Ultimate Football Manager 2024 Training Schedules: Comprehensive Guide
Discover the best training schedules for Football Manager 2024. From no game weeks to European fixtures, we've got every scenario covered. Download now!
The BEST FM24 Training Routines ULTIMATE Football Manager Guide
Added on 09/30/2024
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Speaker 1: So after several months, hundreds of requests, I finally got around to making the best Football Manager 2024 training schedules. Now, I apologise about the wait, but I release this video once every game cycle, so I have to make sure they're the best and hopefully you boys are going to absolutely love them. Be sure to leave a like and subscribe. Let's get into it. We're going to cover every single scenario. Let's do it. As a little heads up for anyone back at home that is confused how to load these in, I will say you can get all of the downloads over on the Patreon in the description below, where you can also get over 13 perks. If I remember, I'll put the additional perks on the screen right now because you get a lot of bang for your buck. Trust me on that one. But let's go to the schedule. You simply hit schedules. You click this down here and you go to import schedule and this is where it's going to bring up your Football Manager folder. You want to go down to where it says schedules. Click onto that and then this is where you're going to have all of my training literally from the ground upwards, where you've got a lot to go through. We've got a no game week, a pre-season one match, pre-season two match Saturday fixture, Sunday fixture, Thursday and Sunday, Tuesday and Saturday, Wednesday and Saturday, Wednesday and Sunday. We've catered for every possibility. Not many situations going to be out of what I'm going to provide you with today. So be sure to go over and download them or just because I'm not going to force people to go and do that. I'm going to show you every single setup obviously in the video as well. So purely if you want to go save a bit of time, show some love, you can do so. But let's go in and talk about we'll start things off from top to bottom. Let's start things off then with the no game week for when you, funnily enough, don't have a game as it says on the tin. We will actually click on one of these because I like this screen a little bit better. So we are going to go with Monday. This is what we're going to do. So we're going to have session one, S2, S3, et cetera, et cetera, whatever you want to say. We are going to go with overall attacking shadow play, defensive shadow play, cover and both elements really well there. Attack directs. We're also going to go with transition press. Now I will say very important you have got some rest in there. If you don't, your players are going to become injured very frequently and it will become a big issue. Match practice and team bonding and then another rest is going to come in as well with chance creation, chance conversion and overall coming in on the Thursday. I'm a big fan of having these back to back because it just makes sense to do so. On Friday we've got play from the back, team defending, which is going to be obviously team defending there and team defending engaged. Sorry, bit of a stutter there. Ball distribution units and routines partner with some rest on the Saturday because we have got quite an action packed Thursday and Friday. Next up on the Sunday we're going to have match tactics. Very important you have that in here. Very important. If you're going to change one thing, do not let it be that. With defending obviously as a team and attacking as a team as well. And that is going to be, you know, game week. So it's important in my opinion to get a lot of stuff in when you're not playing a game because you don't want your players becoming complacent, not really doing anything. So when you're not playing matches you need to cater for that and obviously provide them with quite a busy schedule. So we're going to confirm that in there and now we are going to go and import another schedule. Of course, going down into the schedules and we are going to load up the preseason one match for when you're in your preseason and you're playing one match. Pretty common sense, but thought I'd talk about it anyway. So as you can see, this is an example of it being on the Saturday. So on the Monday we're going to have quickness as a team and resistance as the team. And of course, recovery also very important in your schedule, especially after quite an intense couple of drills there. Tuesday overall as a team and then possession as a team. Now I will say with this, obviously it is very beneficial if you are playing this style of football. So definitely have that on. It's good to have regardless, but it's a really good thing to have. Ball retention as the units Wednesday, possession, physical and then recovery. I can't stress enough how important recovery is when it comes to training. So if you don't have it, you're not going to want to be part of your team. Trust me. Thursday attacking and then outfield as a team and then playing from the back again. Influences are not, you know, if you are going to play from the back, which majority of people do very important. You've got this selected on because, you know, it does improve the sort of chances of you not playing at 100% of the time. That's never possible, but just making you better at what you're obviously going to be taking into those games. Friday match tactics outfield as a team. Match focus set by default, obviously, is the team rest match and then rest. You can't physically change these. Obviously, you need to rest before and then after. Then on Sunday, instead of like a load of resting, I've got a double recovery session and then a rest. And that is going to be for your preseason one match schedule. Now, obviously, things do change a little bit when we obviously are going to be looking if, for example, when we are gonna be playing here in two games, obviously, you're not gonna have as many drills because we've got two match sessions. So, for example, on the Monday, I want to hit it quite hard. Physical outfield, then overall as a team, a very intense day. Tuesday we go again with attacking patient goalkeeping as well. Make sure you are doing stuff for your goalkeepers. Don't just think it's the least important position. You know, not do it. You need to be doing that. And the reason why I've got so heavy here on Monday and Tuesday is because by default we're gonna be rested on Wednesday. Then we're gonna have that match again and then resting again. And just in case in a little bit more help, I've gone with recovery is the first session on Thursday, playing from the back and ball retention. So nothing too ridiculous on the game after all the day after the match, of course, then Friday back at it again. Overall, as a team tactical approach as well. And then, of course, into the Saturday rest match, then rest. And on Sunday, quite a I would say a chill day because obviously they are still doing some work, but recovery, rest and then recovery again. And that's going to keep your players nice and fit and ready for the upcoming task. If you are going to have a game on the Saturday by itself, we are going to look at this right now. So we're going to go on the Monday with attacking direct units, team bonding. Again, this sort of stuff does help out big time. So make sure you are utilizing it. Don't think it's pointless because it definitely isn't. Then a little rest session there in the third slot. Tuesday attacking team, ball retention and routines. We're then going to go again on the Wednesday with ball distribution on this occasion, chance creation and then another rest. I like to have a couple of rests in here so we're not constantly all guns blazing to the point where the players physically have got no stamina left in the tank. Thursday, we're going to go with overall as a team defending from the front. We are then going to go with the communication outreach again. Not too many people actually back this. A lot of people always go with the team bonding. But honestly, I like to get this in here a little bit here and there because it is good to do. And obviously you can see here impacts the teamwork and the team cohesion gets slightly increased. So it's one of them things that brings the players together. As cheesy as it sounds, it does bring them together. On Friday, quickness as a team. The match tactics, of course, very vital considering you are playing on the Saturday. You don't have match focus by default as the team. The rest, the match and then the rest. That is going to be a match day done with then Sunday being recovery. Very important you do a match reviews to see where you went right, see where you went wrong. Very important you don't scrap that off. Have that in for sure. And then a little rest session to finish things off. That is going to be the example for obviously if you are playing on the Saturday. We are, of course, going to also cater for you on this channel. We cater for everyone on this channel. We're going to go back into the schedules and we are going to see what it's going to look like on the Sunday. So going into the Sunday, you are going to have the Monday being overall team defending as the team attack and patient units as well. Then because it's quite a heavy day on the Monday, a rest session to start things off with team bonding as the second option, then attack and direct units as the third option as well. Into Wednesday, attacking as a team, playing from the back. Again, really influential if you are going to be playing like this. Routines as a team, that just generally needs to be done anyway. With Thursday then being a bit more, you know, not as strenuous. Rest, chance creation and then back to the rest. With Friday then going into overall as a team defending from the front with chance conversion being a part. And this is something which I will say, when I have a conversion, you're also going to see a creation as well. Those two together should be being played very, very similar as in back to back days. With then the Saturday having a rest, match tactics really for the Sunday, then obviously match focus being provided for that last session. With a rest session before the match, obviously game day and then another rest session afterwards. What happens if you're in a European competition, you're playing Thursday and Sunday? Well, I've catered for that as well. So here we go then. So it is going to look a little bit different. Obviously, we have got two game days, so you can't have as much going on. So we are going to have attack and patient on the Monday with team bonding and routines. So not the most out there Monday. No one likes a Monday morning, do they? Let's just be honest. Tuesday overall as a team and tactical team with a rest session, because again, let's not forget we are playing a game Wednesday in this scenario. So rest there, rest on the Wednesday, match tactics. I meant a game on the Thursday. Sorry, a little bit of a brainwave there. Important to get your rest in is what I'm trying to say. So a rest on the Tuesday, rest on the Wednesday, match tactics, a lot of rest on the Thursday as well before the game and a rest afterwards. And because we are going to be heavy hitting back into a Sunday fixture, you can't really add too much in. To be honest, you can only really add in the stuff like the match review. So what we've done is we're hitting double recovery there, match review, recovery, rest, tactics, then obviously again, rest, match, rest. I know how hard it is obviously trying to manage a team when you're playing midweek and on the weekend. You can't really overcomplicate it. One of the biggest mistakes people do is they leave the training to one side, don't really think about it. And then they've got an intense training schedule alongside of such an aggressive calendar fixtures and your plays, but they can't hack it. They simply can't hack it, even the top players. So having this set out is going to make your players really well rested and educated for the next game. So we've done Thursday and Sunday. Let's now go and do Tuesday and Saturday. And again, as you can imagine, we are not going to have anything too strenuous on the Monday because Tuesday we have got a game. So it's going to be endurance as a team, match tactics to prepare to go into that game. We've then obviously the match focus, the rest, the game day and the rest as well. We've then Wednesday being focused on recovery, reviewing what happened on the Tuesday and in a little final bit of rest because, you know, it's been a busy couple of days. Then on Thursday, we're going to go with chance conversion, match practice and another rest. Well, Friday is going to be a little bit more intense, not too intense, though, because we obviously have had a couple of chilled out days before really attacking as a team, defending as a team with the match focus as a general team, with the rest, the match, of course, then rest after that with Sunday consistent of recovery, match review and rest. I will be honest after the games, this combo here is what you're going to see a lot in general. Of course, any video you watch because it is the go away is the way you should be playing. You need to recover as a team. You need to review what's happened as a team and you need a little bit of rest to make sure everyone's fit to go again. What happens if your game lands on Wednesday and Saturday? We're also going to cover that. Do not you worry. Do not worry. Don't you worry. We've got everything covered Wednesday and Saturday. So on Monday, we are going to have attacking direct as the units team bonding and community outreach. So not too much of a strenuous Monday. Really good stuff for the players in terms of get building them more of a tighter friendship, more of a bond, whatever you want to say, as in Tuesday is going to be rest to start with match tactics preparing for that Wednesday fixture, which obviously is going to consist then of match focus. Rest the actual match itself. Rest again with Thursday then be in the recovery. As we've seen before, match review and the rest. Now, because I want to obviously still make sure the training has some sort of use and we are still progressing the players on Friday, we're going to hit hard with attacking as a team, defending as a team with the match focus, the resting the match itself, the rest within Sunday being your go to recovery, match review and obviously the rest. This combo here is really, really good. You're doing a lot of stuff to bring the team together on the Monday. You're obviously preparing for the match on the Tuesday. You're playing on the Wednesday. You're recovering the team and going over the game on the Thursday. You're hitting hard Friday to obviously work attacking and defensively with the team. You got a little bit of match focus with some rest involved the game and then again on the Sunday recovery and that match review. You are literally ticking every single box. The last scenario, of course, would be Wednesday and Sunday, which we are going to load in and we are going to talk about some again. It's going to look very similar. I've gone with attack and patient. I've gone with team bonding and chance creation. So a little bit different. But of course, we do want to make sure we are sharp when it comes to creating the chances. The Tuesday is going to be the same as what we did sort of discuss. So a bit of resting, match tactics, match focus. Then on the game day, it has to be the rest, the match and of course, the rest again. The game after that or the day after that is going to be the Thursday recovery, match review and then the rest. As again, Friday, we take a bit of inspiration from the previous one I shoo by attacking as a team, defending as a team, then a little rest in the afternoon as we are going to rest again on the Saturday before we prepare for the match on the Sunday. A lot of stuff to talk about, a lot coming out of my mouth right now. But this is going to set you up very well for the Sunday. You've had attacking as a team, defending as a team before you even get into the match tactics. So you are progressing the players very, very well, getting them sharp on the ball. And then, of course, after that Sunday, we put you back through to a nice recovery stint. And that is going to complete for you every single scenario. So we have gone over pretty much everything you could ever imagine in the game. We've gone with no games preseason, one match, two matches. Now, obviously, if you are going to set up more friendlies and you organise them yourselves, you would simply replace some of the actual drills with recovery days. So that is going to be, you know, recovery, going over what's just happened and then a rest and session to make sure you're not overloading your players, because it does happen quite a fair bit. And what I will do to show you how you can actually import these fully is say, for example, preseason one match. So we're going to load this one in. So you can do this, obviously, by downloading them on the Patreon in the description. You can then hit save in the bottom right. My webcam is blocking it, but you will see an option which says save. Not save as, save. You click save. Nothing will come up on your screen. It will just, trust me, it's saved. Trust me. You then go to the calendar up here. And of course, preseason one match, you'll see it as an option I've already loaded. It will come under your custom schedules. You click it and it will load it in. And you can do this for every single one. Obviously, as you go into the season, literally every single time, filter, filter, filter, click this, import, custom schedules that you need to do. And the very annoying thing is you do need to go in and obviously import the schedule one by one and save it as if it's pretty much your own is the way I describe it. So for the Saturday, you need to load in a Saturday, click save in the bottom right, then go to your calendar and do it time and time again. But once they're done, they are done. It's going to help you out big time in your saves. Hopefully you've enjoyed this long awaited video. Be sure to leave a like, subscribe to the channel, keep the comments coming, what you want to see next. If you do enjoy rebuilds, by the way, come and check out the rebuild channel because we're posting once every two days on there as well. There's endless FM content, but enjoy the rest of your day and I'll see you in the next one.

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