Subtitles and Closed Captioning Services

Enhance accessibility and audience reach with GoTranscript's precise subtitles and closed captioning services for all media formats.

Since 2005: Used & Trusted by 144,000 Satisfied Clients

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Breaking Language Barriers: Why Subtitles and Captions Matter

Subtitles and closed captions are not just accessibility tools; they are gateways to wider audience engagement. They play a crucial role in making content accessible to the deaf and hard-of-hearing community, as well as non-native speakers.

Accessibility Meets Accuracy: Our Commitment to Quality Subtitling

By utilizing our services, content creators can enjoy the benefits of increased accessibility, which broadens audience reach; enhanced comprehension for viewers, regardless of their native language; and compliance with legal requirements for accessibility in various countries and platforms.

check mark 99% Accuracy
check mark Cost Efficiency
check mark 100% Human-Generated Transcriptions
check mark Exceptional Quality Assurance
check mark Tailored to Your Needs
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Hearing Every Voice: Success Stories in Subtitling and Captioning

A key project involved providing subtitles and closed captions for a popular international series. Our services enabled the show to reach a broader global audience and receive accolades for its inclusivity and accessibility.

Frequently asked questions

Subtitles and closed captions are crucial for making content accessible to a wider audience, including the deaf and hard-of-hearing community and non-native speakers. They play a key role in breaking language barriers and enhancing viewer comprehension.

Our services increase accessibility, broadening audience reach; enhance viewer comprehension, regardless of language proficiency; and ensure compliance with accessibility requirements on various platforms and countries.

Subtitles and captions enable viewers from different linguistic backgrounds and those with hearing impairments to engage with content, thereby expanding the content's reach and inclusivity.

A key project involved providing subtitles and closed captions for a popular international series, enabling it to reach a broader global audience and receive accolades for inclusivity and accessibility.

Clients appreciate our precision and commitment to quality in subtitling and captioning, noting the significant role our services play in enhancing accessibility and reaching diverse audiences.