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What Makes Strong International SEO

Andrew Russo
Andrew Russo
Posted in Zoom Sep 5 · 6 Sep, 2022
What Makes Strong International SEO

International SEO is becoming more and more important as businesses look to expand their reach to new markets. By optimizing your website for international search engines, you can tap into these new markets and see a significant increase in traffic and sales. However, international SEO is not easy – it requires a different approach than standard SEO, and many pitfalls can trip you up. 

This article will discuss international SEO, why it’s essential, and some strategies and best practices for doing it right.

As the world becomes more connected, businesses are looking to expand their reach beyond their local markets. This is especially true for online companies, which can sell to customers anywhere with the click of a button. However, simply setting up a website and hoping for the best is not enough – you need to optimize your site for international search engines if you want to attract traffic from these new markets.

International SEO is not easy, but it is essential if you want to reach your full potential as a business. You can ensure that your international SEO efforts pay off by following some simple best practices.

What is international SEO, and why is it important?

It is safe to assume that we have a good understanding of what SEO means. But just for those who are still catching up, SEO is the practice of optimizing a website to rank higher in search engine results. This is done through multiple methods with a mixture of highly optimized pages, good keywords, and excellent backlinking. As the name suggests, international SEO is the practice of optimizing a website for international search engines.

International SEO is important because most internet users do not speak English, and even if they do, they may not use English when searching for products or services online. In fact, according to a study by Common Sense Advisory, only 25% of internet users spoke English as their primary language in 2011. This number is even lower when you consider that not everyone who speaks English as a second language will use it when searching online.

If you want to tap into the international market, you need to optimize your site for international search engines. 

However, international SEO is not as simple as translating your content into different languages. If you want to rank higher in international search engine results, consider many other factors.

How do you optimize your website for international search engines?

There are many ways to optimize your website for international search engines, but the most important is to target the right keywords. You need to know which keywords are used in global searches to do this. There are a few ways to find this information.

One way is to use Google AdWords Keyword Planner. This tool allows you to research keywords and get data on international search volume. Another way is to use a tool like SEMrush, which provides global search volume data.

Once you have a list of international keywords, you need to optimize your website for these keywords. This means creating internationalized content, building international links, and doing everything to rank higher in international search engine results.

While international SEO is not easy, it is essential if you want to reach your full potential as a business. You can ensure that your international SEO efforts pay off by following some simple best practices.

What are some common pitfalls of international SEO?

A few common pitfalls businesses can fall into when doing international SEO. The most common is targeting the wrong keywords. It is essential to do your research and target the right keywords used in global searches. This can result from a lot of things, but the most common one is mistranslations. Many businesses think a direct translation of their slogan or catchphrase can work on the international market, but sadly that is not the case.

Another common mistake is not translating your content correctly. Make sure to translate your content into the languages your target market uses. Translations without thinking about context can result in terrible content. Google translate is not a good tool for international SEO.

Finally, make sure to build international links from high-quality websites. This may not be easy to do depending on your niche, but there are multiple ways. A straightforward way is to contact local influencers or blog owners for a link to their site in the form of a review or advertisement.

By following these simple tips, you can avoid common mistakes and set your business up for success in the international market.

What are some tips for succeeding with international SEO?

  • Do your research and target the right keywords
  • Translate your content properly
  • Build international links from high-quality websites
  • Avoid common mistakes

International SEO is a complex and ever-changing field. Still, by staying up-to-date on the latest trends and best practices, you can ensure that your website is visible to international audiences. By following these simple tips, you can set your business up for success in the global market.

What are some common trends in international SEO?

Some common trends in international SEO include using hreflang tags, international link building, and creating localized content. Let’s talk about each one.

Using Hreflang tags

If you want your website to rank well in search engines internationally, it’s vital to use hreflang tags. Hreflang tags tell search engines which language your website is written in and where it should be ranking. For example, if you have an English website aimed at a US audience, you would use the hreflang tag “en-us.” This tells the search engine that your website is in English and should be ranked for US users. If you have a French website aimed at a Canadian audience, you will use the hreflang tag “fr-ca.” This tells the search engine that your website is in French and should be ranked for Canadian users. 

Using hreflang tags is an essential part of international SEO and can help ensure that your website appears in the correct search results for your target audience.

International Link Building

Link building involves acquiring links from other websites back to your own. These links help Google and other search engines understand your website’s relevance and authority on a given topic. International link building can be an effective strategy for a website to rank high in search engine results pages (SERPs), especially with other SEO tactics. 

For international link building to be most effective, it’s crucial to target high-quality websites relevant to your audience and have high authority. This ensures that the link juice (i.e., the power and authority) is passed on to your website, helping you to improve your own SERP ranking. Additionally, it’s essential to build relationships with the web admins of these sites to make sure that the links are not only placed but also remain active over time. You can ensure that international link building is an effective tool in your SEO arsenal by taking these steps.

Creating Localized Content

Several ways creating localized content can be effective in international SEO. One way is by helping your website rank for relevant keywords in different countries. If you target keywords specific to a particular country, you’ll be more likely to appear in search results for users in that country.

Additionally, localized content can help you build trust and credibility with potential customers in other countries. By providing relevant and valuable information tailored to their needs, you’ll be able to show them that you’re a reliable source of information.

Finally, localized content can also make it easier for people in other countries to find and navigate your website. If your website is easy to use and provides the information they’re looking for, they’ll be more likely to keep coming back. Creating localized content is an integral part of optimizing your website for international audiences.

Using Professional Translators to Create Localized Content

Professional translators can help you create localized content that accurately reflects your brand voice and message while also considering the nuances of the target language and culture. Localization is about more than just translating the words on a page – it’s about creating meaningful and relevant content for your target audience.

A professional translator will consider these factors when creating localized content, ensuring that your message comes across loud and clear. In addition, they can also help you navigate the ever-changing landscape of cultural norms and sensitivities, ensuring that your content remains respectful and inclusive. There’s no substitute for working with a professional translator to create localized content.

Where to Find Professional Translators

If you’re looking for a professional translator to help you create localized content, there are a few places you can look. One option is to search online directories, such as the ones maintained by the American Translators Association or the European Union of Associations of Translation Companies. You can also search online job boards, such as ProZ or Upwork.

Another option is to contact language schools or universities in your area and ask if they have any graduates interested in working as freelance translators. Finally, you can reach out to local businesses that work with international clients and ask if they have any recommendations. By taking the time to find a qualified professional, you can be sure that your content will be accurately translated and tailored to your target audience.