The Monumental Task of Producing Films: Insights from a Veteran Producer
Producing a film involves coordinating global crews, managing budgets, and ensuring synergy. Learn from a veteran producer's experiences and advice.
The role of the Film Producer Paula Wagner Spotlight
Added on 09/28/2024
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Speaker 1: The job of putting together a movie is really kind of monumental, particularly a large movie. It has many different locations. Some of the movies I've made have been shot all over the world. You put together various crews in each place. In the Mission Impossible films that I was involved with, Mission 1, 2, and 3, we had shoots going in the U.S., a second unit in Germany, we were shooting in Italy, we were shooting in China. So it's how do you coordinate these people so everybody's working together. Part of the job of the producer is to put together a group of people that interact with synergy, that are moving together to create this behemoth piece of entertainment, the movie. It's challenging, and of course you're working with your director. As a producer, your director has people that he or she have worked with many times before, and it's a good idea to try to have people that you've worked with before, but sometimes that can't happen. Look, you know, producing a film is like putting together this huge company designed to do this one thing, and everybody has a different job. You put it all together really fast, they do the job, and just when they're all working together in a great, collaborative way, then it's time to move on and do the next one. The producer is in charge of everything, from the concept and the development of the screenplay, all the way to the marketing and distribution of the film, understanding the international marketplace, understanding how to advertise the film, the publicity of the film. Working on a film with a smaller budget, I think is much more challenging, because every nickel that you have has to be spent in the right place at the right time, and it's not to say that that isn't the case with a large budget, and in a small, tiny, tiny budget. We had a 30-day shooting schedule. We couldn't go over budget or over schedule by one nickel or one day, and we didn't. There's no more money. Once you spend the money in a small, independent film, that's it. You better hope you're finished. Know everything you can know about making a movie. Know what you love, know what you're good at, know what your strengths are, and just keep making movies any way you can. Create your own films. One of the great things now is that you can, there are many more opportunities to create your own movies. Learn about the directors and cinematographers' work that you admire and that you know. Just keep doing it. Just keep on shooting.

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