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What Is the Relationship Between Transcription and Translation?

Michael Gallagher
Michael Gallagher
Posted in Zoom Dec 25 · 27 Dec, 2015
What Is the Relationship Between Transcription and Translation?

Transcription is the process of making an RNA copy of a gene sequence. Translation is the process of translating the sequence of a messenger RNA molecule to a sequence of amino acids during protein synthesis. So, the relationship between the two processes is that they are both involved in protein synthesis and that transcription is first, then translation is second. Ultimately, this is all we know about transcription and translation in terms of genetics. Read on if you want to understand more about transcription and translation when we talk about services.

Whether it’s a public speech, interview, market research or financial report, if you hope for your message to reach an audience as wide as possible, you should consider transcribing and then translating it to your target languages. So, here we go!

The Transcription

Just like in genetics, transcription is necessary to happen first. It is, according to Merriam Webster, the act of making a written, printed, or typed copy of words that have been spoken. Having a documented text format of your audio and video files is utterly necessary for businesses, for example. It is a pragmatic way to keep track and understand better what is being said. If you liked the idea, plan carefully as it takes lots of time for anyone inexperienced in transcription to turn an audio record into a clear text document. Tip: leave this tiring and tedious task to our professional transcriptionists who guarantee confidentiality, accuracy and the highest of quality.

The Translation

Once you have a ready and proofread transcript, you can proceed further with translation. It is basically the act of changing one language into another. However, in practice it is not simply changing words into their equivalents in different languages. Quality translation involves knowing the context and cultural background from which the words in the original text came, and then choosing words and phrases in the new language which will best convey the substance and meaning of the original in a new and different cultural context. Unless all this happens, the message may get misinterpreted or even lost. Moreover, if you are going to invest resources for this service, make sure you seek for the best timing, simplicity and audience adaptation.