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Guide on How to Improve SEO with Podcast Transcriptions

Andrew Russo
Andrew Russo
Posted in Zoom Feb 27 · 28 Feb, 2021
Guide on How to Improve SEO with Podcast Transcriptions

Regarding search engines, Google is king. And it wants to know what you have uploaded to the internet to let it better decide whether it is worth being shown to the website's users. For this reason, among others (you can check some of them by clicking here), transcription is a kingpin of your podcast's and blog post’s discoverability success. 

Indeed, since 2019 Google is indexing podcast episodes, so you may not want to miss out on this one and add some good value to your effort by adding a transcription.

There are some simple steps to make a good transcription and make it of fair use for your podcast. 

1. Have your audio file prepared 

You may already have it on your computer, or you may need to download it from some platform you have recorded it in. 

2. Use Go Transcript transcription service 

It takes up to four hours to transcribe one hour of audio content. Or you can check the excellent value for money Go Transcript is offering for you! Send us the file, and we will send back the perfect podcast audio transcription. All the rest is just details.

3. Rank your content for keywords

Do your keyword research and look for the most used keywords in your podcast. See if your website is already ranking for some of these keywords or want some of the pages to rank for these keywords!

4. Upload content 


Upload the podcast, show notes, and the audio transcript to your website. This will strengthen the SEO (search engine optimization) performance of the page. 

Pro tip: already have some podcasts uploaded? Transcription may improve their discoverability, especially if their topical relevance has not diminished! 

5. Optimize the content


Add the selected keywords to your website's metadata, image alt tags, H1 tags. We recommend you to check out more on the internet on how to make excellent optimization of written content! 

6. Check page's indexing in the Search Console

Once the previous steps are done, let Google know of it! Go to Search Console and allow them to index the page by dropping an URL there. Check if the page is connected to your sitemap and Google whether Google crawls it. 

7. Does it work? 


You can find answers by annotating the changes in Google Analytics. Mark what page and when you have added/edited, so you can monitor the difference in data and gauge the effect of strengthened podcast SEO via transcription of your podcast. With these SEO strategies, your content will become a lot more SEO-friendly and increase organic traffic, reaching countless new potential listeners.