. You have to be good to give value. If I wasn't an influencer, how can I tell you how to be an influencer? If I didn't know how to do my makeup, how can I show you how to do your makeup? So you actually have to be good at the things that you're trying to teach people about and give them value on. So that's what I noticed with my sister's account. She was able to get a million views because she had a transformational experience, right? And I'm speaking about my sister's account because I feel like I've gotten to a point where you guys may not find my growth relatable. Not everyone is going from 80k to 100k, but a lot of you guys are going from 400 to 500 to 10,000, right? So after you figure out those questions, you want to define your niche, right? So look at everything you wrote and pick the three things you are best at and you want to showcase. Once you do that, you have to find your target audience. I think a lot of people don't talk about this. It's not necessarily the niche. It's who you're targeting. The algorithm is just feeding your content to people that may like it so that the people that like it can engage with it. That's how views and comments and all that come because your content met the right audience, right? In order to do that, you have to evaluate your content. Who does it help? What problem does it solve? What demographic currently engages? So for me, right, when I look at my content, if I was to analyze my content, who does it help? I feel like it helps young girls trying to gain confidence and become the best version of themselves through fashion, beauty, lifestyle, and faith. You see how I just summed that up? I know y'all. Analyze my demographic, gender, age, location, all that. So I know that you guys are young women living in America, abroad. So it's like international. Occupation, a lot of you guys are students. And I can make a profile of you guys. So I actually show you guys how to make a target audience profile. This is when you kind of write down who your audience is. This is extremely important because you know how to tailor your content to the audience. If I'm making a get ready with me, and I know that I'm talking to girls that want to gain confidence, connect with the community, and express themselves, those are the topics I'm touching on. But if I know I'm targeting young busy moms, I'm going to talk about different topics. Does that make sense? So you definitely, definitely, definitely want to create an audience profile. The content sweet spot. The content sweet spot is the intersection between your passions and your audience's interest. My sister, she's really passionate about fitness, and she's lost a hundred pounds. Audience's interest. The girlies want to know how to lose weight. The sweet spot, making fitness related content for girls who want to lose weight. Do you see? And because we did that, she's growing. Like, I hope, I hope, I hope this is all making sense. It's annoying listening and hearing all these, this is how you grow, this is how you grow, this is how you grow, and it's like, but what is the truth? That's the thing. There is no truth when it comes to growth. Different things work for different people. So you have to get really good at creating your own strategy, and realizing what works and what doesn't work for you. Ugh, child, there's so much to go over. That's why I made the guide, y'all. Go read it. It's literally 60 pages. This is 60 pages that I'm trying to summarize for you short and quick. TikTok, authenticity. Instagram, aesthetics plus value, low-key. YouTube, value. And I always recommend choosing one platform, and then diversifying and growing on the other. It gets super overwhelming, and it's better to build a firm foundation, and then keep moving your audience to your other platforms. Instagram, posts consistently and reels. YouTube, post quality, valuable videos, teaching people how to do something that you have done successfully. And you can offer value in so many ways. Value is educating, entertaining, and inspiring. So anytime you're posting on YouTube, or anywhere, to be honest, think, is this educating, is this entertaining, or is this inspiring? Click-through rate and watch time. You have to have great thumbnails and get people to click your video and stay. First 30 seconds are important. Now, growing on TikTok, I'm realizing that TikTok is really pushing for longer videos. Videos over a minute that are valuable, engaging, and quality. And also trends. Take a trend and remix it, and do your own thing. Making your own social media strategy is simple. So for your strategy, again, I made a template that's gonna help you just keep track of everything you're doing. First thing, you're gonna write down the amount of followers you currently have. So say for this per- Let's actually use my sister. We actually did this strategy for her. Really, I write down, like, strategies. So we started with the amount of followers she had. At the time we started, she had 462. This was January 18th. Wow. And then we put by February 29th, we want her to have 2,000. Y'all, it is January 26th. She has almost 5,000. She's gonna hit 10k. It's crazy. Like, when you make a strategy and you stick to it, then you're gonna write how many times a week you're going to post. For the example, we put Monday, Wednesday, Friday. You're gonna want to pick a time, right? So we picked 3 p.m. That's what I'm starting to notice. I used to post around 5 p.m., but I'm seeing the earlier you post, it's actually better for engagement. Let me know, you guys. Do you think you consume social media in the morning, the afternoon, or in the evening? So for you, you could put get ready with me, story times, makeup routine, and you write down the videos you are going to create. Content creation is an art and a skill that you must master. You must create quality content consistently. Now, how? Don't worry about having a fancy camera. For the longest time, on the Gabs and Gina YouTube, we were using our phones. We were getting hundreds and thousands of views off of our phones. For a short form content from TikTok, your phone is the best camera. Again, I have the iPhone 13 Pro. I don't even have the newest iPhone, and I still have such quality content. Long form, I would recommend getting a camera, and I put specific camera recommendations in the guide, but I would recommend getting a camera. Anyone that you could get your hands on. Lighting, sunlight. I feel like when you're a beginner, again, when you're a beginner, you don't want to invest right away in the biggest and the baddest equipment because you don't know if you really like this. You don't need an expensive camera. You don't need a studio, okay? It's not that sunny nowadays, so I am using artificial lights. You could literally go in my storefront, see all the equipment that I recommended. Editing, I recommend CapCut. To this day, to this day, I still use CapCut. It's free, it's easy, and it's accessible. What more do you need? Long form, I use Final Cut Pro. I know my niche. I know my target audience. What should I create? Research popular creators. See what does well for them, and go off of that. Like I said, inspiration, not copying. At the end of the day, there's nothing new under the sun. I be reading my Bible like, oh shoot, like this is happening in today's day and age. We're humans, we're habitual, and we do the same things over and over again. There's no idea that you can think of that no one else has ever done, but no one is you. So when you put your twist on it, it's a completely different video, and it could reach completely new heights. You're going to create a plan. I included a weekly content plan, and you want to do this weekly. You could batch for a month, but things are always changing. Trends are always coming up, and you just want to keep doing this weekly. Use your content strategy, and you put it into your weekly plan, and you what? You execute. You post when you said you were going to post, and you do what you said you were going to do. We're talking brand deals, money, everything, y'all. You notice how monetizing is at the end? Becoming an influencer just to make money, it don't make sense. I've listed five ways in the guide, but for today, we're going to touch on the main two, which is brand deals and affiliate links. So how do you get brand deals? You want to optimize your profile. I was working on this with my sister. We changed it. You have to have your niche and your bio and your email so brands know that you are open to brand deals. You also want to create brand-friendly content. Create content geared towards them, and y'all, this is how I know this works. Make quality content that brands would pay for, like your content is so good, and you have so much influence that we would pay. Know the brands you want to reach out to you and create content geared towards them that is still authentic. The best way to do this is by showcasing brands you already use in a natural and organic way. If you align yourself, you're creating quality content, you're growing your audience, you have a strategy, you're posting consistently, brands will start to reach out to you. But if there's a certain brand that you really, really like and you want to work out with, pitch to them. So I included a pitch template. So pitching is basically when you contact the brand. So you can do this through email, DM. But again, you can search up pitch template, but I put the one that I really feel like works in the guide. And affiliate links, oh my gosh. Affiliate links is also very, very underrated. I actually had a meeting with LTK. Like to know it, it's an affiliate link program as well. Have a rep that is literally walking me through how to maximize. So again, follow my LTK if you love me because that is where it's at. Amazon influencers. Again, I don't even think, I think you don't even have to have that many followers to have an Amazon storefront. So this shirt, I can link it because this shirt is actually from Amazon. It's from Pumi, actually. So I can link it. Everything you wear and do and use, you can link it and you never know. People just like that one-stop shop and people will click and buy. And before you're getting brand deals, you can already start making money. Just that you have to build a platform, gain people's trust, be authentic, and you can monetize in so many ways. That is everything you need to know to get started. All I did to start, though, is create quality content for a targeted audience. I grew my influence and now I'm able to monetize it. Simply put, that is what you have to do. But knowing what you have to do and doing what you have to do is completely different. But unless you do it, it won't get done. Unless you post that content, it won't get done. Truly, truly, truly want you guys to have the tools needed to make your dreams come true. I had to figure it out all on my own. You don't have to figure it out all on your own. I got you and I have it all in the guide. Definitely check that out. Again, no pressure. I'm always gonna keep creating free quality content and keep putting the girls on because I would not be here without you and without God. God is my manager. God is my algorithm. You get me, brother. So thank you guys so much for watching this video. I love you guys so much. If I helped you in any way and you've gained value from this in any way, don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe. And comment down below if you have any questions, you want me to go in-depth, anything. Let me know down below. And don't forget, I love you. God loves you. Stay happy, stay healthy, and stay blessed. Bye, girlie.

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