Learning how to export Premiere Pro is a necessary for any video editor out there, whether they’re a professional or simply someone with a hobby for editing. Of course, there’s no feeling more satisfying than finally being able to export your video.
The amount of time you have to wait for the exporting process to end can depend on the length of the video, the size of your file, and whether your computer has quick processing capabilities. Either way, seeing the final product makes the wait worth it!
But, to those who are new to the editing scene or just new to Adobe Premiere Pro, the process of exporting can be tricky. This guide will teach you exactly how to export premiere pro videos.
Review your project and make sure it’s ready for export
This is an important part of the exporting process that you should remember. It’s not uncommon for people to have made mistakes in editing and only realize once they have watched the final exported product.
So, before you hit that export button, make sure to double-check your work. Triple-check it, if you must. Maybe there’s one audio part that feels out of place, or you ended up forgetting to add some effects in one part of the video.
If you want to view your project better and on a bigger screen than the default setup of Adobe Premiere Pro, you can hover your mouse over the screen on the top right and then click the (`) key. You can also make it completely full by clicking Control + `.
Go to the Export window

Once you’re a hundred percent sure that your video is ready for exporting, go to File > Export > Media to bring up the Export window. You can also pull up the window by pressing Ctrl + M on your PC or Cmd + M if you’re using a Mac.
Before proceeding, you have to make sure to close any other applications you have opened. This ensures that the rendering process of your project is done smoothly and efficiently. If you’re unaware of how to export premiere pro projects properly, then this is one advice you should keep in mind.
Customize and adjust your Export settings
When you click on ‘Media’, it will bring up an ‘Export Settings’ box. Don’t click through immediately. The export options available to you in this window are incredibly important and can affect your final product.
The first thing you have to consider is your sequence settings. If you don’t know how to export premiere pro projects or are simply a beginner at editing, then sequence settings are basically preconfigured settings for a video sequence.
Are you uploading this video on a media platform like Youtube or Vimeo? Are you compressing the video down to quickly submit it to your client? Or are you planning on presenting it to a conference meeting?
The destination of your video is essential to determine what settings you should configure your video to. You can also choose from several presets that have already been installed with Premiere Pro and Media Encoder.

But you can also choose to bypass the custom settings by selecting Match Sequence Settings found at the top. This automatically exports your video with the exact settings of your sequence.
There are also other parts of your video export that you can customize such as Video, Audio, Captions, Effects, Publish controls, and Multiplexer. Make sure to check the Export Video and Export Audio boxes so that your file has both Video and Audio.
You can find at the bottom of the right panel the figure that shows an estimated of your project’s file size based on the current settings. This is helpful if you have to keep the video at a certain size or if your computer can only handle up to a specific size. You can also choose to customize the format of the video and make it fit your preferred size and quality standards.
If you want to know how to export premiere pro projects more efficiently, you can also check the Render at Maximum Depth box. Although it increases the time it takes to render, it ensures that Premiere Pro processes your video in the cleanest way possible.
Name your file and select its destination
Before exporting, make sure to properly name your file as well as your desired location so you won’t have to look everywhere on your computer to find your video. Click on the ‘Output Name’ that shows up as the default name for your project to change it.
One thing to keep in mind is that Adobe Premiere Pro will save your exports to the last location you saved another export to. If you’re working with multiple file folders, make sure to double-check which destination you set your export to, so you don’t end up saving it in the wrong place.
Export your video or send it to the queue

When you’re satisfied with the settings of your project, you can finally hit that ‘export’ button. There are two Premiere Pro export options available to you: Queue or Export.
The ‘Queue’ option works if you also have Adobe Media Encoder installed. Choosing this option transfers the export process to Media Encoder. This is usually the preferable exporting platform and is recommended for people working on several projects at once.
The Export option simply exports your video from that window. While it’s exporting this way, you would be unable to use Premiere Pro.
Save your custom settings

This isn’t necessarily part of the exporting process, but it is an important thing to remember. If you’re frequently using the same custom settings, you can choose to save it as a preset so you can simply select it the next time you’re exporting a video.
And that’s it. It can be pretty easy to figure out how to export premiere pro videos especially once you get the hang of it.