Cost estimate

Create same-language captions for your video

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Recording length
Language Language
other languages other languages
Text format Text format
question mark
question mark
Turnaround time Turnaround time
+ Estimated cost
Most popular
Number of speakers Number of speakers
Low quality
Low-quality audio
Heavy accent
question mark
+ Additional cost
Ensure the best outcome
Only +$0.30
Timestamping Timestamping question mark
Open captions Open captions question mark
Total price:
* open captions cost $10 per file

Captioning is the process of converting the audio content of a broadcast, film, video, live event, or other production into text and displaying the text on a screen or monitor. Captioning enables those who are hearing-impaired to benefit fully from media materials.

Captions are meant for hearing-impaired individuals who can view video images but can't hear the soundtrack. Captions communicate the video's spoken content, song lyrics, and "atmospherics," or sound effects that are part of the story.
Subtitles are intended for viewers who can hear the audio but can't understand the language spoken. Subtitles are trickier because they translate the nuances of a spoken and written language into the viewer's language.

All of our translators/transcribers sign a Confidentiality Agreement. We respect our clients' privacy; therefore, we give clients the option to personally remove completed transcriptions from our database. The data is completely removed from the computers of our translators/transcribers as well.

We at GoTranscript completely understand the importance of accuracy in captions. That's why we always aim for 99% accuracy.
We start by hiring only the best. We then employ a system of reviews and checks to ensure quality and accuracy. Our staff have no less than 5 years of transcribing experience, so you can be sure your audio files are transcribed with great care and attention to detail.

Unlike your typical captioning agency, GoTranscript provides clear, per-minute pricing with no add-on charges or minimums. Captioning rates start at $1.58 per minute.

How it works?

Step 1
Estimate Cost
Cost for your project
Step 2
Upload Files
Easily via Web, link or application
Step 3
Pay Online
With major credit card, debit card, or PayPal
Step 4
Get Your Files
Delivered via email
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