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Word Count on Your Website - Why It Matters and How to Expand It

Matthew Patel
Matthew Patel
Posted in Zoom Feb 7 · 10 Feb, 2023
Word Count on Your Website - Why It Matters and How to Expand It

Finding a desirable and achievable word count mainly depends on your target audience and the content you cover. The task can seem daunting, especially for content creators who have to set the parameters themselves. 

There is no wrong or right when it comes to word count. However, there is what works with different audiences, goals, and content. Using a word counter can be helpful to writers who have a strict window of words on their websites or articles. This article will help you understand how word count impacts your business.

Does Word Count Matter?

Different goals can necessitate varying word counts. If you want to improve the Search Engine Optimisation of your website, this requires you to have higher word counts through lengthier posts averaging 2300 words. Lengthier posts allow the search engine algorithms enough content to go through and clearly understand your content. The long posts allow enough keywords for you to relay your content.

In contrast, websites looking to engage with their audience more, either by sparking up a conversation or picking their brains, will prioritize content with less word count. This content averages a word count of 1,200 words. It allows the writer to leave the readers with questions or answers in their minds that they will feel compelled to share through comments and share the post as well with friends.

Content creators doing journalistic work or those interested in gaining more followers on social media platforms prefer an average word count of around 700. With this amount, the reader can quickly read through your post or content without feeling overwhelmed by many ideas and still relate enough to want to share with friends and family.

Quality vs. Quantity

Quality, in this case, is usually associated with fewer, more impactful words, while quantity denotes more words to stress an idea or opinion. Again, there need not be a right or wrong way, just a preference. Most websites prefer quality over quantity as, ideally, that means spending less time and resources on producing large volumes of content. Instead, they produce less content for similar or more value. 

Depending on the niche the website covers, sometimes quantity may work more to your advantage, as quality can be very subjective. Quantity at this level would mean that your website has more content, covering a more exhaustive range of topics, increasing the probability of reaching a wider audience.

A middle ground between quantity and quality would be best to ensure frequent engagement with your audience and offer them helpful content. This will allow your website to reach a larger audience without feeling restricted to a word counter.

Whenever your word count falls short, you can solve this by emphasizing the crucial ideas, giving relatable examples, and creating personalized introductions and conclusions that allow you to set the tone and get your readers acquainted. Once done, a reliable and accurate word counter is ideal, especially when you desire a high level of accuracy.

Get Started!

The key to great content that will eventually monetize itself is to enjoy what you write for your website. GoTranscript offers a word counter that allows writers to express themselves freely while meeting their desired word count. It will help you bridge the gap between quality and quantity.