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How to Study More Efficiently?

Michael Gallagher
Michael Gallagher
Posted in Zoom Nov 22 · 23 Nov, 2015
How to Study More Efficiently?

Have you ever wondered how to study more efficiently? If you have, you've come to the right place! In this article, we'll tell you what the best ways to study better are! Scroll down, and treat yourself to some great tips!

Ways of Becoming a Better Student

The secret to being a good student doesn't lie in hard work. Instead, it has to do with knowing how to utilize your time and sharing your ideas in the best way possible! Please keep reading to find out what it takes to be a successful scholar.

Prepare Yourself and Your Environment for Studying

The most important thing to do before you start studying is to prepare yourself for the process. In other words, you should make a good study plan and stick to it! First, know what will help you learn better - searching for study groups and practice exams is a great idea! Then, choose when and where you'd like to retain info from textbooks and notes.

If you're prone to getting distracted - like most students are - the study spot you pick is super important. To avoid distractions, learn your test materials somewhere quiet! Instead of reading in front of the TV or with roommates around, hit the nearest library or coffee shop! Don't forget to think positively as you study - believe you'll ace those finals, and you will!

Organize Your Time, Quiz Yourself, and Use Your Senses!

Once your plan is set in stone, you should think about ways of studying smarter, not harder. Don't go over 400+ pages the night before your exam - instead, organize your time and study in shorter intervals! For example, read for about 30 minutes and take a quick 10-minute break. When you're done with your first study session, spend the next one testing your knowledge!

All successful students quiz themselves; they use anything from flash cards to mock quizzes for this purpose. Testing yourself is a great way to practice what you've learned, but only if your questions are diverse! Answering the same question over and over again won't do much for you. On the other hand, memory games will help you retain more info, and so will using all your senses!

Attend Your Lectures and Record Them!

It's not easy to stay focused during a lecture; trying to understand everything your teacher has to say while taking notes can be challenging! Many students struggle to write or type everything they hear from their lecturers. 

Instead of writing everything down, record your classes and hire a professional transcriber to make accurate and comprehensive transcripts of your recordings! By taping your lectures and getting them transcribed, you'll never again fail to take readable, complete notes because of sloppy handwriting or poor memory. Needless to say, listening to your records as many times as you wish is a fantastic way to study efficiently! However, reading them is even better and helps you learn faster!

How can you take notes of everything your teacher talks about in class? Instead of writing down all their words, record the lectures and prepare yourself for the upcoming finals with accurate transcripts!

Don't Write Your Ideas Down - Dictate and Tape Them!

Sometimes we get inspired while talking with friends or brainstorming with our colleagues. In times like these, it seems as if our minds are filled to the brim with 'aha' thoughts. But when it is time to put everything down on paper, the magic doesn't happen. 

Instead of writing down or typing what you have in mind, you could dictate and tape what you have to say! You may be surprised, but this is what a significant number of students do. Once they're done recording, they get their tapes transcribed, and that's it! They know they'll nail their exams because they have fantastic transcripts to learn from!

Do More Than Rereading Your Notes - Understand Them!

When it comes to studying from your own notes, rewriting them can help you memorize most of what you're reading. Outlining the sections that you need to learn is another excellent way of retaining information - it enables you to create a coherent read! Furthermore, you can also use your notes to teach a colleague about the wonders of the topic your exam is on!

All these methods of using the notes you have are spectacular. But what if you have to work with the ones your mate lent you? In this case, you can put them in your own words or, even better, make a voice recording of them so a professional can transcribe them for you! You'll be successful if you're an active learner and not one who rereads notes passively!

Get Your Recordings Transcribed, and Begin Studying!

Your work is half done if you're already enjoying the advantages of recording your lectures or ideas. Here's one last tip for you, though: don't transcribe your recordings yourself! It's an exhausting thing to do, and it's also time-consuming. It can take you about 10 hours to transcribe a 60-minute audio!

Being good in transcription takes practice, and you also need to have specialized equipment for the job. It's not the easiest profession in the world, that's for sure! That said, don't waste precious time trying to transcribe your recordings - let experienced scribes help you with your tapes, and start studying!