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How To Create A Global Content Strategy

Christopher Nguyen
Christopher Nguyen
Posted in Zoom Sep 6 · 6 Sep, 2022
How To Create A Global Content Strategy

Creating a global content strategy is essential for any business with an international reach. By developing a content strategy tailored to your specific global market, you can ensure that your content will be effective in reaching and engaging your target audience. There are four main stages in creating a successful global content strategy: preparation, research, planning, and execution. Let’s take a closer look at each of these stages. But first, let’s talk about a content strategy and why an international brand should focus on creating a global content strategy?


What Is a Content Strategy?

Content strategy is the process of planning, creating, distributing, and managing content to achieve specific business goals. This can include developing an editorial calendar, writing blog posts, and creating video content. The key is aligning your content with your overall business goals. Otherwise, you’ll waste time and resources.

With a little effort, you can develop a content strategy to help your business achieve its goals. If you’re not sure where to start with content strategy, there are a few key questions you can ask yourself. First, what business goals do you want to achieve with your content? Secondly, who is your ideal customer or target audience? Once you know the answers to these questions, you can start brainstorming ideas for content that will help you achieve your goals and reach your target audience. From there, it’s just a matter of putting together a content plan and executing it.

What Is a Global Content Strategy?

A global content strategy is an approach to content creation and distribution that considers the unique needs of international audiences. When developing a global content strategy, businesses must consider factors such as language barriers, cultural differences, and local search trends. By taking the time to understand the various challenges faced by international audiences, businesses can create content that resonates with users around the world. While developing a global content strategy can be challenging, the rewards can be considerable. A well-executed global content strategy can help businesses to reach new markets, build brand awareness, and drive sales.

Why Should an International Business Focus On Creating a Global Content Strategy?

There are several reasons why an international business should focus on creating a global content strategy. Let’s talk about the benefits of a global content strategy for an international company.

Not All Content Is Created Equal

A content strategy is vital for a business to have because not all content is created equal, and different content strategies might work in other countries. This is especially important for companies that are trying to expand their reach internationally. Different countries have different cultures, customs, and communication styles, so a one-size-fits-all content strategy is unlikely to be effective. Businesses must be aware of the differences and tailor their content strategy accordingly. A global content strategy can help companies to map out what content will work best in each country and tailor their marketing efforts accordingly. In today’s global market, a content strategy is essential for any business with international aspirations.

Reach More People

In today’s global marketplace, it’s more important than ever to have a content strategy that can reach an international audience. As the world becomes increasingly connected, businesses need to be able to communicate across borders and cultures. That’s where a global content strategy comes in. By creating content that is relevant and accessible to people around the world, you can ensure that your message is heard loud and clear. In a global economy, content is king. So if you want your business to thrive, make sure you have a content strategy that can take your message to the world.

Increase Brand Awareness Worldwide

If you want your business to be known by more people worldwide, then it’s always wise to create a global brand strategy.  Creating content relevant to people in different countries can help you increase brand awareness and build a global presence for your business. By crafting a content strategy that resonates with users around the world, you can ensure that more people see your brand than ever before.

How to create a global content strategy

Different Stages in Developing a Global Content Strategy

While the idea of creating a global content strategy can be a bit daunting, your international brand will be dead in the water without it. That is why if you want to create one, the best time to start is now. But don’t worry, we’ve broken down the process into five manageable steps to help you get started.

1st Stage – Preparation and Consultations

This stage focuses on creating clear goals for your global content strategy and brainstorming how you will structure and produce it.


To start off, you should consult with the people who will implement your global content strategy. You need to understand their goals and how they work now so that it’s clear what benefits there could be from implementing a new one in place of current practices. By being involved at every step along this process, agreed upon by all parties involved, individuals are much more likely to follow through on these plans due simply because everyone shares common interests, which makes someone want to do anything if he feels like his job depends upon it!


The decision to create, publish and maintain your global content centrally or decentralized will largely depend on how you want the worldwide audience of your brand to interact with it. A hybrid approach might be an option that provides some benefits from each type while still maintaining a consistent style across platforms.

A successful business relies heavily upon having good communication skills not just internally between employees but also externally where they engage customers/clients alike over social media networks such as Twitter etc., so consulting clients about their needs before making decisions can help businesses come up with solutions tailored specifically for them.

Translation and Localization

The key to producing high-quality content in multiple languages is creating and integrating the process from the start. This can be done by considering how you’ll implement and manage these tasks throughout developing your strategy, ultimately increasing efficiency and production quality overall.

An excellent way for businesses looking at globalizing their business through increased circulation or penetration across borders without losing functionality along the way would involve ensuring all aspects related to translations are planned out ahead. Hence, there aren’t any surprises that could have easily been avoided later down the line.


Global content strategy is no easy task, but with careful planning and an understanding of what you want to achieve in your industry or niche area, there’s nothing that can’t be accomplished. Take the time now while everything feels fresh on this new concept; make sure we know how it ties together (especially dates!) and who will own each piece along its journey from start to finish.

2nd Stage – Gathering Relevant Information

Now that you have a good understanding of your goals and how to achieve them, the next step is to gather relevant information related to your business and the people you desire to reach.

Understanding the Needs and Wants of Your Audience

Global content strategy is all about the people you’re creating your global audience for. So begin by identifying who they are, perhaps with some persona creation and understand how their consumption rate varies depending on what type of information or media it might be – then make sure that any goals in line with this target market will benefit most from using targeted channels like social networks as opposed to untargeted ones such as email newsletters!

Auditing Existing Content Assets

It’s essential to know the quality of your existing content to ensure that future efforts will meet a minimum standard. One way is by creating an inventory, auditing it, and then making any necessary improvements before translating them or updating old content with fresh new information- all this helps ensure high standards are maintained over time!

Checking Out the Competitors

What are your key competitors doing? Take note of their content and see if there’s anything you can learn from them. You may find that they’re creating more than just one type of channel, which might open up opportunities for new approaches with a scope tailored to fit what yours lacks (or vice versa).

3rd Stage – Laying The Foundations

Now that you already have a plan in place and know what your content will look like, the next stage will focus on creating and improving your strategy and ensuring it will be appropriately implemented.

Understanding User Journeys

Creating the perfect user journey is essential to developing a clear idea of how you want people to consume and move through your content. Picking out and preparing user journeys will allow you to push visitors toward a specific funnel you have prepared for them.

Mapping Out Your Content

Make your user journeys one step better by mapping out your content. By mapping out the type and format of content, you want to provide for each stage in your users’ journey and where that information will be published, consider how much localized data there needs to be. This way, when writing begins, it’ll already have been optimized with what’s required from localization tools!

Set The Foundations

It’s a good idea to think about all the practical aspects of creating content. Consider how you want your work organized, what type or style will be used for writing it (in either text form on paper), and whether there are any particular tags relevant in this field which can help give context when searching later down the line–and even considerations like where do I store my files?

4th Stage – Implementation

Set Your Global Branding Guidelines

Brand guidelines provide a clear template for content producers to create engaging, high-quality videos. They include details on the voice and tone of your brand as well as imagery that aligns with what you want in terms of looks & feel, so it’s easy to understand why these things are important or how they can help support goals.

Formats and Channels

Be clear about the types of content that should be created, which channels it will appear on and how they can help your business grow. You must understand that how content is presented might change depending on the channel. This means there will be channels where long-form content is preferred, and there are channels where people only have 2-5 seconds to spare for your content.

Localization and Translation

You can maximize your budget by providing guidance on the types of content that should be translated, localized, or transcreated. For example, it might benefit the team if you used a more automated approach like machine translation for social media feeds. In contrast, whitepapers may not need localizing but instead just have articles translated word for word into another language rather than written entirely new material in each country/region is covered, which would take up significantly less time overall as well give an authentic representation globally across all customer bases regardless if they are large enterprises or small businesses.

Processes and Workflows

To create a successful global content strategy, it is essential to have transparent processes for generating and collating ideas. The easiest way of doing this? Start with an outline that includes how you want your team members (or anyone else involved) can work together on different stages, including brainstorming new material or assessing where we currently stand in terms of our output! This includes everything from generating, collating, and evaluating ideas and going right through to creating, editing, approving, translating, localizing, and publishing content. You should also have a process in place for managing, storing, and archiving existing content.

5th Stage – Optimizing

Even if you already have a process in place that works, things won’t always be the same every day. That is why it is always good to have the means to measure the performance of your content and have processes in place for optimizing them.

Keeping Metrics

We know the importance of measuring your content’s performance so that you can avoid wasting resources on pieces that aren’t serving you. But what should we be looking at? There are many metrics out there today – from social shares to click-through rates and more – it’s difficult knowing where exactly to start when trying to measure different things with clarity for our goals in mind. To ensure success across all areas, remember how important this step is! This will help set relevant KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and keep focused on reaching those benchmarks while staying true to achieving them altogether.

Content Optimization

Your global content strategy should link back to your SEO efforts so that you can optimize pieces of published work before measuring its performance.

A global content strategy is vital for international businesses because it ensures that content is created and published in a way that is consistent with the brand’s voice and tone while also taking into account local preferences and customs. Creating a global content strategy includes understanding the company’s goals, developing formats and channels, localization and translation, processes and workflows, and content optimization.

An essential part of content optimization is understanding which metrics to measure to assess your content’s performance. Some critical metrics include social shares, click-through, and conversion rates. By understanding these metrics, you can ensure that your content reaches its intended audience and that you are getting the most return on investment for your content marketing efforts.

Creating a global content strategy can seem daunting, but by following these steps, you can ensure that your content is consistent across all channels and that you can reach your target audience no matter where they are in the world.