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Captions to Complete the Set of Teaching Tools for All Learning Styles of Students

Matthew Patel
Matthew Patel
Posted in Zoom Jan 18 · 18 Jan, 2021
Captions to Complete the Set of Teaching Tools for All Learning Styles of Students

There are a bunch of prominent theories on learning styles. Among many, there is VARK, which stands for “Visual, Aural, Read/write and Kinesthetic”. This theory proclaims that teachers could sort the students into those who learn best visually, through aural or heard information, through reading, or “kinesthetic” experiences. This is one of the most popular theories adopted by teachers word-wide.

These teachers tend to label the students into individual learning styles, adapt to their students, and let them know what learning styles they are. However, the thing is that some students just have fallen into certain study habits or particular means of information delivery. Are these the best habits or not, they are challenging to break.

However, critics of the theory claim that there is no single approach to effective learning. Some research claims that the subjects liked words or pictures better, not that words or pictures worked better for their memories.

Without delving too deep into theory, we believe that captioning of audiovisual study material may address all kinds of study preferences by the students. This would also hit several birds with one stone to manage students' preferences looking for visual or aural or textual content to study from.

Having content captioned is a great help for teachers, lecturers, and professors in academic and lifelong learning contexts. In times of technology and remote studying, we may offer teachers and teaching institutions an essential tool to enhance their quality and impact on education services by captioning audiovisual content and serving most of their students.