Top 4 Online Survey Tools for Effective Academic Research Data Collection
Discover four essential online survey tools to streamline your academic research. Learn how Google Forms, SurveyMonkey, SurveyPlanet, and Quatrix can aid your data collection.
Free Online Survey Creator Tools for Teachers and Researchers
Added on 09/28/2024
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Speaker 1: Conducting academic research can be a very challenging task for so many people especially when you don't have good tools for data collection But worry no more because this video is here to help you. So in this video, I will share with you Four online survey tools that you can use to collect data and insights for your research project Whether you are conducting a survey, poll or questionnaire These tools will help you to get the job done. All you need to do is to watch to the end Hello, everyone My name is Patugu and I do videos around educational technologies and digital tools for business If this is the kind of video you would like to see in the future Please consider subscribing, turn on the notification button so that YouTube will let you know immediately I upload new videos I would also like to remind you that I have a course that teaches how to write projects using the assistance of Artificial intelligence you can find the link in the description box If you are ready, let's dive in Calling on to my computer the very first one we are going to use is Google Forms. Google Forms is a reader when it comes to online survey. With Google Forms You can create different types of online survey whether you are a teacher and you want to issue a test to your students or you are a researcher Who wants to collect data from online? Google Forms is very fantastic tool for you to do that So with Google Forms, you can create different types of online survey and it is very good and easy to use Google Forms also promises to be secure, Compliant and with a touch of privacy. As you know, Google Forms is a part of Google workspace That includes dogs, sheets, slides and the rest of them So if you have a Gmail account, you already have a Google Forms account and it is free to use Now, let us go on to the next one. The next online survey tool We are going to look at is known as Surveyor Monkey. All these tools I will put their URL on the description box below. With Surveyor Monkey, you can create different types of survey and the user interface of Surveyor Monkey is very very rich. You can use it to collect employee reports, customers or target markers and a lot of other things you can do with Surveyor Monkey. Surveyor Monkey is not completely free too because they also have pro plans which cost $34 per month and Another one that cost $25 per user for each month. One good thing with Surveyor Monkey Is that you can be able to integrate it with other tools So whether you are in healthcare, education, marketing, technology and rest of them Surveyor Monkey is a good online survey tool for you. Now, let us look for another one The next online survey tool we are going to look at is known as Surveyor Planet From this, you can get to this software and you can use it for free You can use it to collect data online. From here You will see so many people are already using this Surveyor Planet and it also has artificial intelligence Integration. With the artificial intelligence integration, you can create effective survey in seconds using AI. There are so many other features integrated with Surveyor Planet If you have tried it, let me know in the comment section what you see about Surveyor Planet Now, let us move on to the last one. The very last online survey tool we are going to look at today is known as With Quatrix, you can also create an online survey You can use it to collect data online such as customer experience Employee experience, strategy of research and what have you. And so many companies are already using Quatrix. So let me know in the comment section the online survey plan you are using. If you would also like to have a Customized online survey tool like something that can be integrated to your website or Anywhere else, we can create a custom online survey tool for you. I hope this video was helpful Let me hear your opinion in the comment section below I seriously recommend that you take our course on academic writing with AI. You will not regret it Please check the link in the description box Remember to subscribe to my channel Also like it so that YouTube will share it with so many other people. Until next time, keep learning

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