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Servis pre automatizovaný prepis

Zvýšte efektivitu svojho pracovného procesu s automatickým audio prepisom od GoTranscript, ktorá ponúka rýchle a viac ako 96,2% presné konverzie z audia alebo videa na text.
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Od roku 2005: Využívané a dôverované viac ako 144 000 spokojnými zákazníkmi
Yale University
University of Oxford
The University of Chicago
Imperial College London
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Presnosť AI sa stretáva s ľudskou odbornosťou

GoTranscript ponúka jedinečný dvojitý prístup k prepisu. Vyberte si medzi rýchlymi AI prepismi a detailne orientovanou ľudskou prácou, aby ste získali najlepšie riešenie pre vaše potreby.

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Ako objednať automatizovaný prepis?

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Náhľad pred realizáciou objednávky

Nie ste si istí presnosťou AI? Kliknite na "Náhľad" vo formulári objednávky pre bezplatný 5-minútový vzorkový AI prepis. Zažite kvalitu na vlastnej koži bez akýchkoľvek záväzkov.

Vyberte Svoju Cestu

Vylepšite AI prepisu naším API pre korektúru, ktoré ponúka diskrétnu integráciu s tretími stranami a zvýšenú presnosť pre maximálnu hodnotu.

1. Spokojní s AI? Pokračujte!

Objednajte si celý AI prepis pre rýchlosť a dostupnosť.

2. Potrebujete ľudský faktor? Zaistíme to pre vás.

Zvoľte našich expertných ľudských prepisovateľov pre komplexné audio alebo keď je najvyššia presnosť nevyhnutná.

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Cenník služieb prepisu

Recenzie Služieb AI Prepisu GoTranscript:

verified icon Overená objednávka
“ I found the platform to be exceptionally easy to use, offering a seamless experience from start to finish. The service was not only timely but also impressively accurate, delivering results earlier than expected. The work itself was professionally executed, re... ”
Oct 14, 2024
verified icon Overená objednávka
“ The human transcription was 100% accurate. This is pretty amazing, especially since I did a test run of several leather online transcription services. The service and quality are outstanding! ”
Tina Talamantes
Oct 13, 2024
verified icon Overená objednávka
“ This worked fine because of the 24 hr chat for tech support. Would be easier if there were instructions though. I won't know the quality until I use this spanish caption with my client (crossing my fingers!). Thanks! ”
Joe Eudy
Oct 13, 2024
verified icon Overená objednávka
“ La verdad se me hizo un precio bajo el que invertir para poder ganar, aún sigo esperando un resultado pero tengo fé en que esto es bueno, hay muy buenas referencias respecto a esta labor. ”
Hector Rios
Oct 2, 2024
verified icon Overená objednávka
“ GoTranscript has made doing qualitative analysis much easier! The price is affordable for the very high quality service that is provided. I look forward to using them on my next set of interviews. ”
Sep 30, 2024
verified icon Overená objednávka
“ Very user friendly process from uploading to payment and team management. Cannot forget to mention the easy to use editor and a variety of format available to download your file. ”
Sep 24, 2024
verified icon Overená objednávka
“ I haven't used your service in a while so I am curious as to how it might have improved. I would like the ability to upload a glossary of terms if possible. ”
Liz Bullington
Sep 10, 2024
verified icon Overená objednávka
“ I've just transcribed my first video. The turnaround time and quality is really good. It missed a couple of technical terms but overall all the important details were accurately transcribed. ”
Amr Yousef
Sep 9, 2024
verified icon Overená objednávka
“ I haven't used customer support - this was my first time using and it looks great. I have a number of other files to get transcribed so I'll be using you again! ”
Catherine Martin
Sep 5, 2024
verified icon Overená objednávka
“ Very prompt efficient transcription. Accurate but with a few amendments needed. It was very easy to liaise with the Support team and these were done very quickly (in less than 2 hours) and efficently so that the final transcription was perfect. ”
Aug 20, 2024
verified icon Overená objednávka
“ Accuracy could be a touch better, but was still very good. We are very happy. The only suggestion I would have is to give the option to choose specialists who are familiar with niche verticals and the terminology therein. ”
Aug 13, 2024
verified icon Overená objednávka
“ I've used GoTranscript for various projects where I need interviews to be transcribed. GoTranscript delivers the most accurate transcriptions compared to other services and is always efficient. ”
Kayla Puente
Aug 6, 2024
verified icon Overená objednávka
“ As a university lecturer, my work involves a significant amount of research, lectures, and administrative tasks. Efficiently managing my time and ensuring accuracy in documentation is crucial. I have been using GoTranscript for the past year, and I am thorough... ”
Dr. Emily A.
Jul 25, 2024
verified icon Overená objednávka
“ Quick turnaround and very accurate. I did need to edit each of the transcripts, but that's completely understandable since the transcribers aren't familiar with some of the words/concepts/ideas of my dissertation research. I would definitely use this service a... ”
PhD candidate
Jul 10, 2024
verified icon Overená objednávka
“ Great fast results; hours of transcripts returned within a day's time. I've been using the AI transcription and it produces well with easily correctable errors. Thanks! ”
Renee Vita
Jul 9, 2024
verified icon Overená objednávka
“ Pros: Very fast turnaround. Reasonable price and a student discount was available. Some of the transcripts were excellent even though my participants spoke Malaysian English, which might not be so familiar to people outside of the region. I was able to request... ”
Individual PhD candidate
Jul 8, 2024
verified icon Overená objednávka
“ I got a unforeseen problem when time to submit all translations was anticipated, meaning I was at risk of losing my application deadline. Despite of having less than 3 working days the translation team manage to anticipated their deliver saving my course ap... ”
Guilherme Prado
Jun 26, 2024
verified icon Overená objednávka
“ I used this program for the first time and am very satisfied with the result. I am still in the process of reviewing the audio-visual aspect with the text document, but the result has been quite good and fast. However, I did not quite understand how the tran... ”
Jun 14, 2024
verified icon Overená objednávka
“ Si necesita transcribir una gran cantidad de audio, puede solicitar un descuento por volumen. GoTranscript también ofrece servicios de traducción, por lo que puede transcribir su audio y luego traducirlo a otro idioma. En general, GoTranscript es un servici... ”
David Arias
Jun 1, 2024
verified icon Overená objednávka
“ I was very pleased with the transcripts. I have used dictation in my work for 40 years. The accuracy was surprising. It usually takes weeks for transcriptionists to learn my speech and for reports to return in this clear and usable. ”
Kenneth Fuller, M.D.
May 28, 2024

Prečopatrí GoTranscript medzi najlepšie automatické prepisovacie služby?

AI prepis od GoTranscript, ktorú používajú popredné univerzity, ponúka rýchle riešenia a jednoduchý editor pre úpravy po doručení, maximalizujúc pohodlie a efektívnosť.
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Prečo používať AI prepis pre podnikanie?

Uľahčenie riadenia tímov, objednávok a nákupov pomáha ušetriť čas a peniaze.

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  • check icon Zvládanie a implementácia špeciálnych inštrukcií
  • check icon Lepšie platobné podmienky
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GoTranscript pre firmy

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API pre ľudský prepis

Zažite synergiu ľudskej presnosti a automatizovanej efektívnosti s našimi cloudovými API riešeniami pre nepretržité, presné prepisy a titulky.

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API pre korektúru AI prepisu

Zlepšite svojho AI prepisu s naším API pre korektúru, ktoré ponúka jemnú integráciu s tretími stranami a zvyšuje presnosť pre maximálnu hodnotu.

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