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We Are Proud to Announce the Expanded Range of Our Services

Christopher Nguyen
Christopher Nguyen
Posted in Zoom Aug 30 · 1 Sep, 2015
We Are Proud to Announce the Expanded Range of Our Services

Part of the modern industry of telecommunications and most recent high-technologies, transcription is a strong and sometimes not enough known branch of the service sector, which greatly helps in developing a global market and international businesses. When it comes to industry, in fact, it is important have the ability to be always well-organized and ready to all kinds of events, and, last but not least, to have all our materials always available for a quick last minute check. This is one of the reasons why the transcription and document editing industry is constantly growing.

Just in the United States, transcription services are provided by more than 44,700 agencies and private workers.

Being part of this successful and helpful industry, our company is proud to be competitive and updated in its sector, as well as to be experiencing a period of growth and changes at the same time. New orders and, with them, new kinds of needs arrive almost on a regular basis.

What does it mean? It means that, as it always happens in technological sectors, new needs determine a wide range of changes which go from the kind of work and workers involved in the process to the kind of possible services provided by a specific company.

In our situation specifically, the biggest change is related to the growth of markets which developed new kinds of conversations and interactions. These interactions aren’t limited to local languages but cross limits of regions and countries, becoming international and often multilingual.

At the beginning, the most used and almost the only language required (except for local languages) was the English language due to the fact that it was helpful, mainly in the international business, to have a paper version of an interview, a conversation, a phone call, recorded in order to be able to check it once again later or in the future.

With new rhythms of the industry, business world, and communication needs, the demand to be able to have easy access and to support not just our limited range of local languages but to also numerous other kinds of possible communication means, became stronger day by day. That is the reason why and also the way how we ended up enlarging our services to many new languages such as:

- Arabic,
- Bosnian,
- Chinese,
- Croatian,
- Dutch,
- English,
- Filipino,
- French,
- German,
- Hindi,
- Italian,
- Japanese,
- Lithuanian,
- Macedonian,
- Polish,
- Portuguese,
- Romanian,
- Russian,
- Serbian,
- Shona,
- Spanish,
- and Turkish.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us for any further information, and come to know much and much more about our helpful services!