Understanding the Data Protection Act: Key Principles and Updates
Explore the core principles of the Data Protection Act 1998 and its 2018 update, focusing on personal data protection, GDPR classifications, and privacy policies.
The 8 principles of The Data Protection Act GDPR
Added on 09/27/2024
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Speaker 1: Data Protection Act, 1998. The definition of Data Protection Act 1998 involves enacting the EU Data Protection Directive, 1995's provisions on the protection and processing of personal data. It was designed to protect personal data stored on computer systems. The Data Protection Act summary can be defined as these following core privacy principles. 1. Lawfulness, Fairness and Transparency.2. Purpose Limitation.3. Data Minimization.4. Accuracy.5. Storage Limitation.6. Integrity and Confidentiality, Security.7. Accountability. What are the 8 main principles of the Data Protection Act? Principle 1 Fair and Lawful Principle 2 Purpose Principle 3 Adequacy Principle 4 Accuracy Principle 5 Retention Principle 6 Rights Principle 7 Security Principle 8 International Transfers What are the 8 pieces of sensitive personal data as classified by GDPR? Under the GDPR rights, data is classified into two categories, i.e., personal data and sensitive personal data. 1. Biometric Data 2. Health Data 3. Genetic Data 4. Individual Data 5. Financial Data 6. Classified Information 7. Business Data 8. Web Data How many principles are there in the Data Protection Act 2018? The DPA 1998 has been updated to the 2018 legislation with seven principles designed as a foundation for organizations' privacy policies. Seven Data Protection Principles. The DPA 2018-1. Lawfulness, Fairness and Transparency 2. Purpose Limitation 3. Data Minimization 4. Accuracy.5. Storage Limitation 6. Integrity and Confidentiality, Security.7. Accountability. Don't forget to subscribe our channel.

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